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The Coolest Tree In Standard - Destroying FNM

Standard BGW (Abzan, Junk) Combo Control FNM



Seasons Past is a brilliantly powerful card, in tandem with tutor effects, such as Dark Petition. Here's the combo:

These two cards form the basis of the deck's combo. From here, we need three things that all control decks contain in order to wreck some FNM: control spells, card advantage, win conditions.



  • Read the Bones is the glue that holds this little masterpiece together. Losing two life is almost never relevant and when it is, you probably would not have survived with the added cards anyway. We need this to dig for key removal and combo pieces. I have considered Painful Truths in this slot, but having all three colors by turn three is no guarantee. I would much rather guarantee the full effectiveness of a debate-ably weaker spell than risk an expensive Sign in Blood.

  • Seasons Past: Infinite draw engine, requiring only more turns of the game to fully utilize. Namesake card and reason we sleeve up the deck.


  • Shambling Vent, Hissing Quagmire: Manlands are instrumental in any long game. Gaining life is great and slamming away big fatties with Deathtouch is often useful as well. These guys go from minor damage to a worrisome clock in a hurry when you add one or two...

  • Sylvan Advocate: After lots of testing, this card has proven fantastic in basically every game he does not get exiled. He hits hard on his own, he makes our manlands MUCH more threatening. We also cast Ruinous Path for its Awaken cost often, thus our 4/4 becomes a 6/6 haster which is almost worth the eight mana by itself (seven mana to cast with Awaken, one mana to use the land that was just Awakened to attack). Even if our opponent hates out or beats to the point where they kill off both our Sylvan Advocates AND our manlands, we can get one of each back with a single Seasons Past and get the beats going again next turn.

  • Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet: I did not want to believe the hype behind this guy, blaming the crazy $30 price tag on its relevance in modern. If you can afford it, play with this guy in every black deck you sleeve up. Utter house in nearly every single matchup. He dies to a lot of removal, but his impact on a game where he can dodge a quick removal spell is immense. He gains life, he widens your board OR hightens your board, he hoses death triggers and graveyard interactions. I want to see this guy every game, preferably cast after seeing the opponent's hand and/or drawing out their removal on a different threat.

  • Ob Nixilis Reignited: This is a replacement for the fourth Dark Petition in order to hedge against large creatures that dodge Grasp of Darkness, Ultimate Price, and Languish which is a concept deckbuilders are catching onto. Dragonlord Silumgar , The Gitrog Monster, and Reality Smasher are common examples of creatures that give our removal package trouble. With just how frequently I needed to Dark Petition into Ruinous Path to stomp these threats, it simply makes more sense to back that up with a Planeswalker. He'll draw us into more cards and possibly win the game if unanswered, via his ultimate.

  • Sorin, Grim Nemesis: This guy staying on board for an untap step usually signs the writ of pwnage to be mailed to our opponent's side of the table. We can protect him easily and he generates the card advantage to assist us in doing so. Kills creatures and Planeswalkers by himself, while also gaining some much-needed life in a pinch. Going to the graveyard is no problem because Seasons Past decks rarely have more than one six drop in the graveyard to bring back. Total nightmare for the opponent, when played to an empty or nearly empty board. Almost never ultimate because of how easy it is to ignore a pile of 1/1 Lifelinkers with a flier, Declaration in Stone, heck, our own Virulent Plague out of the sideboard negates this strategy. I have never once used the ultimate off of Sorin, Solemn Visitor and I am pressed to see a scenario in which I would. Winning with this card is to use his +1 to draw and make our opponent lose life. I would love to see some more input on the matter, if anyone would like to share a different viewpoint.


Updates Add

Updates assisted this deck in going over the top of most other lists. Lost to my miss-sideboarding against Mono U Brain in a Jar. Virulent Plague is a MUST against that deck and I completely missed that, like a noob. Also lost to some Madness Vampires, but I chalk that one up primarily to variance. I also have little sideboard against a deck such as this because of its lack of prevalence in the meta, but that issue is mostly negated because the game one against Madness Vampires is in our favor to begin with. Both losses were very close, while two wins (once against RG Aggro and once against UR Ramp) were very favorable matches, and one win was fairly close, against UB Demonic Pact, also a deck I don't feel the need to prep the sideboard for. This is more because it is such a fringe deck, than the fact that our matchup is so favorable.

Not entirely sure if Declaration in Stone is worthwhile in the main. Will test this further. The loss of Nissa's Renewal was not nearly as bad as I had thought it would be. The second Sorin, Solemn Visitor performed very well. Only once did I prefer the Nissa's Renewal and that was a fringe need, while the planeswalker answers a much greater diversity of situations.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Splash colors WG

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 4 Rares

7 - 4 Uncommons

10 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.26
Tokens Clue, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Vampire Knight 1/1 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Other Users Decks I Like, possibility, Standard decks, Cool Ideas, Interesting Build, Seasons Past, FNM DECK
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