Every time I test this deck I keep getting to the point were I have no cards in hand and about 15 mana every turn. I guess I'll fill this deck with some fat colorless creatures.
March 18, 2012 4:01 a.m.
There's no reason you can't be hard casting eldrazi gods like Emrakul, the Aeons Torn . Also I'd get those Wurmcoil Engine s in there for sure. It's too good of a card not to include. I'd probably drop the Platinum Emperion s for them.
An alternate win condition you can consider that pairs up amazingly with Darksteel Plate is Worldslayer funny enough. Get that creature through once and its almost impossible to recover. Maybe find room for Ornithopter or Signal Pest to add some evasion to the equasion? Oh if you really like the platinum creatures a Platinum Angel is perfect.
I dunno.. I don't really feel like you're putting the insane mana accel that tron offers to use by dropping modular creatures. In my eyes this is a deck that is designed to drop the fattest of the fatties as fast as it can manage.It That Betrays is absolutely cruel if you're running a more annihilator based deck. Blightsteel Colossus would be near impossible to stop. Then to help ensure they stay out when you draw into them play Spellskite to draw away Oblivion Ring s and other forms of exile.
March 18, 2012 4:58 a.m.
If you want you could add a bit of black and/or blue to toss in Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas or Tezzeret the Seeker they both act as card draw essentially and the agent is a great late game bomb in this type of deck, even as a sideboard option
March 18, 2012 10:53 a.m.
UmbrotheUmbreon says... #6
Darksteel Colossus and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn need to be thrown in here as well.
March 18, 2012 3:59 p.m.
First playtest, hard casted Blightsteel Colossus on turn 5.
March 18, 2012 4:58 p.m.
Theophilus says... #12
You could probably drop Worldslayer & Darksteel Plate (or at least 2 fewer plates), for more Eldrazi Conscription and All Is Dust . Also, drop a Buried Ruin for an Eye of Ugin . Also, you could call it something like The Cruelty of the Elder Gods. +1
March 18, 2012 8:01 p.m.
Ok, I added two Eye of Ugin . I'm not going to add Darksteel Citadel , because he doesn't really add anything to this deck accept another artifact card. Which I don't need since I'm not trying to take advantage of the amount of artifacts on the field.
@Theophilus I really need those Buried Ruin s so I can fish my Expedition Map out of the graveyard for multiple uses. Eldrazi Conscription on Darksteel Myr is too good. Also, great name! I shall us it.
March 18, 2012 8:13 p.m.
hmmm, Darksteel Colossus is a one drop and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is a two drop. I'm lost.
March 18, 2012 8:15 p.m.
Theophilus says... #15
Ah, yes, didn't realize that. This deck is pure win, the only problem I had was turn 4 I had the mana to drop a fatty or a conscription, but I had none in hand. Also, I'm throwing a friend request at you because your decks are crushingly good and I want notifications when you build.
March 18, 2012 8:35 p.m.
Thanks! I've only been playing magic for seven months now. I think I'm just on a lucky streak with decks right now. The most important thing for me is to build original decks. Though I'm not sure if anyone has come up with a similar deck. I just hate building something that has already been done, because I feel like I'm stealing. I can't wait until I get some money saved up so I can buy these Modern decks that I've been flooding this site with. I tried to play standard, but it doesn't let me build the decks I want.
March 18, 2012 8:44 p.m.
The thing that get me in this deck is how consistent the ramp is. It's only possible with Buried Ruin and Expedition Map . Otherwise, I would be manascrewed all the time.
March 18, 2012 8:51 p.m.
Theophilus says... #19
Just seven months, huh? You're quite good for seven months. I've loved most of the decks you've posted deck:no-one-wants-to-play-with-me is great. I've still got just 16 ways to drop something scary...perhaps one or two more Eldrazi; like maybe Kozilek, Butcher of Truth or Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre ? or you could do Skittering Invasion for blockers since mana isn's a problem, but you need little blockers. I just hit up Gatherer, did you look at Eldrazi Temple for mana?
Sorry for the rant. This isn't a very coherent or integrated collection of statements.
March 18, 2012 9:01 p.m.
I think Eye of Ugin is just better than Eldrazi Temple and I think that is the only card I would be willing to trade for it. My mana base is getting very close to a finished product.
March 18, 2012 9:10 p.m.
Theophilus says... #21
Fair enough. Your Urza lands are already more efficient than the temple would be. I'mma retest this.
March 18, 2012 9:16 p.m.
XD I've tested this deck about a thousand times now. It makes me laugh.
March 18, 2012 9:22 p.m.
Theophilus says... #23
Are you playing it anywhere? Spawnsire of Ulamog would be good with a sideboard of Eldrazi. Win at ALL the FNM!
March 18, 2012 9:29 p.m.
Nope. I currently don't have the money to buy this deck yet. And the current job I have keeps me from going to FNM since the only time I have off is from 8am to 1pm. Makes me sad.
Spawnsire of Ulamog ... Interesting, might have to build a deck for this.
March 18, 2012 9:33 p.m.
my opponents would get really sad if they saw me actually hard cast his last ability.
KorApprentice says... #1
Tezzeret's Gambit
can be cast for colorless and it is pretty ridiculous with Modular, especially if you already have 3 or 4 creatures with counters on them before you cast it.
March 18, 2012 2:55 a.m.