The Crusade

Modern* JamesKrell


March 9, 2012

I've changed the idea of the deck. I've been playing it a lot, and have found the best part of the deck is the Crusaders. I've started building my deck around them. Firstly, I'm running 4 of each, instead of only two phyrexian crusaders. I'm putting back the Elite Inquisitor because he works well with the deck theme now. I'm adding Silver-Inlaid Dagger because +2/+0 (or +3/+0 with humans) works really well with First Strike.

Bitterheart Witch is a must for the curses...

If you're playing Despise, you need to side in Surgical Extraction for combo decks. Emtomber Exarch is a good discard utility creature as well.

Suture Priest and Blood seeker are good 2 drops, so is Grand Abolisher, for control decks.

Swords would be a great add since you're playing both of the Crusaders...

March 4, 2012 12:20 a.m.