The Cryptic Grave of a Gurmag Swamp

Pauper gpv_builder


gpv_builder says... #1

Check it and let me know what you think. Gameover209X & Muneco

February 23, 2016 2:31 p.m.

Hi! Here are my suggestions: I think Chainer's edict isn't pauper, you can try Geth's Verdict. I dont like cycling lands. I'd choose Golgari Rot Farm / Jungle Hollow; 1 Barren Moor X Bojuka Bog always. I wouldn't choose to gain life, I'd rather return creatures, kill opponents creatures and/or destroy artifacts, enchantments and or lands. I wouldn't use blue permanent here, instead I'd use one more Predatory Nightstalker/Crypt Rats, for example. Good for Krosan Tusker & for the deck general idea!!!

February 24, 2016 3:54 p.m.

gpv_builder says... #3

ClubToDeath_Unsummon_Legend Thanks for the suggestions. I forgot to mention this deck is for MTGO where vintage masters set added a bunch of previously uncommon cards to common/pauper format. Chainer's Edict being one of them, along with Predatory Nightstalker. I do like the idea of Geth's verdict for a replacements for Chainer's Edict when Chainer's Edict isn't pauper legal.

I'll have to try substituting cycle lands for Jungle Hollow, since I do see Tilling Treefolk not really adding that much synergy.

The blue permanent I think is a mush however, since it allows for an infinite loop as long as the graveyard doesn't get exiled. Can use Death Denied to return X creatures, two of which being Crypt Rats and Scrivener, then can play Scrivener to return Death Denied, play Crypt Rats to board wipe, then repeat until Krosan Tusker is biggest and only creature on the board or until victory.

Gnaw to the Bone is almost free to have in the deck. It doesn't hurt having 1 in main deck since a lot of the time it'll get milled, and even if it doesn't, gaining on average 15-25 life for 3 manna is never a bad idea when Crypt Rats are bleeding all players (including yourself).

February 24, 2016 4:10 p.m.

gpv_builder says... #4

ClubToDeath_Unsummon_Legend never mind, I take that back about cycling lands. I just remembered Tilling Treefolk can also bring back Haunted Fengraf, Quicksand, Island or Bojuka Bog, which all can be essential at some part of the game. The cycling lands are meant to make Tilling Treefolk not bust in the early game when the graveyard is being built up and useful in the mid/late game for making consistent land drops.

Nonetheless, I'll probably still try out a version of the deck without the cycle lands and see how it performes. :)

February 24, 2016 4:26 p.m.

gpv_builder says... #5

ClubToDeath_Unsummon_Legend never mind, I take that back about cycling lands. I just remembered Tilling Treefolk can also bring back Haunted Fengraf, Quicksand, Island or Bojuka Bog, which all can be essential at some part of the game. The cycling lands are meant to make Tilling Treefolk not bust in the early game when the graveyard is being built up and useful in the mid/late game for making consistent land drops.

Nonetheless, I'll probably still try out a version of the deck without the cycle lands and see how it performs. :)

February 24, 2016 4:26 p.m.

Aless55 says... #6

Chainer's Edict is pauper legal on mtgo, so it's after your playgroup if it is also allowed in paper pauper. In my opinion you should use it since you can use it online. ~Cheers

March 3, 2016 4:56 a.m.

Your deck title. It's a reference to something, I'm pretty sure. And damned if I can't remember what it is. xD

April 6, 2016 8:23 p.m.

gpv_builder says... #8

canterlotguardian Haha, to tell you the truth, the name just came off the top of my head. Wasn't an intended reference. :).

May 17, 2016 7:23 p.m.

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