The dark side is strong in this one

Standard Namron88


whitaker213 says... #1

I think this deck looks promising. I would work one more Thoughtseize into the mainboard.

I would also replace Read the Bones with Underworld Connections

Most of your creatures are 2x. So you will always get a different fatty to play each game. I would try to narrow down your bomb creatures and go 3x or 4x

Since I am running 2 Whip of Erebos , I mained 3 Obzedat, Ghost Council to increase my chances of that combo

Ill try to playtest this deck against mine later to see how it performs.

October 18, 2013 11:14 a.m.

Namron88 says... #2

I kept the legends as a two of to try to prevent dead draws read the bones is awesome for scry and allows me to keep my hand without discarding I will definitely look into Underworld Connections and I kept two thoughtseize main and two side for the aggro matches im thinking on making reckoner a 4 of to open two slots for enchantment hate in the side

October 18, 2013 12:46 p.m.

rakdosrunner says... #3

I actually really like this deck idea. With multiple win cons it is very versatile. I did a couple play tests and whenever I do with someone else's deck I look to see how I would feel playing my aggro deck and how it would affect me. The one thing I noticed is against ramp decks, aggro, evolve, and mono decks I don't see the deck having enough early defense. I mean if they stop one of your big guys after you finally get him out you're gonna have trouble recovering. Lifelink helps but you need to get it out and put damage down first which makes it hard.

I'm sure you know but you also have a possible lucky chams combo ha.

October 18, 2013 11:51 p.m.

Namron88 says... #4

yeah i know if a deck pops out big creatures turn 3 it definitely hurts im thinking of putting the two reckoners from side to main and maybe some bigger 4 drops like Desecration Demon but im not sure what i would take out for either those

October 19, 2013 6:16 a.m.

rakdosrunner says... #5

That's a hard one, maybe sacrifice a little draw power for the creature base. You could take out 2x Read the Bones for 2x Boros Reckoner s, or umm idk lol everything else fits well. I mean it's a solid deck idea ha

October 23, 2013 10:44 a.m.

Namron88 says... #6

Yeah I know its hard to improve it during play testing in person it has a strong match against mono green unless nylea is out

October 23, 2013 12:08 p.m.

Itzmogz says... #7

Hey man, I'll tell you the cards you Should remove to improve this build, and some you should add in. -2 Blind Obedience , -2 Stormbreath Dragon -3 Soldier of the Pantheon (this deck doesn't need a 1 drop) -2 Dreadbore , +1 land, + 1 Hero's Downfall , +2-4 Desecration Demon , +1-2 Boros Reckoner . The Magma Jet and Boros Charm are iffy, I personally would cut the jets and move 2 Boros charm to sideboard. To open up room for more unconditional removal like Doom Blade , Ultimate Price , and possibly Devour Flesh . I would also go to 3 Obzedat, Ghost Council even with him being legendary! Hope some of That helps man!! +1

October 26, 2013 4:12 p.m.

Namron88 says... #8

those a very interesting suggestions and im going to take each into consideration the pantheons ive been debating and definitely agree on them as for Dreadbore i prefer it over Doom Blade since there are no restrictions and it can target planeswalkers as well meaning one less card to side out game 2 but i am considering adding in either blade or Ultimate Price either or for the mono decks the charms aren't just for creatures they are for all permanents i control so if someone tries to use a kill spell on my planes walker i can prevent it or any other form of removal that would be mainboard i to know it does not prevent damage to loyalty counters that would be to awesome as for Magma Jet i realize it can't kill a lot of creatures but its scry 2 can truly change the game early on or just deal the final points of damage needed to win the game either way if it proves to not be enough it will be taken out but so far it has proven its worth in my current meta and i do see the point of 3 Obzedat, Ghost Council it is an amazing card and is definitely awesome when combined with the whip i am thinking of adding a way of dealing with the gods in this deck the only one i know of is Liliana of the Dark Realms except if it is heliod i could try Chained to the Rocks as it would be able to do so as long as it is a creature and i am definitely looking for a 4th downfall i own 3 and currently they are all in my g/b deck i have been using but soon i will have to the overgrown tombs ive been borrowing back and build a new deck i am still missing a lot of cards for this deck but getting closer every week soon i will have my r/b aggro complete and be able to use that to hopefully win some prizes to contribute towards this build since it is my favorite build i have on here and is very powerful

October 27, 2013 12:29 a.m.

TPCodeRed says... #9

Lol! I love the deck idea, looks pretty solid to me. +1

October 27, 2013 11:34 p.m.

Namron88 says... #10

lol thank you and no it wasnt i have left longer but decks like this i really like and thank you for the plus 1 the elspeth is proving hard to get since no one will trade her and i only need one more

October 27, 2013 11:36 p.m.

flashter says... #11

Lots of great cards here +1 to you for a very expensive deck that seems to be good how does it run have you had the chance of play testing it if so let me know the good match ups and the bad.

October 29, 2013 2:46 a.m.

I have a RBW deck as well that has performed exceptionally. You might find that a creature like Aurelia, the Warleader can win games out of nowhere and be much more helpful than Elspeth, or at least I did. Elspeth is more of a sideboard option against control in my opinion. Also, you may wish to add some additional burn in the form of Lightning Strike ; it can act as a good finisher that the opponent cannot stop. And lastly, I'm just surprised not to see Rakdos's Return in the mainboard. Why is that? It performs very well for me. My deck is Control Without Blue (#37 Overall on Tappedout)

October 29, 2013 12:26 p.m.

Namron88 says... #13

flashter i am still building this i dont own all of the cards im lacking about 18 of them ive traded for most of it the lands i already owned just need one more godless shrine

dentalflosstycoon i really appreciate you coming on here and giving some advice i wasnt sure how i would fit the return in with everything else i definitely need to take a new look at the deck i like how you have yours set up it seems very solid as for aurelia she was in the original shell but ended being cut for other creatures she has a great eff and very powerful but if the game isnt going my way already and they have a full hand its likely she wont be getting a hit in lightning strike is awesome i would prefer to add boros charm back to 3 to be in its place though as it has more functions im going to be making some changes then ill let you know to see what you think again thank you very much :)

October 29, 2013 2:42 p.m.

I'll check back and see what you've changed around. Good work so far, and i think that your deck is looking pretty good. +1

October 29, 2013 6:32 p.m.

Namron88 says... #15

dentalflosstycoon I made a few changes main boarding rakdos return as it is an awesome card against control as well as putting the charms back up to 3 they can't burn creatures but they do burn for 4 against walkers or opponent s which can be crucical to deal the final points of damage and are also more versatile I agree with elspeth being better vs control so it took the spot of assemble the legion and added 3 Sin Collector for additional hand hate vs instant sorcery heavy decks as well as a body which can get a double eff with the whip I do prefer multiple jets to help control the draw I am aware of how much scry I use but it should allow me to get all the answers I need when I need them let me know what you think thank you for all of your advice and the plus 1 :)

October 30, 2013 2:41 a.m.

Itzmogz says... #16

Hey again! I've done a fairly extensive amount of testing with RBW now, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that opposing Blood Baron of Vizkopa is a serious problem! You need to have an answer for any deck playing orzhov RBW and Esper which all run him a vast majority of the time. I personally removed Anger of the Gods from my deck. I found it very underwhelming and more often then not just sitting in my hand. Mizzium Mortars is still a good sweeper and it 1 for 1's with BBoV! Cheers,

October 30, 2013 10:20 a.m.

I think that the Rakdos's Return mainboard is great. It destroys other midrange decks and is especially good against mono black, to overcome their card drawing. I think burn mainboard is also great. I personally use Lightning Strike , but that's more of a preference than anything; Boros Charm works just as well, but with some different benefits. Sin Collector in the sideboard is a good idea, and something that I'm actually considering for my own deck. It looks like this deck is coming along very nicely, and Elspeth should be able to handle the control decks after siding. Nice changes and good luck.

October 30, 2013 10:54 a.m.

Namron88 says... #18

Thank you im so close to completing this deck I need 13 more cards

October 30, 2013 11:10 a.m.

omnipath says... #19

I tried this against my Armor of the Gods deck and you kicked my butt! I need to seriously think about some sideboard against this style of deck. +1 from me.

October 30, 2013 2:30 p.m.

Namron88 says... #20

Lol thanks man this deck is super tough

October 30, 2013 3:15 p.m.

attn09141 says... #21

Hey, So looking at the deck I have a few suggestions. How does 24 land work for you? I run 25 in mine and rarely end up with mana problems (screwed or flooded) it just seems better for a midrange build. Also, Elspeth, Sun's Champion should be mainboard. She is good against everything in my opinion. I would also up the Anger of the Gods to 3 main board and then just side them out against control. I have found that this decks best matchup is definitely midrange and aggro so I figure you mine as well be really good against those and then side board a bunch for control. That is what I do and I seem to do fairly well against control after sideboard. also, chained to the rocks is awesome removal for one mana and with 8-10 mountains in the deck it seems very good against aggro and midrange and again sided out against control. Those are the comments I have for the deck. Hope they help.

October 30, 2013 10:31 p.m.

attn09141 says... #22

also, +1

October 30, 2013 10:32 p.m.

Namron88 says... #23

well right now i havent had any issues but if i were to add 1 anger and put elspeth main what would you remove for those 3?

October 30, 2013 11:55 p.m.

attn09141 says... #24

I would probably take out the 2 Rakdos's Return I tried that card in my deck for a while and the only deck it's good against always has a counter for it. and then you're left tapped out for your whole turn and their next turn. I would also take out 2 of Magma Jet I wouldn't see that as a form of removal but more of just a way to scry. Also, since you will be adding 2 six drops I would recommend adding another land. probably a Plains to help with the double white cost of Elspeth, Sun's Champion . let me know what you think.

October 31, 2013 1:22 a.m.

If you use it (Rakdos's Return ) against control, wait for them to tap out for something, and it is also phenomenal against the many midrange decks currently seeing play.

October 31, 2013 12:52 p.m.

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