
This is my Ulgris Aggro-Unblockable deck. The star creature is unblockable (Invisible Stalker) and I'll use Increasing Savagery to act, with the help of Invisible Stalker, as my win-con. I will probably be using the Cipher ability (from House Dimir) to go with the unblockability.

AEtherize is for use against Geist of Saint Traft and any creature-heavy decks. It seems a lot better than people give it credit for. I think it's basically a better version of Sleep when used in this deck, because getting through their defences is never a problem.

Golgari Charm is mainly to regenerate the Stalker when a board wipe hits. It could also be good against things like Blind Obedience or token decks.

Invisible Stalker is the key attacker. He's just perfect for the target of my power-up spells and he's just about impossible to kill. I try to use him to the best of his potential by making him very powerful.

Grisly Salvage is just there to find the stalker when I need to. I think it's great, and it's okay not to use Tracker's Instincts instead (it has additional flashback) because I can just get it back with Treasured Find, which is in the deck precisely for this kind of thing (flashback for BG extra isn't half bad).

Blessings of Nature and Increasing Savagery are good for pumping the stalker and with their help I can, in theory, win on Turn 4.

I might include one Prime Speaker Zegana because (a) I have one, and (b) because I often find myself with no hand and an invisible stalker on about 5 or 6 power, in which case she's pretty useful for some card draw. On the other hand, when the stalker is that powerful, I don't need anything more. I also kind of want to add Whispering Madness as a one-of because I often have a hand full of useless spells like Grisly Salvage when I already have a Stalker out.

The hand control (Duress and Appetite for Brains) is for protection against things like Slaughter Games and/or Supreme Verdict because my deck simply dies to those cards.

The Sideboard: Tormod's Crypt is to use against Snapcaster Mage decks, Illness in the Ranks is for token decks (obviously), and Hands of Binding is for nasty creatures that annoy me.

I would like to be able to include some Tragic Slips or more Abrupt Decays. Any suggestions on how to do that? I think that it would be possible to scrap the Arbor Elfs. Whaddaya think of that?

Please comment and +1 if you like it!


Updates Add

I took out the Rancors. Then I cried myself to sleep, it was so sad. Tell me what you think of the big changes! They're back in now, but that might be temporary :(


Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Rares

20 - 11 Uncommons

11 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.26
Folders :), other, Decks
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