The Dead Sea - 2x 1st FNM

Standard Advice170


xabe13 says... #1

no nykthos? only 21 lands? bro u got like 3 average CMC. U NEED mana. i suggest u adding 1 lilianna and remove dark prophecy. and add more lands (24 will do, but i suggest u 25)

November 19, 2013 2:50 p.m.

Advice170 says... #2

I had a build with Nykthos x 2 and 22 lands, which is what I usually run - haven't had a mana starved playtest yet. Dark Prophecy is good for card draw w/ devour flesh and provides 3 devotion. I wasn't getting a lot of play out of Nykthos, but I will probably go back to using 2 of them. 25 lands is way too many regardless. If I'm drawing a land when I need a removal I'm f****d when the highest drop card in here is 5 for Gray Merchant, and no use for an abundance of land (X cost cards) I would say getting mana drowned is something I want to avoid.

November 19, 2013 5:51 p.m.

lovethemagic says... #3

good deck

November 24, 2013 10:37 a.m.

K_Tron says... #4

This is a good deck. It seems like you can hit black devotion pretty easily, why do you only run 1 Erebos, God of the Dead ? Do you not have a problem drawing him or is he not that important?

November 25, 2013 2:35 p.m.

What is Contaminated Ground doing there?

December 9, 2013 2:13 p.m.

Advice170 says... #6

I just recently added Contaminated Ground for playtesting. It adds to devotion and punishes your opponent for using their lands, and against non black match-ups can ruin their curve. Just another facet of control to consider.

December 9, 2013 2:15 p.m.

LordOfDispair says... #7

I really like this. One of my favorite standard decks I've seen. +1

March 19, 2014 6:48 p.m.

wolfsokol says... #8

I like this deck please take a look at mine and tell me what you think Black Devo Splashing White +1 for you

April 1, 2014 5:31 p.m.

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