The Dragon Conclave

Standard* Zicca21

SCORE: 141 | 55 COMMENTS | 20762 VIEWS | IN 103 FOLDERS

Vasagi says... #1

Playing with it a bit, this deck is really topheavy. Once you manage to get to turn 7-8, you can lock in a win with your big/getting bigger fliers pretty easily - but getting there, and being in a winnable position when you get there is going to be the battle. The mana dorks can help, but when they get picked off, you're done. You need other ways to get there faster. Consider Explosive Vegetation to get a jump on land drops.

You also need ways to buy time until you can get your dragons off the ground. Orator of Ojutai is a perfect blocker that will most times get you a free draw. Also consider Heir of the Wilds, who can stymie an early offense with his deathtouch, and gain some ferocious value from your dragons. Courser of Kruphix will help with early blocking, as well as getting your land draws off of topdeck and onto the battlefield.

April 23, 2015 3:32 p.m.

etherealleon says... #2

Your deck seems to be really good, but you doesn't have much card advantage and the first 3~4 turns you mostly will have to play passively.A good idea is adding both Servant of the Scale and Chronicler of Heroes. With the first you'll have someone to block and his death won't be in vain as the +1/+1 would pass on, and the seccond would give you a conditional draw and a pretty nice body.Also, since your deck has lots of dragons, Scaleguard Sentinels is a great creature, though you should consider adding one or two Avatar of the Resolute, as he gets as big as your creatures get, and has both trample and reach.

Hardened Scales are awesome, but in this kind of deck, that the focus is not entirely on +1/+1, rather in big creatures and their sinergies, consider droping 1 or two. You'll lose some muscle, but can make up in numbers or swiftness, even adding some Map the Wastes could prove worthwhile, since it both ramp up mana and buff one weaker creature.

All in all, your deck seems great.

June 9, 2015 11:55 a.m.

Glogan92 says... #3

How has this deck been working out for you? I've been playing a similar deck for a while now. I have a great matchup against mono red with this deck so I usually do fine at FNM, but I struggle with spot removal and losing card advantage due to ramp.

June 17, 2015 8:16 p.m.

Wombat604 says... #4

Glogan92 I actually took it apart due to the fact that i'm getting into modern and needed to trade for stuff, but i was having the same problems as you. It does EXTREMELY well against mono red aggro and burn (i actually got top 8 game day due to playing 3 mono red decks lol). I ended changing it to what it is above now and that seemed to do pretty well.

June 20, 2015 11:48 a.m.

Wombat604 says... #5

Glogan92 oops, wrong devk, sorry

June 20, 2015 11:49 a.m.

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