ITS DRAGONS! When I saw the spoilers for DTK, I thought "DRAGONS IN STANDARD". So I did. This deck needs some changes, so leave some suggestions please!
Here is my reasons for all of the card choices.
Atarka, World Render Double strike is good. Its very good. I run only one, because 7 mana is a bit much, but one is nice with Sarkhan Unbroken.
Dragonlord Atarka A dragon with a big body, and a bunch of damage is pretty nice. I run only one, because 7 mana is a bit much, but one is nice with Sarkhan Unbroken.
Dragonlord Dromoka Pretty much shuts down control. Unless they remove it, they are dead. Dont really need multiple because they cant counter it, and if they remove it, thats okay.
Dragonlord Kolaghan If they are running multiple of a creature, they can only play one. The haste giving makes it unbelievably good with Sarkhan Unbroken. Two is needed so that I can have it when I need it.
Dragonlord Ojutai Hexproof is nice, and card draw is nice. Hexproof flying card draw is really good. Only one because it is not very expensive, so it will come out early.
Dragonlord Silumgar This is the most fun card in the world. Steal their bombs. Steal their planeswalkers. Steal whatever you want! Only one is needed, because it becomes a dead card if there are multiple in your hand.
Dromoka, the Eternal Bolster is one of the best mechanics in the world. If there are a whole bunch of dragons down, this becomes very good. There are only two because if there are any more, it shows up too much.
Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury This card absolutely wrecks people if it is played from Sarkhan Unbroken. This gives so much extra power. There is only one because it is not good without a ton of dragons.
Ojutai, Soul of Winter With Sarkhan Unbroken, when you swing, you tap them out. There is only one because it is not good without a ton of dragons.
Silumgar, the Drifting Death This is a board wipe with Sarkhan Unbroken. If you just swing with all of your dragons, pretty much all of their creatures die. There is only one because it is not good without a ton of dragons.
Thunderbreak Regent Has a great body for four mana, it is not legendary, and it protects your creatures from spells and abilities. What else do you need? There are only three because I needed extra space.
Atarka's Command This is an incredible versatile and cheap spell. Can either burn, ramp, or buff. This is a great all-around two-drop.
Dragonlord's Servant This is great ramp for dragons. This turns Thunderbreak Regent into a three-drop, which is incredibly powerful.
Sarkhan Unbroken This is the most broken card ever. This card combos so well with all of the dragons in the deck, and it has an incredible +1 ability. Its -2 is OK, but the other abilities make it draw everything your opponent has to throw at it.
Sylvan Caryatid This is great ramp, perfect for pretty much any deck. The best part is that it taps for any color.
Draconic Roar This is Searing Blaze in standard. This is the best option for burn in this deck.
Dragon Tempest This turns all of your dragons into burn spells. It gets really crazy when you have multiple Dragon Tempests out at once.
Scaleguard Sentinels This is a very good early threat, and an early blocker
Remember, this deck is not perfect, so make sure to leave help for me, and an upvote!