The Dude, The Demon, and the Cthulhu

Standard suicidalbunny


Argy says... #1

I've playtested this quite a few times against my Triple A [Allies] deck.

I think you could do with more lands. I've found that you really need 26 or more lands when playing Control. This is particularly important for your deck as your spells cost quite a bit.

I think Cancel might work better for you than Spell Shrivel. It's the same cost and your Opponent can't pay to stop it. Of course it doesn't exile, and that might be what you need.

Some more Instant spells might be handy. I often found that this deck was not able to Counter on the Opponent's turn as it was tapped out after playing a Sorcery. Reality Shift is a good card in that regard.

Some copies of Negate in either the Mainboard or Sideboard would be helpful against Planeswalkers and other annoying spells.

The constant board wipe this has is REALLY good against Allies. Love the use of Rising Miasma.

I never got colour screwed while playing this, so you've got the mix of colours right in your land base.

Silumgar, the Drifting Death is the best dragon for UB Control, so it was good to include it.

I hope those notes are helpful.

October 11, 2015 5:42 p.m.

suicidalbunny says... #2

This is really helpful actually. I think I might go up to 25 lands but thats usually my maximum for any 60 card format. Ill definitely consider 26 though I've noticed I'm usually waiting on the 5th and 6th land

Spell Shrivel is more in replace of cancel because of the is also on Scatter to the Winds, this way I'm not as dependent on blue mana and have the extra black for my sweepers.

Reality Shift Reminds me of Pongify so much its not even funny. It does exile but it also only hits 1 creature. Sweepers recover from what falls through my counters but it's definitely gonna have a slot over Pearl Lake Ancient in the side board. I love the card but it gimmicky and I'm running enough counters to break that match up and I have dispel in side for that anyways.

Negate is pretty good and I'll probably cut a Shrivel and Awry for 2 mainboard

A friend of mine thinks I should move Silumgar to the sideboard over Ob Nixilis and also go up to 4 Silumgar's Command and add 2 Demonic Pact as stronger win conditions using the second option on the command to bounce pact at the last end step and replay next turn. What do you think of that prospect? I'd be moving Displacement Wave to sideboard to make room for pact and 1 miasma and a counter spell for the commands. It seems like a pretty good idea

October 12, 2015 7:05 a.m.

Argy says... #3

The thing with Silumgar, the Drifting Death is that most of the time it's set and forget. You don't have to babysit it due to its Hexproof ability. In a Control deck that means you can save all your spells for interrupting the Opposition.

If you replace it with Ob Nixilis Reignited you will probably have to sit on at least one Counter spell to stop him falling to Ruinous Path.

I just had a chat with my partner who plays Control and we're both worried that you might have a tough match up against aggro decks if you put more spells in that cost 4 CMC and upwards.

It might actually be more beneficial to put something like Clash of Wills in than more Silumgar's Command.

Demonic Pact could work if you ran Dispel alongside it.

Make some changes and do some tests against these decks:

Abzan Company Allies

Eldrazi: The Gold Standard

How much life do i have again? (BFZ)

Landfall Aggro

You'll pretty much know, after playing each of those a couple of times, where the strengths and weakenesses are in your deck.

October 12, 2015 8:06 a.m.

suicidalbunny says... #4

How does dispel work along with Demonic Pact?

also thats fair points about Silumgar, but my counterspell count is at 13 and would hit 14 so the plan is to sit on them at all times, much like G/U turbo fog did pre rotation. Silumgar is probably the guy I'm least attached to. but he still would make a roost in the sideboard he's too good to not have period. Ob Nixilis hits the field and kills something almost always. if he doesnt need to i'm drawing a card. I generally dont play wincons unless i have a way to protect them. silumgar is just as vulnerable to sweepers as anything else but Ob Nixilis isn't quite, as no sweeper kills him.

As to the match ups as you said before continuous wipes wrecks allies and makes it hard to recover board-state, even with Zulaport Cutthroat. I'm not too worried about lifegain match-ups, after all Horribly Awry hits every one of there creatures except Felidar Sovereign which i'll expect to see after seeing some of the things they're trying to play. he hits i have silumgars command to bounce or crux. Landfall aggro definitely hurts quickly and in the macth-up im siding to make my curve as low as possible without dropping wincons. Eldrazi will be the toughest match-up which is why i see the need for Ob in main board even higher.

I'll do some testing with demonic pact but i kind of like it and wanted to run it since origins released so I feel like itll find a home here

October 12, 2015 3:44 p.m.

Argy says... #5

Sorry not Dispel.

I meant Disperse, but I see now that you don't have it.

How do you stop Demonic Pact from making you lose?

October 12, 2015 5:37 p.m.

suicidalbunny says... #6

October 12, 2015 6:23 p.m.

suicidalbunny says... #7

i think i need to get treasure cruise and at least 2 murderous cut into main board to help thin my graveyard to recycle what I choose basically with Tasigur. leaving in lands and the one thing im trying to get back

October 12, 2015 6:27 p.m.

Argy says... #8

That sounds good.

A lot of people are choosing Dig Through Time over Treasure Cruise these days due to the fact that you can choose what cards you end up drawing.

October 13, 2015 2:20 a.m.

suicidalbunny says... #9

In testing the sorcery speed of treasure cruise is pretty bad. maybe 3x Anticipate and cut a land? I only net 1 card technically but for two mana thats fine. instant speed is important and I feel like 26 lands is flooding me too often

October 13, 2015 3:17 p.m.

Argy says... #10

Anticipate acts as a small dig. It's not a bad card.

Dig Through Time is better but if you're getting what you with Anticipate stick with that one.

26 land is a guide, but every deck is different. Run the number of lands that test the best.

October 13, 2015 3:47 p.m.

suicidalbunny says... #11

there's been 3x Dig Through Time since creation

October 15, 2015 10:04 p.m.

Fishguru21 says... #12

This is just nasty!sexy nasty...I would add an infinite obliteration just to Get rid of some of the rhinos but that's just me I love this deck I want to build it.

October 15, 2015 10:50 p.m.

Argy says... #13

Sorry about that suicidalbunny.

I got lazy and forgot to check.

This build looks awesome now.

October 16, 2015 12:36 a.m.

suicidalbunny says... #14

We'll see how the Rising Miasma from sideboard plays tomorrow at FNM Infinite Obliteration is probably what that is gonna be. I'm honestly more worried about Dranas and Jaces than Rhinos but that beast is ever prevelant. We'll see how it goes. Also Argeaux no problem I was just clarifying

October 16, 2015 3:01 a.m.

Argy says... #15

There were a few Drana, Liberator of Malakir and Siege Rhino cards in the first tournament I played, but no Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip.

That's pretty typical for our players, though.

October 16, 2015 4:07 a.m.

suicidalbunny says... #16

Jace frequents my local store. couple of Jeskai Dark and U/W control players.

October 16, 2015 3:43 p.m.

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