Deck description currently under construction, but please feel free to read my initial thoughts and comment/upvote!


Some tips for Magda (will update as I playtest more):

  • There are some opening hands that you should almost always mulligan.

  • If you DO decide to keep one of the above creatures in your opening hand, try and get out Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded ASAP.

    • This way you can still drop down removal/protection at instant speed.
  • It's okay to spend a few of your treasures in the early game.

    • This is how you develop your board state faster than your opponents.
    • The faster you get bodies on the board, the more you can snowball your advantage with treasures on subsequent turns.
  • If playing creatures on curve, bring her out second.

    • The majority of other 2CMC dwarves have higher toughness and are more likely to survive attacking.
  • When able, always keep a minimum of 5 treasure tokens on hand.

    • This lets you tutor for an answer to removal directed at Magda.
  • When tutoring for equipment, Hammer of Nazahn should almost always be the first one you bring out.

    • Subsequent equipment you tutor onto the field will then auto-equip to whichever creature needs it most.
  • Your vehicles have trample for a reason.

    • Once your opponents have blockers, you won't want to throw actual bodies at them.
  • So do your mass-tap engines on a stick.

  • You have a Teferi's Protection in red.

    • No seriously, you do. Tutor Worldgorger Dragon in response to a boardwipe.
    • It will be destroyed/exiled and your non-token permanents will come back entirely unscathed.
  • You also have a Heroic Intervention in red.

  • Blightsteel Colossus is powerful early, but more fun with a little setup.

  • Karn, Scion of Urza is actually a threat.

    • Once you reach a critical mass of treasures and equipment, Karn's -2 can win games.
  • Save Embercleave for a surprise alpha-strike.

    • That's it. That's the tweet.


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90% Casual


Revision 13 See all

(3 years ago)

+1 Battlemage's Bracers main
+1 Daretti, Scrap Savant main
-1 Dwarven Reinforcements main
-1 Idol of Oblivion main
+1 Karn, Scion of Urza main
+1 Ruination main
-1 Steel Hellkite main
+1 Storm-Kiln Artist main
-1 Tibalt's Trickery main
-1 Volcanic Geyser main
Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years
Exclude colors WUBG

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.58
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Dragon 4/4 R, Dwarf Berserker 2/1 R, Emblem Daretti, Scrap Savant, Emblem Koth of the Hammer, Enchantment Golem 3/3 C, Shapeshifter 2/2 C, Treasure
Folders yerr, No Budget, No Mercy, Other People's Decks, Fun EDH Ideas, Commander Deck Ideas, Deck Primers, proxie, Deck/cards ideas, Red, deck stuff
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