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The Edgiest Mono-White Deck You’ve Ever Seen

Commander / EDH Infinite Combo Jank Mono-White Multiplayer Tokens Weenie




This primer is currently very out of date and will be updated soon. For now, even though some of the cards mentioned are no longer in the list, this outdated version will at least serve as a general idea of how the deck operates.

The Edgiest Mono-White Deck You’ve Ever Seen

What kind of deck is The Edgiest Mono-White Deck You’ve Ever Seen?

Well, it’s a mono-white-life-gain-self-burn-token-weenie-ramp deck.

Excuse me, what?


It's what?

A mono-white-life-gain-self-burn-token-weenie-ramp deck.

Oh... uh, okay. Why would I ever play mono-white in commander?

Because you're a masochist. Because you enjoy a challenge. Because you like to look unassuming at the table before storming off in a single turn with a super janky combo.

Hmmm, interesting. Tell me more.

This is an extremely fun and weird deck that's sure to have your foes across the table scratching their heads in confusion. It's got a lot of things going against it - the worst mono color in EDH, a 6 CMC commander, headache inducing combo lines, and more - but we're going to find a way around all of them. Darien, King of Kjeldor has an interesting ability. Whenever you take damage, you create that many 1/1 soldier tokens. Seems pretty innocuous, right?

Right. So what's the gameplan?

We're going to balance the downside of Darien's effect (triggered through damage) by adding in a variety of life gain spells, then we're going to use the life we gain and the soldiers we amass to create huge amounts of card advantage and eventually combo off with one of a couple win conditions. We’re going to be at an inherent disadvantage in mono-white, so we’ve got to make sure we’re running as many multi-faceted cards as we can for maximum value. Ready to check them out?

Let's go!

We’re going to be taking a lot of damage in order to amass our army of soldiers, so it’s important that we have plent of effects to help us gain it back (and then some.)




We can’t just sit back and expect our opponents to feed us soldiers through attacks and other spells, so we have the difficult task of finding pingers to damage ourselves in mono white. Luckily, we can double up a lot here and find a lot of extra value in the cards we use.





In mono white with a 6 cmc commander, fast artifact based ramp is going to be very important (and also very expensive) for us. We want to get Darien on by turn 4 as consistently as we can, so we’re going to be prioritizing ramp that comes out early and taps for as much we can get.






As unassuming as Darien may look to an outsider, he will inevitably gain a reputation once he’s gone off a few times. Our one true king struggles against targeted hate from the table and a well timed boardwipe can clear out our whole army, so we need to be vigilant in protecting our commander and bringing him back quickly. At the same time, we also need to protect ourselves from the deck’s biggest weakness - commander damage.






  • Martyr's Cause - protection from commander damage that gets around hexproof


Removal, both targeted and sweeping, is going to be important for us to keep our opponents’ boards in check while we build our pillowfort and our army. We aren’t going to run any classic boardwipes as we care more about preserving our board than destroying our opponent’s, but some well placed removal can go far in protecting our key pieces or in keeping us safe from commander damage.







Drawing cards is difficult in mono-white to say the least. It is just important to us as it is to any other deck though, and luckily with our weenie and life gain strategies, we have some additional options that other white decks don’t have.







With all the key cards we run in this deck, as well as cards that hold value in multiple categories, tutoring for what we need at any given time is super important for us. We’re running tutors of all different kinds to get us any card and any effect we need.


Creature Tutors

Equipment Tutors

Artifact Tutors

Enchantment Tutors

Land Tutors

Believe it or not, this mono-white deck can actually win games! It plays best in four player pods with games that last on the longer side, and is surprisingly resilient. We’ve got a couple options here, so let’s go through them from most simple to most convoluted.


Option 1: From the Skies

Key Cards

The Plan

This is as simple as it gets. Turn your army of soldiers into an army of flying vigilant angels and smash face. That’s really all there is to it.

Option 2: Big Boy Beatdown

Key Cards

The Plan

This one is pretty easy too. Slap down a Coat of Arms when you’ve got an army online and your opponents’ boards are suffering (after a Winds of Abandon perhaps?) and go to town.

Option 3: Mill 'em and Kill 'em

Key Cards

The Plan

Blasting Station can net you infinite ETBs with a Soul Sister out. Pair that with an Altar of the Brood online and you've got an easy win! Likewise, if you can manage to go infinite on your solider tokens with Blasting Station and something else like Anointed Procession or Dingus Staff, you can sac 'em all to Altar of Dementia to - you guessed it - turn everyone's decks into their graveyards. These cards can still be potent permanents even without going infinite just by staying on the board for a long period of time. You're going to be creating a lot of soldiers throughout the game, and with these around you'll be eeking out all the extra value you can.

Option 4: The Dingus

Key Cards

The Plan

Dingus Staff. Oh, Dingus Staff, how I love thee. Dingus Staff breaks this deck in so many ways. Dingus Staff + Skullclamp = As much card draw as you have mana to equip. Dingus Staff + Skullclamp + Puresteel Paladin = Draw your whole deck. Dingus Staff + Phyrexian Altar + a few ETB life gainers = infinite life and infinite soldiers. There are so many ways this card can combo off to either win you the game or give you an unbeatable advantage. Draw out your deck and use your infinite life to murk the table with Aetherflux Reservoir. Combine Dingus Staff and Skullclamp or Phyrexian Altar with Divine Visitation to trade all your soldiers for double the angels and a shit ton of mana. Throw Blasting Station into the mix and you’ve got another recipe for infinite life and soldiers to overrun your opponents with. The card just synergizes with Darien in so many ways. Be creative! Just keep one thing in mind - a boardwipe with Dingus Staff online can literally be deadly for you. But the risk is half the fun, am I right?



95% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 11 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.74
Tokens Angel 3/3 W, Angel 4/4 W, Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Anointer Priest 1/3 W, Clue, Construct 0/0 C, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Elephant 3-3 G, Soldier 1/1 W, The Monarch
Folders random internet edh stuff, Favorites, Cool Commanders, Darien, 1, Neat Ideas, EDH, Favorite decks, Reference, EDH
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