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The Emperor wants you removed from the game

Commander / EDH Mono-White



POGO aura sale! Pay for one get one free!

This deck was tuned to quickly remove a player on the board via commander damage. Sadly by then, the other players will most likely have a solution and remove you from the game as well. The sideboard is filled with alternate cards that can quickly tune the playstyle of this deck revolving around the trade offs: Fast: aggro single player removal <--VS--> slow: pillow fortification and control

Why is this version of Light-paws?

Other versions of Light-paws decks run less than average mana bases, IN THIS DECK we don't. Light-paws will typically win via combat tricks and thus needs open mana to pilot it. This deck's early game board state will attract a lot of attention from the table and will need instant speed actions to thwart your opponents "SoLuTiOnS". THUS we run 6 mana rocks, 4 cost reductions, and 36 lands.

In order to pilot this deck to it's fullest you need to have an understanding of what auras you are bringing to the table. This deck will be constantly fetching from it's library due to Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice innate card text ability and other cards Auramancer + Heliod's Pilgrim + Idyllic Tutor + Open the Armory Knowing what CMC auras you have available in your deck based on what you have in hand is key to know when it is right to play each aura.

Small but big where it counts

Lets be honest, we are going to have at MAX 4 creatures on the board at any time. If our opponents are running any kind of removal, anything and everything on our board is a great target to remove. We have a ton of tools to keep single targets on the board so having fewer creatures equals easy maintenance.


Choose a color, creatures, indestructible, totem armor, phase out! We love these, we want these, so we NEED these. Running Benevolent Blessing, Cho-Manno's Blessing, Commander's Plate, Flawless Maneuver, Flickering Ward, Giver of Runes, Mother of Runes, Flickerform, Spirit Mantle, Timely Ward, Umbra Mystic, and Teferi's Protection we have reactive and proactive options.

Sorcery speed is dumb, lets fix that

Our biggest obstacle is overcoming the fact that enchantments are sorcery speed. Some of our auras have flash already and these can help out a ton Benevolent Blessing + Cho-Manno's Blessing + Timely Ward + Triclopean Sight. These can help us trigger an aura fetch in order to protect our board or remove a player. Having only 3.5 flash auras however is not very helpful to being reactive, so the faster we can get Sigarda's Aid on the table the better. We will want to tutor for this early using Auramancer + Enlightened Tutor . We also run Emergence Zone for single turn emergency tech.


Updates Add

A more competitive version of this deck has been made Current version: 1.5 Link: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/the-emperor-wants-you-removed-from-the-game-v15/?cb=1679278404


43% Casual

57% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 7 Mythic Rares

35 - 28 Rares

22 - 21 Uncommons

16 - 18 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.33
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Cat 2/2 W, Clue, Construct 0/0 C, Elephant 3/3 G, Golem 3/3 C, Illusion X/X U, Pegasus 2/2 W, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B, Samurai 2/2 W w/ Double strike, Shapeshifter 1/1 C, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit Cleric */* W, Warrior 1/1 W w/ Vigilance
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