*RETIRED* The Fat Blue Weirdo

Commander / EDH* IAmTheWraith


SecondDeath777 says... #1

Oh. That's evil. That's like, "Why doesn't mono-blue have more Demon creatures?" evil. Have an upvote, my dude. This thing is nightmarish.

February 28, 2018 9:01 a.m.

SecondDeath777 says... #2

Oh, as a side note, LOVE the versatility. So many decks only have one flavor of victory, but this has quite a few.

February 28, 2018 9:03 a.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #3

Why thank you! I enjoy the look on my opponents faces when they've been drawing cards for a few turns and then BOOM! the game is over. Ty for the upvote!

February 28, 2018 10:28 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #4

This deck is impressive and I am very much a fan. However, a few quick thoughts :)

Why in the world are you not playing Dramatic Reversal? It goes infinite with Isochron Scepter+rocks, functions as a decent ramp spell on many hands, and allows you to do disgusting things if you have a Stasis down but have not yet assembled the winning combo.

Have you considered Sunder? It's the mono-blue Armageddon, and it functions like Turnabout to force your opponents to "tap out" on the turn you plan to win.

I see you are already running most of the defensive counterspells, but have you considered Foil and Commandeer? You should have plenty of cards to pitch considering all of your symmetrical draw effects.

And finally, this is personal preference, but I highly prefer Dig Through Time over Treasure Cruise in this kind of deck (where you are trying to find a few specific, central cards within the 99).

Happy deckbuilding! You definitely get a +1 from me ;)

March 1, 2018 1:23 a.m.
March 1, 2018 1:39 a.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #6

Daedalus19876: First, let me start off by saying that I love Vera, and it is a great honor to hear a truly great deckbuilder say that they are a fan of my deck. Thank you!

I actually forgot to put Dramatic Reversal in the deck. It will be finding its way in right after I am done writing this.

Sunder was a card I forgot existed! It definitely needs a place in this deck!

Foil seems like a better counterspell than Stoic Rebuttal. I am not sure about Commandeer, it seems too situational.

Treasure Cruise has been underwhelming for me. Dig Through Time should be a nice replacement.

WalkingIllusion: While Sphinx's Tutelage is a good card, it doesn't do what we are trying to do in this deck. Thanks for the suggestion!

March 1, 2018 9:21 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #7

Yeah, definitely!

I love the idea that this deck pulls off - cruel and janky, just the way I like a deck to be >:D

(Also, have you considered Back to Basics as almost a back-up Stasis? You're playing nearly all basics, so it would do a lot of work.)

March 4, 2018 10:42 a.m. Edited.

IAmTheWraith says... #8

Daedalus19876: I like where you are going with Back to Basics, it would let me run an extra Stasis, but it might backfire against green decks that run a lot of forests. In the Maybeboard, in case I change my mind.

March 4, 2018 5:52 p.m.

Nietzsky says... #9

I run stasis and similar effects in my

Anti-Competitive GAAIV (Embrace the Hate)

Commander / EDH* Nietzsky


, you might see something on my list that would work here. I'll make a few suggestions, some cards I run, others I didn't have the room for (but I run Azorius colors, and would probably slot them if I was running mono blue)

1) In mono blue control/stax, back to basics is a DEFINITE slot, 100% guaranteed.

2) Some tutors you may considerPersonal Tutor Fabricate

3) It helps to have a second wheel Windfall , and if you playgroup allows a proxy of Timetwister by all means...otherwise it's quite pricey.

4)You may get a few turns of value out of Consecrated Sphinx before it is popped... also Deadeye Navigator and another "untap" creature such as Palinchron may help to guarantee you can maintain your stasis lock indefinitely.

5) Teferi, Temporal Archmage and Tezzeret the Seeker can help work around stasis and turn it into a perma-lock, along with Sword of Feast and Famine

6) Mental Misstep is a great unforeseen way to eat sol rings, Path to Exiles, Divining tops, and other 1 drop shenanigans... Foil at 3 cards for 1 is a HUGE price to pay

7) Land Equilibrium and Mana Vortex can be great cards to pair with stasis, or alternative ways to control lands.

March 4, 2018 9:52 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #10

Nietzsky: Thanks for the suggestions!

I am thinking about taking out the storm combos, so these would be good cards to slot in in the place of that devotion.

Things I like that you've suggested: Mental Misstep, Land Equilibrium, Mana Vortex, Timetwister/Windfall.

Things I dont like: Consecrated Sphinx, Teferi, Temporal Archmage, Tezzeret the Seeker , Fabricate.

I like the land effects, simply because they wont effect me as much, and I actually was gifted a Vintage Masters Timetwister last year. TBH I thought it was in here, turned out I was wrong.

I dont like sphinx, seems like a win more card to me. Teferi and Tezzy seem like they require too much other things to make the deck work, and Fabricate doesnt have any really relevant targets.

Thanks for suggestions!

March 4, 2018 11:09 p.m.

S1ayerMonkey says... #11

I was going to suggest Arcanis the Omnipotent but I guess you found it already!

Perhaps Glimmer of Genius would make a good fit?

March 5, 2018 8:32 a.m.

TheRedGoat says... #12

While I'm against piloting "Stasis Lock" style builds, I can still give some recommendations to your plan. One of course is Arcane Laboratory as a slow control effect that can help keep people from going off themselves from your card draw. Otherwise, I would add that Fascination and Skyscribing are a thing. Or, if you just really want to focus on that combo lock, then find Archmage Ascension I would say.

March 5, 2018 9:27 a.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #13

S1ayerMonkey: Glimmer just isnt the kind of card advantage we are looking for, and its rather inefficient. Theres just better card draw in EDH. Thanks for the suggestion!

TheRedGoat: Arcane Laboratory doesnt help me, as I am looking to drop all my Stasis lock pieces on the same turn for security, hopefully with Pact of Negation backup. Archmage Ascension is really good come to think of it, I might have to consider putting it in the deck. The only issue is what to take out.

Other than that, Skyscribing & Fascination are effects that we have enough of in the deck. Thanks for your suggestions though!

March 5, 2018 11:46 a.m.

Yea, I figured but I personally try to stick that card in any deck if I could... having a weird fascination with a card is op.

what about Arcane Denial?

March 5, 2018 12:27 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #15

WalkingIllusion: I dont know. Its kind of odd to me to give out more card draw, but I am doing that anyways. Maybeboard for now.

March 5, 2018 1:21 p.m.

Wolfrage76 says... #16

I really dig this deck! I can't really contribute much but Mirage Mirror would be useful add. It could get you an extra card draw by copying one of your enchantments or artifacts for 2 mana, and as it lasts till end of turn others wouldn't benefit from it. It also lets you copy opponents artifacts, creatures and enchantments so it can do some fun stuff there as well. Would be amusing with Land Equilibrium

Another could be Reset (goes good with Isochron Scepter too)

March 5, 2018 4:20 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #17

Wolfrage76: Mirage Mirror is quite interesting. I might actually need to look into adding that. Will be testing that out soon.

As for Reset, that only nets me mana I can use at instant speed on an opponents turn right? Or does the copy off of Scepter lose the restriction?

March 5, 2018 5:16 p.m.

Wolfragex says... #18

Still has that restriction I believe but useful for all those instants you have.

With the mirror: keep in mind while it changes for the turn and doesn't keep that ability while it is changed, you can use the stack to use it multiple times a turn. So like if opponent has Wound Reflection out and you have in play an enchantment that gives you an extra draw whenever you draw a card, and 2 draw spells and a direct damage to player spell in hand you could go like I did the other day:

Mirage mirror hits the board. You first Cast the direct damage spell. While it's on stack, Activate mirror to copy opponent's wound reflection. While that's on stack, play first draw spell. While that's on stack play the other draw spell. While that's on the stack make mirror copy your extra draw enchantment.

You get 4 cards instead of 2 and your opponent takes extra damage.

I love the card. It's my absolute favorite because it can be used in so many brilliantly stupid ways it isn't even funny. An extra Mind's Dilation for 2 mana each time? Yes please (especially with Reset ;)). An extra Blightsteel Colossus for 2 mana? Heck yeah. And its not just what's in your deck - use your opponents stuff against them. Sometimes an opponent has the perfect answer you need to stall them, or complete a wincon. Sometimes you can do dumb stuff like copy someone's Mindslaver, turn it into a creature with Tezzeret's Touch, crack it to control that opponents next turn and have it go to your Mimic Vat so you can make more mirrors.

Sorry to go on but I really love the card. So damn janky at times. It's the one card that really taught me how to start playing the stack. Sorta like how the above mimic vat+mindslaver combo did for using type changing to do nifty stuff.

March 5, 2018 6:31 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #19

Wolfragex: Whelp, I think you sold me on the Mirror. I think that the power of it relies on the boardstate, but should not be too much of an issue. Thanks for the suggestion!

March 5, 2018 6:50 p.m.

Nietzsky says... #20

A few more that came to mind;

Your deck relies on paradox or DramaScepter to keep momentum though all the drawing..... High Tide + Candelabra of Tawnos is a classic way for mono blue control to generate absurd amounts of mana, and will help prevent you from losing steam.

Sensei's Divining Top and Scroll Rack , any reasons in particular you didn't include these two?

Torpor Orb - Classic hate piece for stax/control that will save your board from Reclamation Sage , Aura Shards , Acidic Slime ,etc. Also shuts down a great number of early game combos.

Cursed Totem - More combo shutoff, but importantly mana dork shutoff.

The last two card mentions will help greatly against outpacing green and shutting off some of the most common quick combos in competitive.

The Sphinx I recommended simply because with your commander out, you're talking about 4 cards per turn, assuming they have no card draw for the turn, and it'll eat a piece of removal that could have went towards one of your control pieces. At 6 cmc, I strongly feel it'll out-value Flow of Ideas .Out of curiosity, do you have any problems with decks being able to slip out of your lock without a few different ways to grab your drama scepter/ paradox? That was what I was thinking when I offered up some artifact tutor suggestions

March 5, 2018 9:03 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #21

The lock doesnt actually involve scepter/paradox at all. Chronatog + Frozen AEther + Stasis generates and infinite stasis lock without me having to do anything special each turn (because I dont have a turn anymore). Once I have the table locked, there is no need to slip out of it, because no one can do anything.

Scroll Rack and top dont seem like they are very good in a deck that can draw 3 cards a turn anyways, the order doesnt matter for top, and I feel that scroll rack is too slow.

I once had mana combos in here, but I do not like them in the build that I have shifted towards. Thanks anyways!

Now we get to the good stuff. Torpor Orb and Cursed Totem actually both seem pretty good. I will probably only use the orb, however, as I am tight on spots right now.

Also, on your side note about sphinx, I disagree. I play against tons of targeted removal in my meta, and people do not usually point it at Kami unless they know what Im up to.

On turn 6, lets say 2 cards per turn, and 6 islands in play.

Scenario 1: Cast Consecrated Sphinx. Then, pass the turn and draw 4 on my opponents draw step. Lets say in those 2 cards, my opponent draws Doom Blade. They cast it Blading my sphinx. 3 card gain.

Scenario 2: Cast Flow of Ideas. If I have rocks in play, this means that I immediately draw 6 (5 card gain), and can keep playing spells if I want to.

While Consecrated Sphinx gives me more draw if it makes it around the table, it is what I said before, a win-more card. Thank you for the suggestions and the upvote!

March 6, 2018 7:51 a.m.

Honestly the only suggestion I have is Moonring Island as All you need to do is take out an island for it, which is fairly easy, and it can act as a repeatable way to look at one of your next draws, and plan around what you'll be getting. You can also use it to scout opponents (especially helpful if they're using top) so that you know if something big is going to be coming that might be worth preparing for.

March 14, 2018 5:33 a.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #23

The only problem I see with that is it doesnt untap if I have Back to Basics in play. I am trying to run as few nonbasics as possible. Thanks for the suggestion though!

March 14, 2018 2:07 p.m.

Philoctetes says... #24

Hey! thanks for the comment on my build!

Savage Cheeks

Commander / EDH Philoctetes


I agree - our decks are in the same spirit! My requirement in my meta to win outside of combo presents a unique deckbuilding challenge with Kami, but we share a lot of similarity none-the-less.

I see you are avoiding non-basics to help you create a more one-sided Back to Basics, in my experience even running ~40% non-basics still makes it something approaching one sided. Between having at least 50% basics and mana rocks it is often easy to play around. Removing that restriction opens up some super powerful utility lands!

Just my two cents, keep on group hugging!

March 16, 2018 1:03 p.m.

Maizena says... #25

What do you think about Black Vise, The Rack and Viseling? You have a lot of global draw effeccts, you could use these cards to punish your opponents.

Also, you can draw all you deck (and mill your opponents) with Mind Over Matter + Temple Bell .

March 21, 2018 10:10 a.m.

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