The Fateshifter | **PRIMER**

Commander / EDH Enral

SCORE: 358 | 319 COMMENTS | 80868 VIEWS | IN 150 FOLDERS

Megalomania says... #1

Finally got my list together bro. Hope you don't mind me sharing it here as your list was the initial inspiration for it. Would love to get your inputs as well.

Aminatou: Halloween Stax

Commander / EDH* Megalomania


July 30, 2018 1:22 a.m.

ScionLocke says... #2

What about The Scarab God? I know people tend to shy away from him in strategies that involve repeatedly forcing creatures into the battlefield from other zones but I'm a fan so I like throwing the suggestion out there.

July 30, 2018 3:07 a.m.

Enral says... #3

BlackyMTG: Restoration angel was in my testing list however since I don't run Altar of the makes no sense for me to include her for the infinite etb effect.

Megalomania: Not a prob, I'll take a look at your list later. Stax seems like another great strategy for Aminatou!

ScionLocke: Hmmm..scarab god is interesting but I'm not sure if she fits well in this build. Thanks for the suggestion though!

July 30, 2018 8:14 a.m.

irindumaster says... #4

Paragraph three of "Her Story"... should that be "Pragmatic" instead of "Programmatic"? Just trying to help improve this masterpiece. Great primer.

July 30, 2018 5:37 p.m.

Enral says... #5

irindumaster: Good catch!

July 30, 2018 5:41 p.m.

Mizeov says... #6

Vela the Night-Clad is a felidar outlet for infinite blinks. 3 card combo where one of the cards is your commander is very easily doable with all the tutors.

I might also recommend Pull from Eternity as it can protect against those pesky opponents exiling stuff you don’t want exiled

July 31, 2018 1:36 a.m.

Enral says... #7

Mizeov: Great suggestions...unfortunately I'm not too keen in including a 3-card combo in my deck due to meta reasons and for the same reason why I didn't include Altar of the Brood, Vela the Night-Clad doesn't really contribute much to my overall strategy. Pull from Eternity is interesting though...I might include it when I add Teferi's Protection later.

July 31, 2018 2:13 a.m.

Omega505 says... #8

You can also include Parallax Wave. Parallax Wave does give you another angle on Felidar Guardian. You can use Parallax Wave on Felidar Guardian and another ETB creature, and use Aminatou [-1] on the Parallax Wave. This way you can get infinite value out of whatever your other ETB creature is.

July 31, 2018 4:10 a.m.

Postt says... #9

What about Search for Azcanta  Flip? It seems really good in the deck, along with Jace, the Mind Sculptor

July 31, 2018 6:06 a.m.

Enral says... #10

Omega505: Wow...I've never thought of Parallax Wave...I will definitely test that out. Thanks for the suggestion!

MtgMaster02: I don't have Jace in my deck anymore since I'm not concentrating on the top deck matters theme...but Search for Azcanta  Flip is not a bad inclusion actually since I run quite a few non-creature spells. Will definitely test that out, thanks!

July 31, 2018 8:50 a.m.

ScionLocke says... #11

I just remembered something I want to recommend. Whip of Erebos is another way to buy back etbs and if you target the reanimated creature with your commander the creature will return to play because the whip doesn't care if you exile it on your own.

July 31, 2018 11:52 a.m.

Enral says... #12

ScionLocke: That's a spicy tech...I'll need to test whip out!

July 31, 2018 11:58 a.m.

Tacia says... #13

Similar to the whip is Dreams of the Dead. It's a bit more niche since you can't bring back your blue creatures, but it also doesn't tap, costs less mana and most people don't seem to know it exists.

July 31, 2018 12:40 p.m.

shadowmage says... #14

pretty cool list! a lot of bouncing goin on ! you have all the heavy hitters too! wave, drake, lavinina and chimera are def the best ones

check out my competitive edh version of this general !

The Aminatou Cat-astrophe cEDH

July 31, 2018 1:25 p.m.

miha22 says... #15

I took a few ideas from you as I was building my deck. I ended up with a fun list that I am pretty happy about. Although the goal was to have it play on a more casual table, I am gonna drop it here since it might be helpful to other people:

Aminatou Blink-Control-Drain

I've added a few more aggressive wincons to drain other players' life such as Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Obzedat, Ghost Council

July 31, 2018 1:26 p.m.

Bababad says... #16

great build! well done!

have you considered running Brago, King Eternal to give you aggressive post combat main phases by flickering all your rocks or w.e. you feel like abusing/giving pseudo vigilance?

even though enchant auras run the risk of being card disadvantage, Gift of Immortality usually generates absolutely disgusting levels of value if left unchecked.

July 31, 2018 4:19 p.m.

Enral says... #17

Bababad: I've considered Brago but considering that he doesn't really do anything when cast and have to wait an entire turn to get his benefit I don't think he's a good fit for my build. Casting him and getting immediately removed (which is going to happen because my meta is removal heavy) is going to set me back significantly. I also don't run lightning greaves or any haste effect to justify his inclusion. Gift of immortality seems to be more fitting on a sac/etb value it is probably not worth it in my deck. I do have several recursive effects in my deck so getting my creatures back from the gy is very easy. Thanks for the suggestions though!

July 31, 2018 9:42 p.m.

FolkenFanel says... #18

I haven't seen any lists running mastery of the unseen, even given how good she can be at setting up the top of library and blinking facedown permanents into face up ones.

August 1, 2018 3:07 a.m.

Megalomania says... #19

Activating its ability costs too much IMO.

August 1, 2018 3:18 a.m.

FlintSR says... #20

How did you get your image to work? I've tried all of the code snippets available online on the forums and my image wont show itself. Its just blank where the image should be

August 1, 2018 4:41 a.m.

BlackyMTG says... #21

I know my list is a bit more budget than yours, but I found a tutor that I think is pretty sweet and can search for two parts of one of your combos at once. It’s pretty cheap money wise, but a little bit expensive mana wise.

Final Parting can search for like Archaeomancer/Salvager of Secrets to put in your hand and then put Ghostly Flicker into your grave. You know how the rest goes lol.

Additionally, I found a card that can be argued as better or worse than Salvager of Secrets in Possessed Skaab because it hits creatures too, but if it gets killed it gets exiled unlike salavager, so that’s up to you.

Oh, and I really like the Whip of Erebos suggestion above btw.

August 1, 2018 4:48 a.m.

FlintSR says... #22

Is there something at the top you need to type to enable js or html? Just really frustrated that none of my js is showing up...

August 1, 2018 4:51 a.m.

Speetlebeetl says... #23

I would recommend Not putting in Teferi's Protection, unless you want to stop board wipes. The card doesn't trigger ETB effects and if all around not really worth it in my opinion, because it doesn't do much since you don't care much about board wipes and can just counter them instead. In addition I just wanted to say it's a great deck overall.

August 1, 2018 7:11 a.m.

Enral says... #24

FlintSR: There's nothing to enable for the background to work, just some css code. I'm not sure I can give you the code without possibly breaking the site rules, but if you post that question on the site forums the mods will help you.

FolkenFanel: That card honestly works better in a top-matters focused deck rather than a flicker theme like mine. It's activated ability also cost quite a bit.

BlackyMTG: Final parting seems like a good tutor late game...might be worth testing out. Not sure about skaab though. I also just found out about Entomber Exarch which seems like a decent versatile card to include.

Speetlebeetl: You make a great argument there for not including Teferi's protection. People include it mainly for the ultimate synergy but since I rather will ever ultimate her it might not be worth it.

August 1, 2018 10:37 a.m.

FolkenFanel says... #25

For Mastery of the Unseen, I don't think a 4 mana instant speed effect is that expensive, but to each their own. Other cards worth suggesting:

Settle the Score: (expensive for an exile creature effect, but the ability to ult the turn after you play Aminatou could break the game in your favor).

Land Tax: Gives you repeat shuffle effects (none of your ramp is extra land based so you should be below land count vs green decks) to turn your +1 into actual card advantage instead of mini-brainstorm lock.

Toothy: While we can't play Pir, All of toothy's abilities are relevant to Aminatou (even the partner since it can shuffle the top of the deck). Her +1 gives him extra counters, and the flicker ability means that he acts as a mass draw that doesn't need to rebuild every time. For example, if he has 5 counters on him, and you flicker him, he comes back with 0 counters but then draws you 5 cards and gains 5 more counters. Every turn you can -1 to draw even more cards (or use ghostly flicker/blink/resto, etc as long as they're instant exile and back).

Reveillark: most of the creatures in the deck are small utility creatures, and this brings 2 back at a time. (your current list has 16 targets out of its 23 creatures).

Lim-Dul's Vault: Instant Speed Tutor that sets up Miracles or finds you much better top decks.

Reality Acid: Others have suggested this card and I'd like to add approval for it. Commonly it should vindicate at least 2 permanents and sometimes acts as a very fast one sided necrotic plague. Works well with Aminatou, Venser, Venser, Felidar Gaurdian, and Oath of Teferi.

Demonic Pact: More of a fun card, but occasionally gets to Door to Nothingness a player when used with Puca's Mischief.

Blade of Selves: Again feels a bit more of a fun card, but can get you a massive chunk of ETB effects (doubled with panharmonicon). Sadly is sorcery speed 4 mana to equip and doesn't interact well with blinks (you have to repay the equip and if you blink that turn you can't attack due to summoning sick).

August 1, 2018 1:31 p.m.

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