The Fateshifter | **PRIMER**

Commander / EDH Enral

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Managem says... #1

Teferi's Gifted Child

Commander / EDH Managem


Scope mine out if you'd like. I do give partial credit and inspiration to your deck, and I was aware of many cards myself, and did some research and came across some interesting inclusion of my own, especially with a few more enchantments.

December 17, 2018 7:18 p.m.

Enral says... #2

Managem: Scrivener doesn't hit sorcery which is a huge downside for me. Your deck looks pretty solid and I do like the inclusion of Iona, Shield of Emeria with the ability to blink it as the game adapts. Cataclysmic Gearhulk is an interesting inclusion...have you tested it out yet?

December 17, 2018 9:54 p.m.

Omega505 says... #3

I think Cataclysmic Gearhulk is not worth to be played. If you play against voltron decks, they'll be fine if you play it.

December 18, 2018 8:24 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #4

Omega505 actually I think that is best against voltron decks, it stops them from getting 20 artifacts/enchantments on their commander.

December 18, 2018 10:05 a.m.

Omega505 says... #5

SynergyBuild I think that depends on your meta. I run Prossh voltron and don't really care about my board. There is also Sigarda, Host of Herons, I hate har so much, but she also have protection from Gearhulk. So... I think that depends on your meta if this gearhulk is worth it or not...

December 19, 2018 8:54 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #6


You aren't wrong... but I have never heard of Prossh Voltron, I have heard of Food Chain, aristocrats, dragon tribal, and token swarm, but not voltron, and while Sigarda Voltron isn't rare as it is what Sigarda is known for, for voltron I often see Uril, Sram, Kemba, or Rafiq, stuff like that.

It does depend on meta, but I didn't claim that gearhulk is always good, I was the one saying I didn't think it was bad in a voltron matchup, you were the one who said that it was definitively bad and voltron decks will always be perfectly fine against it.

The meta argument works much better against you than me.

December 19, 2018 9 a.m.

Omega505 says... #7

SynergyBuild You're right, that's on me, I was too quick.

Btw, there is another sweet combo that really fit in this deck. Naru Meha, Master Wizard works really well with Ghostly Flicker or Illusionist's Stratagem. That combo can make infinite mana and draw. I just include this combo in my deck, so we'll see.

December 19, 2018 11:05 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #8

Are those cards good in this deck as is?

I am not sure if you can -1 aminatou to copy something. Wouldn't that need to be at instant speed?

December 19, 2018 11:10 a.m.

Omega505 says... #9

This combo doesn't need Aminatou. You can just draw as much card as you want etc. Also, you can bounce Naru Meha in response to play any of your spells

December 19, 2018 12:13 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #10

Wait, you can? I though aminatou's abilities were at sorcery speed.

December 19, 2018 12:48 p.m.

Enral says... #11

Naru Meha, Master Wizard seems too situational for me to warrant an inclusion and the fact that he doesn't synergize with Aminatou is another negative. I think he belongs to deck like Inalla, Archmage Ritualist that can abuse cards like this more.

December 19, 2018 12:57 p.m.

Omega505 says... #12

Sorry for spaming, but I really like messing around with Aminatou Another idea. I know your deck focus on blinking, but I think that top deck manipulation is worth consider too, even a little. A lot of creature with etb have high mana cost, so I added card like Cloudform and Primordial Mist so I can manifest some big creature like Emeria Shepherd or just make land I don't need into 2/2. Then you could transform this usless 2/2 into samothing good with Proteus Staff, what do you think?

December 21, 2018 5:47 a.m.

Enral says... #13

Omega505: There's no harm experimenting with a little top deck manipulation. I think that primordial mist is a fun card to try out in Aminatou to cheat out fatties.

December 21, 2018 1:57 p.m.

Managem says... #14

Haha, yes I overlooked the Scrivener card. I had a moment of dyslexia and I think my mind put the word sorcery in its text >.>

I would then change it in my deck as well. I think Cataclysmic Gearhulk is a solid inclusion. It is a somewhat pseudo-boardwipe that brings hate to the table, but not TOO much hate in that everyone gets to keep a few things of their choice in play. As someone mentioned though Sigarda, Host of Herons doesn't care if you play Cataclysmic Gearhulk. But that is very situational mainly on that deck alone.

Ancestral Knowledge to me is a great 2 drop. Being able to essentially Dig Through Time with 3 additional cards mind you, is incredibly powerful to set up a game plan. Not to mention you can choose "0" as a number so you're not exiling anything away. Just blink it as need be, and to knock off the age counters.

Primordial Mist is an interesting approach. As said this can easily cheat you into free fatties, and a 2/2 usually flies under the radar, no one is usually too concerned about 2/2 manifested creatures I feel like. However the only problematic thing with it is if other players start dropping bomb cards and someone decides to board wipe, it is risky in that aspect. But I feel there may be some potential in that build tbh.

December 22, 2018 8:26 a.m.

Megalomania says... #15

Parallax Wave is one of my favorite cards in my list. I never though of putting the ability on the stack in response to Felidar Guardian. All this time i’ve been using them with Aminatou to make the loop work. Thanks!

December 31, 2018 8:09 p.m.

Omega505 says... #16

I mention [Parallax Wave] a few months ago. It's amazing enchantment, not only can help with blinking your creatures but also can protect a few important one from mass removall.

January 1, 2019 10:22 a.m.

Enral says... #17

Omega505: You did mention it indeed. I didn't realize how broken it was in Aminatou till I tested it out personally. Great card with versatility especially when it can be used to protect Aminatou. Now the problem is which card to cut for this...

January 2, 2019 11:28 a.m.

Omega505 says... #18

Emeria Shepherd? I've never used her, because her ability is too slow and her cost is too high.

January 2, 2019 12:30 p.m.

Enral says... #19

Omega505: She's mostly there as a late game clutch. I might just replace her with it but cut lim's vault for Elixir of Immortality. Recursion and inevitability is very important for this deck.

January 2, 2019 1:03 p.m.

Omega505 says... #20

Enral, what do you think about Rite of Replication? I like the idea of having for example 6 copy of Ashen Rider or Cloudblazer

January 3, 2019 9:43 a.m.

Enral says... #21

Omega505: I think it's a win more card and doesn't move the deck forward. By the time we have RoR mana we should already be winning or have the board on lock down by that point.

January 3, 2019 10:38 a.m.

coolmaster82 says... #22

Would it be time to reconsider restoration angel for the deck, seeing as you are now utilizing altar of the brood? It's also nice to have blink at instant speed because it can really throw opponents off sometimes. In your Parallax Wave update you mentioned Felidar Guardian and 4 other creatures to go infinite with Parallax Wave. You would have infinite permanents entering the battlefield with just Felidar Guardian seeing as you can just target Felidar Guardian 5 times each time in response to putting the previous targeting on the stack; Unless you mean to get infinite etbs with up to 4 other creatures, in which case you would of course be right.

January 10, 2019 1:50 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #23

With a card like Rune-Scarred Demon, have you considered the obvious Nexus of Fate combo to take infinite turns (or as many turns as Aminatou has counters)?

You'd probably want some other cards like RSD before you decide, but I would imagine it can be a powerful effect. Archaeomancer and any non-shuffle, non-exile extra turn effect can do the same thing, like Time Warp btw

January 10, 2019 8:36 a.m.

Enral says... #24

coolmaster82: I'm still not sold on restoration angel due to it's limited applicability to creatures only. You are right about parallax wave in both instances. It all depends on what's in play at that time. If Altar of the Brood is in play, guardian and wave is all I need. If Gonti, Lord of Luxury is in play, then I would need the full suite to win.

SynergyBuild: Nexus of Fate is intriguing because it has a pretty steep CMC but it does increases the number of ways the deck can win. I might test it out just to see how it goes.

January 10, 2019 10:09 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #25

Oftentimes extra turn spells, while not easy to resolve, do win games, like a free Explore in some cases, with perhaps a combat step and walker activation involved here. I could imagine an Aminatou turns deck doing some really explosive things, but it would probably be another deck.

January 10, 2019 10:11 a.m.

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