The Few and the Proud

Modern NateJH


sunking1008 says... #1

Maybe take the two Dismember for the main and one Sorin, Solemn Visitor and put 3 more copies of Honor of the Pure in the main.

March 8, 2015 8:46 p.m.

xzzane says... #2

None of those suggestions would be good, sunking.

March 8, 2015 8:52 p.m.

NateJH says... #3

The issue is too many anthems leaves little room for other more important items like discard or removal. We don't have enough gas to to provide enough fuel for it, Hero packs more of a punch with more guarantee.

March 8, 2015 8:58 p.m.

sunking1008 says... #4

The whole point of black white tokens is to put out tokens and pump them before turn 5 (Which is the only point Hero of Bladehold becomes viable) and do as much damage as possible so your opponent has to play super defensive and worry only about your board-state keeping them from assembling their ideal board-state. And most decks you will face in any Modern Tournament are ones who will be much faster than this deck the way it's set up at establishing board-state. An accurate list of those arch-types would be Burn, Affinity, Abzan-aggro, UR Delver, UR Twin, Temur Twin and on and on. So while you may think my suggestions are not relevant the fact remains that that is your opinion but statistics in the Meta-game that is modern, at this time, beg to differ. Do some research Turn 5 to start getting your board-state where you need it is not good against decks that can do it before then, and decks that combo out a win then and that is all of modern right now.

March 8, 2015 9:05 p.m.

xzzane says... #5

I would turn the same advice back on you. There's a reason monastery mentor has absolutely no place in b/w tokens. It doesnt fit the curve, it can be easily removed, and honestly it really is just sub optimal. I can go further in depth if you want. Same for having 8 anthems. 4-5 anthems is optimal.

March 8, 2015 9:09 p.m.

sunking1008 says... #6

I didn't see the 4 of Intangible Virtue when I looked at the list. Definitely shouldn't run more than 4 anthems. I got stuck on the 3 of Sorin, Solemn Visitor and the Dismember's and the Hero of Bladehold's. I have just played against so much B/W token decks in the last 6 months and as a R/W Burn player my Win/Loss to it is all wins until I played against one with the addition of Monastery Mentor to it and that was my first time losing to it. The card is undervalued. Craig Wescoe added the card to his version or B/W Tokens which he played and took top 8 with a month or so ago maybe a little more. And when it comes to removal...all low mana-cost creatures are bad against removal except for maybe Tarmogoyf. Saying that a 2-2 that nets adds a 1-1 token with prowess which is pretty much the basis of this deck is bad because it can be easily removed is the same as you making the statement that Noble Hierarch or Snapcaster Mage or Vendilion Clique for examples are bad because of they can be easily removed. I don't see your logic.

March 8, 2015 9:27 p.m.

xzzane says... #7

My logic is thus: Take the general curve of b/w tokens. Now, if you have an in depth knowledge of tokens you would know that the 3 cmc spot is by far the most difficult spot to fill. Spectral Procession and Lingering Souls are both very difficult to compete with. This is also the turn that b/w tokens needs to stabilize. If you decide to play mentor turn 3 instead of these cards, instead of having a field of chump blockers, you have an easily removed 2/2 creature. Your argument of Noble Hierarch and snapcaster and the like is not the same. Those cards are used as utility, and do not have the same value as the the 3 cmc spot holds in tokens. Now, moving on to turn 4. By this point our entire field presence (unless we played Raise the Alarm, but we can't always count on that) is a 2/2 creature that we dare not chump block with. Turn 4 we play an elspeth or a sorin. Now we have a planeswalker, a 2/2 a 1/1 with prowess, and an anthem. This is not an ideal phase to be set up in. Turn 5 gives us the potential to play more cards, thus offering moer tokens with prowess. But these tokens will only be viable turn 6. Tokens is already too fair of a deck for this situation to play out. And your mentor has a very high likelihood of being removed anyway, taking out our vital turn 3 play. If we played Spectral Procession, on the other hand, we would have a solid field presence far before this point. Do you understand now?

March 8, 2015 9:35 p.m.

NateJH says... #8

I'm not saying Mentor is bad because it dies to removal. What I am trying to say is this deck can't fully utilize it from the lack of consistent triggers, at least from first glance. I still need to test matchups and stuff so I'll still consider it.

March 8, 2015 9:58 p.m.

xzzane says... #9

It's bad due to a combination of both dying easily and lack of consistent triggers. Feel free to test it, but I can guarantee the outcome that your deck would be better off without it.

March 8, 2015 10:08 p.m.

NateJH says... #10

You're probably right, its still worth a shot though.

March 8, 2015 10:10 p.m.

xzzane says... #11

Yep. Everything is worth trying at least. You learn a lot through trial and error. I just don't advise actually buying any physical copies though haha, for reasons stated above.

March 8, 2015 10:13 p.m.

MooneBoyIrish says... #12

Why don't you add Surgical Extraction instead of Stain the Mind. You don't have to pay it's mana cost and it does the same thing but the card has to be in the graveyard. And you can discard their non basic lands instead of not being able to discard any type of land. Which can be useful with fetches seeing as after your opponent uses one it goes to the graveyard. Or even put it in the mainboard.

March 8, 2015 10:25 p.m.

NateJH says... #13

I don't like SE as much as it requires discard to even really work, I might consider for fetchlands though. StM is really there to hamper Twin, Tron, and Bloom Titan off 1/2 their deck.

March 8, 2015 11:33 p.m.

MooneBoyIrish says... #14

Yeah I guess but it is a good consideration for the sideboard because if they have fetches you can switch it in match 2

March 8, 2015 11:36 p.m.

HydraOoze says... #15

Bitterblossom and Brimaz, King of Oreskos could be good. +1

March 9, 2015 7:57 p.m.

Adamantium13 says... #16

Love B/W Tokens! Great build!

+1 from me.

Check out B/W Tokens for the Win

June 4, 2015 9:23 a.m.

Love orzhov token builds.if I may make a suggestion, even though it is expensive, token builds just aren't complete without bitterblossom. Plus 1 from me.

June 4, 2015 9:29 a.m.

NateJH says... #18

Thanks guys!

About Bitterblossom, I can't even afford it right now. Also it can be pretty bad against decks like combo and burn.

June 4, 2015 9:53 a.m.

Adamantium13 says... #19

NateJH I like the build without Bitterblossom. It is a great card but isn't a real difference maker. Like xzzane says, it makes your good matchups better and your bad ones worse.

June 4, 2015 10:02 a.m.

Guillepe says... #20

I think this is the definitive option, maybe it could be better with 3 or 4 Auriok Champion but...

June 7, 2015 2:55 p.m.

xzzane says... #21

Yeah, I would highly recommend Auriok Champion. She is amazing in this meta.

June 7, 2015 3:02 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #22

7 discard spells seems excessive for a deck trying to pressurise the opponent on the board. I would go to 4 Inquisition of Kozilek (with 2 Thoughtseize sideboard). Or 4 IoK and 2 TS main

I like Go for the Throat over Dismember in mainboard as easier to cast given you want for Spectral Procession and for any targets it can't hit you use Path to Exile

I would drop an Isolated Chapel - running 4 is excessive in any deck in Modern. I would also replace one Godless Shrine with a swamp. You only need 3 shocks given you have many ways to tutor for it. I think 22 lands is ok with this deck.

June 28, 2015 1:08 p.m.

xzzane says... #23

6 or 7 discard spells is fine. Go for the throat always requires 2 Mana, and doesn't hit anything of affinity nor wurmcoils. Dismember costs more life, but is much more versatile. I'll agree on chapel, but only if he runs more fetches. Absolutely no to replacing godless for a swamp. You need to have access to 3 white Mana on turn 3 for spectral. 23 lands is necessary, I've considered going to 24.

June 28, 2015 1:28 p.m.

Adamantium13 says... #24

6 to 7 hand disruption is what you need to run a successful b/w tokens deck.

Dismember >> Go for the Throat. Don't need black mana to cast Dismember btw.

4 Godless Shrine is a must.

June 28, 2015 2:23 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #25

Wurmcoil Engine is not commonly played, what % of decks play that? And you can just Path to Exile it. And Affinity has problems with Lingering Souls and Spectral Procession and Zealous Persecution. So I say Go for the Throat better than Dismember in the mainboard. You ideally don't want to pay life for Dismember, and if you are trying to hit for Spectral Procession then for it is a stretch. Go for the Throat is just more efficient given that Path mops up the other threats

On the mana, yeah 23 lands is probably right.

Discard - happy with 6 but 7 is over the top

June 28, 2015 2:34 p.m. Edited.

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