
"Many who cross Sorin's path come down with a sudden and fatal case of being-in-the-way-of-a-millennia-old-vampire."

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Pumped to have a viable vampire tribal commander, and the option to finally use the newer Sorins in a vampire deck. Shared Animosity and Cover of Darkness are brutal in this deck - these two cards make aggro a viable strategy.

Been tinkering with this deck for awhile now. All suggestions are greatly appreciated!


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.91
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Vampire 1/1 B, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink, Vampire 1/1 W, Vampire 2/2 B, Vampire Knight 1/1 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders My EDH Decks, Commander, Deck Improvement Examples, commander
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