knudthedude says... #2
I did take out the young pyromancer and the murderus cut for the two flip Jaces.Thinking about taking gitaxian probe out in favor for inquisition of kozilek.
March 17, 2016 3:20 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #3
Flip Jace is good, but Young Pyro is also amazing in Delver. Ever considered Dark Confidant? Anyway 1 Spell Snare is enough. Deprive seems sub-optimal. Run Remand instead. Let's not forget Cryptic Command and Kolaghan's Command. Izzet Charm is very nice. Spell Snare and Dispel are excellent. Rakdos Charm is good enough to mainboard. Bob and Young Pyro are extremely nice as mentioned, as is Monastery Swiftspear. But don't overload too much on creatures. Your creatures are all great, so cutting something might be tough.
March 21, 2016 8:43 a.m.
knudthedude says... #5
and thank you for your remarks. I will try to explain my choices.- Pyro:I borded that Young Pyro out in favor of Flip Jace. I wanted to try out more control. So I also chose the Inquisition over Gitaxian Probe.- Bob:I dont like Bob in combination with delve spells...- Deprive:You could be correct and I will try out that Cryptic over Deprive (discussed to take that one out anyway).- Spell Snare:Not really sure what to exchange it for?Spellpierce?Another Mana Leak?I would love to run a third Kolagans Command but I have only two at the moment ;-)Hmmm, I could go for an Izzet Charm, what do you think?
Best and Thanks again,
March 22, 2016 8:49 a.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #6
Yeah, space is gonna be tight here. You might also consider 4x Liliana of the Veil. I'd side out dispel and drop 1 snare for 2x Spell Pierce.
March 22, 2016 8:38 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #7
If you want more draw/more grave, Thought Scour is an option. Keranos is fantastic sided and Clique is good main or side.
March 22, 2016 8:42 p.m.
knudthedude says... #8
thank you. Thought Scour is played four times.I will sideboard Vendilion Clique and Keranos, God of Storms.
I just do not have a Liliana of the Veil and wont be able to afford it anytime soon so that is no option at the moment.
Last twists can be made with replacing a Spell Snare for a Izzet Charm anothter Land??? a Spell Pierce Removal Spells or whatshowever...
I am still tending towards that Izzet Charm...
March 23, 2016 8:09 a.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #9
Eh, when push comes to shove go with Spell Pierce. Izzet charm is seeing less play lately, though it's useful.
March 23, 2016 9:02 a.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #10
I should mention Murderous Cut as a potential one-of.
March 23, 2016 9:04 a.m.
knudthedude says... #11
so it shall be! I will insert a Spell Pierce over a Spell Snare. I prefer a counter over another removal.I considered Murderous Cut but took it out again for a Terminate. But maybe time will tell.
Thank You
March 24, 2016 3:35 a.m.
knudthedude says... #12
Hi YamishiTheWickedOne, hi PepsiAddicted,
I would like to start another discussion about wether or not to use Darkslick Shores over Drowned Catacomb...
Could you state why the one is superior to the other?
I was also wondering if I should play two instaead of three Inquisition of Kozilek and one Thoughtseize
Thanks for your opinion.
March 25, 2016 6:27 p.m.
PepsiAddicted says... #13
hey knud
modern is a 4-turn format with decks that run very low/fast mana curves (that doesnt mean that all matches only last 4 turns ofc, hello control). the scar lands are very good in a format like that because the downside really doesnt matter.. you have your untapped lands for the first couple of turns and the rest doesnt matter. you can keep a starting hand that has only scar lands.
i cant say how many of which discard spell would be best for you. i only know that as a burn player i prefer when my oponent plays thoughtseize over iok ;)
March 25, 2016 6:45 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #14
4 turn format doesn't mean win by turn 4, mind you. It means the major plays happen on or before turn 4, though decks exist that can kill you by the 4th turn if they go uninterrupted. But yes, 90+% of the format is 3 mana or less for a reason. Speed is important in establishing board presence and disrupting your opponent's battle plan.
March 25, 2016 6:51 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #15
I would say 3 Inquisition 2 Thoughtseize if you have space. Life costs suck but Thoughteize hits their gamebreakers (4-5 mana cards. You typically will never see a 6+ mana card unless your opponent is running something like Tron or Collected Cord). Darkslick shores is clearly the better option. Drowned catacomb is too slow. You want your dual lands fast, and not having to pay life for a turn 1 land is a huge plus.
March 25, 2016 6:54 p.m.
Your deck looks really solid. It's on the more controling side of delver decks.Haven't you issues with the fast decks?
I like the 1off Creeping Tar Pit a lot :D I should try that one.
What's your plan against grindy decks like Jund, Junk and Jeskai? Any SB tech?
October 18, 2016 1:49 p.m.
knudthedude says... #17
Hi Riotary,
thank you for looking and commenting on my list. I again just made some changes and did kick out Liliana, the Last Hope. You and most others are probably right, that she contributes too little to my strategy.I decided to put one Thought Scour and another Spell Snare in for these. I think the Snare is mostly underrated and helpful Counter in the modern meta. We will see how that goes.I am also cutting on Spell Pierce. It feels more like a sideboard card and it often enough a dead card as the game evolves. Thinking about another Mana Leak, Spell Snare or removal for that. What do you think about a maindeck Dispel?
Heavy aggro decks are always threatning. Infect is my personal most hated match up. I am always struggling with them. Burn is manageable after sideboarding for me and affinity feels pretty save after sideboarding.
I faced Junk and Jeskai a lot in the last weeks. I somehow most often managed to keep them under controll. I always would board in Engineered Explosives against Junk and Junk to keep their two drops like Tarmogoyf, Dark Confidant, Scavenging Ooze and similar under control. It works also against these pesky Lingering Souls.I kicked Keranos, God of Storms from my sideboard because I have not seen him often. Maybe he should be an option considered. The copy of Dreadbore hepls against the famous Liliana of the Veil and Nahiri, the Harbinger.
October 21, 2016 4:22 a.m.
knudthedude says... #18
Hi Riotary,
made some further changes:
Countersquall for Spell Pierce
Three Inquisition of Kozilek out - Vendilion Clique, an additional Mana Leak and an additional Terminate in.
What do you think?
October 22, 2016 2:02 p.m.
Hi knudthedude,
now your list looks way more like a lean control deck and I like it. The old version seemed a bit clunky but your changes should definitely help.
What was your problem with Inquisition of Kozilek? I'm still on 2 in the SB and haven't tested them yet. Tomorrow is a big event and I'll see how it goes. If it doesn't work I will add additional land and grave hate.
The 1off Cryptic Command is neat. I think it's sometimes a complete blowout since your opponents don't expect that in a delver shell.
I don't know much about Countersquall maindeck. Could be clunky and dead sometimes. I like it in my sideboard but many lists are succesful with it main.
Maybe you could cut a Remand for a third Spell Snare. They shine in so many match ups especially against Affinity and Burn.
Is Annul in your SB only for Affinity or also for Bogles? I like Ceremonious Rejection more
October 22, 2016 7:16 p.m.
knudthedude says... #20
Hi Riotary,
thank you again. I am really looking forward to my next games testing.
There was no problem with Inquisition of Kozilek.I played three copies in my main deck and since I wanted to substitute one with Vendilion Clique, I felt two were too random since pulling them late doesn't do too much...
Cryptic Command and Creeping Tar Pit are really helpful. I never had problems casting the command. Of course do I board it out if boarding Blood Moon.
Let's see how Countersquall performs. It feels way superior to Spell Pierce.
Remand becomes often boarded out. However does it feel good to remand certain things. It is true however that I would like to add a third Spell Snare.
Annul is indeed against boogles and affinity so I will still keep it. Thank you for the suggestions!!
October 23, 2016 3:58 p.m.
Seppuku_Fox says... #21
I want to start out by saying I am glad to see you enjoy the most unreliable but strongest one drop creatures in modern.
Starting out with the good. I like the 1x Dreadbore. The amount of midrange and decks running 2 to 8 planeswalkers is at an all time high. This is a tech choice I have thought of over my 1x Dismember.
The amount of counterspells is great for your pyroless build. Grixis Delver is great for its versatility in ranging from aggro control to borderline grixis control.
In terms of my playstyle and meta I prefer a aggro control with a sideboard into midrange + bloodmoon for grindy matchup.
The no goes...That 1 of Cryptic Commmand just screams dead card. More often than not you will thought scour it in the graveyard and it will only be delve material.
Treat thoughtscour as a option generator. We run it to get to that needed terminate o negate. If we mill dead cards then use it as delve fuel.
Most matches should be at 3 lands with delver. That is enough lands for 1 action and 1 reaction typically. Keep this in mind when choosing cards with 3 cmc vs 1-2 cmc + snapcaster.
My choice on fastlands versus lots of fetchlands is simple I hate turn 2 14 life to play grixis delver. What was super rough was unknown jund and aggro/burn matchups that were favored just by deciding to turn 1 delver.
Last note is if you run bloodmoon run more flexible cards like negate in mana cost. I can see a turn 3 or turn 4 bloodmoon not being played because of lack of land versatility.
I look forward to your input. Cheers!
November 2, 2016 9:49 a.m.
knudthedude says... #22
Dear Seppuku_Fox,
thank you so much for your detailed feedback. I have to admit that your argumenatation makes a lot of sense. Especially in terms of Cryptic Command and the action and reaction card at CMC 3. Although I have never had problems with casting Cryptic Command I will try out a Dispel over the command.
Furthermore did I after all pull my first Spirebluff Canal which will go into the deck for one Bloodstained Mire. I am completly convinced that I need at least two basic Island especially after boarding in Blood Moon. You are correct that one might even think about getting rid of the basic Mountain if you play more Spirebluff Canal Since drawing a basic mountian feels somehow alsways bad.
I would furthermore like to thank you to be so thoughtful to think about Blood Moon and cards like Countersquall. You are right that they are more demanding in terms of having the correct mana. I like that Countersquall in my main so maybe a Negate instead the Countersquall in the sideboard can be helpful? Imight give it a try.
Thank you so much for these explanations and suggestions. Your comment has been most helpful.
November 7, 2016 4:24 a.m.
knudthedude says... #23
Dear Seppuku_Fox,
short update:
Had two games on the weekend, against Junk and Nahiri control.I lost 0:2 against Junk, had some bad luck with it but I won 2:1 against Nahiri control.I only started counter wars when I had at least another counter open or when I was fine getting that counter out of my opponetns hand.The one of Dispel is truely beautiful in such a match up and helped a lot. In the thrid game I got nahiri down three times. two times Dreadbore, snapcaster dreadbore took care of it and for the third Shadow of Doubt ruined it for him when he ultimated his nahiri sacrificing her doing nothing and me drawing a card.
So thank you for helping out.
November 14, 2016 5:03 a.m.
knudthedude says... #24
Dear all, dear Seppuku_Fox,
short update:
After always feeling good and having fun playing Shadow of Doubt I decided to swap this card into my main deck taking out a Mana Leak. This card as a one of can be so much fun and a complete blowout for your opponent.
December 8, 2016 3:56 a.m.
knudthedude says... #25
Hi Riotary,
I added these three Ancestral Vision to my sideboard for those grindy matchups. I played three borrowed ones in my sideboard and they did an amazing job.
I took Keranos, God of Storms, one copy of Blood Moon and the one copy of Annul out of the sideboard for it.
What do you think, could this be viable?
PepsiAddicted says... #1
hey :) yupp no suggestions here +1
for sideboard options maybe have a look at
cya soon
October 28, 2015 7:12 p.m.