The Fly and The Fish - Grixis Delver

Modern knudthedude


Riotary says... #1

Hi knudthedude,

I like your changes a lot. Keranos is cool but clunky und only really good against BGx, where we are favored against Jund anyway. Clunky bombs against URx control isn't the way to go for these matchups in my opinion. Blood Moon is also cutable. It can steal games, but we are never really dependent on it. And Annul is kind of narrow.

Ancestral Vision is great if your meta is filled with midrange and control. Ryan Overturf isn't playing it anymore because the competitive meta doesn't demand extra grind power. I think on a more casual level there are a lot of grindy decks running around. I also think 3 in the SB is the perfect number. Maybe even 2 could work if you need more space. It isn't the best topdeck for sure but games against blue control are really long.I resolved a lot of topdecked AVs in these matches.The disadvantage is that you are one card short for 4 turns. That makes it harder to confidently fight a counter war.A tip: AV is also really good against Lantern Control. You let your opponent draw 3 and attack with Delver and Clique :)

I'm testing 1x Creeping Tar Pit and 2x Inquisition of Kozilek right now.I like that Tar Pit feels like our other threats Clique and Delver. It can just ignore the creature heavy ground and go under/over it. It's nonetheless really clunky and I don't like it as my first, second, third or fourth land drop.What is your opinion on the IoKs? Is too much sorcery speed not working with our counters and snappy? And is the tempoloss significant?I really like that I can remove things that would be hard to catch witch counter magic. It also really helps to tap out with confidence. You gain a lot of information and take their best card or ruin their curve.What do you think?

Btw: Are you from germany?

December 13, 2016 6:02 a.m.

gabrjaws says... #2

Delve is awesome, however, it has a downside, you don't get immediate payback from exiling your graveyard cards. I would suggest using Eternal Scourge. He helps you get a creature out of exiling your grooveyard, which is absolutely amazing in delving.

December 14, 2016 1:25 p.m.

knudthedude says... #3

Hi Riotary,

thank you again for all the remarks!I upgraded the account and will therefor mostly share deck changes via updates now.

Good to hear that you agree on the last changes. I have enough grindy matches to put the Ancestral Vision in so that is set. I am not on any competetive level and at my local fnm I find them most useful (at the moment).

You are also correct on that Creeping Tar Pit. It sometimes is the game winner (takes down certain walkers or runs into that opponent face unblocked). On other times is that tapped landdrop critical. I think I will just keep playing a one copy of. On another note am I very often manahungry in the lategame as well using Tasigur, the Golden Fang ability every turn. It is nearly impossible to use both at the same turn. I do not think that I will often have that much mana unused.

Inquisition of Kozilek I found extremly helpful in the early game but often having a nearly dead card in my lategame so I decided to go for more counters and removal. I would always play at least three to make sure that I will have one on my early turns. But this is just me.

Yes, I am from Germany;-) Why you asking? So obvious? where are you from?

BTW. Again thinking about adding two Young Pyromancer and two Gitaxian Probe. What do you think? Could you advise from your personal opinion?



December 20, 2016 5:39 a.m.

knudthedude says... #4

Dear gabrjaws,

thank you for commenting and thank you for your suggestion. I just think that I don not have the space for another creature in this deck. However do I agree that Eternal Scourge should be tried...



December 20, 2016 10:35 a.m.

gabrjaws says... #5

knudthedude ,to each his own I suppose. I am glad you took the time to consider the card. This is a cool deck.

December 20, 2016 3:52 p.m.

Riotary says... #6

Hi knudthedude,

I saw a german comment on your profile wall. That's why I thought you were german. I'm from Germany too ;D

I'll keep my 2x Inquisition of Kozilek in the mainboard for now. They didn't disappointed me once. I'm also running 1x Deprive instead of the 4th Mana Leak. Seems bad and probably is bad but time will tell. It's really good in control matches when your opponent tries to play around Mana Leak. The art is nice too.

@Young Peezy and Probe: I'm considering the change to 2x Young Pyromancer and 2x Gitaxian Probe myself sometimes because I love Peezy. But I don't think he is good enough. The hardest part when playing Grixis Delver is to decide when to commit your threats and when to hold up Snare/Leak/Bolt. Normally all your threats cost 1 mana or can be played at instant speed but YP is much, much slower. Another point against him is that you will likely up your creature count to add him to your list. If you want to approach the control role in a matchup you want to draw reaction spells like counters or removal and not your clunky two mana threat. Young Peezy feels too aggressive and fair for the deck. Look at all the other decks in modern. They win on Turn 3 while you spent your turn 2 to commit your threat that fails the Gut Shot-Test.

Otherwise, if I cut the IoKs, I could play 1x YP and 1x Gitaxian Probe. A oneoff Peezy is great when your control opponent sees him in game one and boards in Pyroclasm, which will then only hit my Snapcasters. The Probe would be a filler and another source to gain information.

A question:Which Titanshift-/Tron-Hate would you play other than Blood Moon? Molten Rain, Crumble to Dust or Ghost Quarter?

December 20, 2016 6:17 p.m.

IcecubeNWAnips says... #8

Hey man I really like the deck. What do you think about playing fatal push when aether revolt comes out?

January 5, 2017 8:05 a.m.

knudthedude says... #9

He IcecubeNWAnips,

thank you for looking and commenting on my decklist.

Honestly I can't wait at all for fatal push. This card will be the most awesome addition since tasigur. I have had problems with junk/jund lately and am sure that this card might help out a bit. Planing to play two copies mainboard...

Cheers and I wouldn't mind an upvote. ;-)

January 5, 2017 11:29 a.m.

Eiyros says... #10

Mind checking out my deck? I've been looking for experienced delver players to help perfect it. Delving My Way To Victory (Help Wanted)

January 15, 2017 4:02 p.m.

Eiyros says... #11

I like the deck a lot but I have a few questions-

How is Liliana working out for you? She seems kind of questionable in my opinion but maybe she is working out well for you.

3 spell snare is a ton. I'd assume your meta includes lots of 2-mana cards like goyf, terminate, flayer, etc to be running 3 but if not I'd only run 1

Not a fan of remand. It gets very little done.

I would definitely run a fourth thought scour, when probe was legal 3 was fine but now I'd run 4 of it and 4 serum visions

Peek could be a decent inclusion. It's like an instant speed gitaxian probe though you have to pay the blue mana instead of the 2 life

Maybe negate over countersquall? It's easier to cast.

Forked bolt and electrolyze are both great, not sure what your meta is though. If you see lots of lingering souls then I'd include them.

January 16, 2017 1:35 p.m.

I like what you've done with the layout.

January 16, 2017 3:33 p.m.

knudthedude says... #13

Dear Eiyros,

thank you for the fast response and your suggestions.

Liliana, the Last Hope and the Young Pyromancer are always on/off choices. The come in and will be taken out again for my newest spleen. Lili will leave the deck soon again for a slightly more control route.

Furthermore I want to flip my Delver of Secrets  Flip most often so I have to keep the count on non-instans and non-sorceries low.

True I mostly play against heavy two drop decks (junk, jund, affinity). Three Spell Snare might not necessarily the correct choice but that spell is imho highly underrated. Time will tell...

Remand is an awsome card. It can set a whole enemy turn back, get rid of Lingering Souls casted of the yard or blowout an Ancestral Vision.

Never considered Peek. I would probably play rather an Inquisition of Kozilek.

You are not the first considering Negate over Countersquall. With two copies of Darkslick Shores it does work out fairly good.

I love Electrolyze AND Forked Bolt and really want to squeeze them in. One will probably find a place for Lili ;-)

Thank you again!


January 16, 2017 4:33 p.m.

knudthedude says... #14

Thank you YamishiTheWickedOne!!I still love that deck.... Value for Life!!!

January 16, 2017 4:35 p.m.

Eiyros says... #15

I can't believe I didn't notice your lack of young pyromancer, I love him. He gives your good board presence and his tokens are expendable, is run at least 2 and cap out at 3 of him

January 16, 2017 6:14 p.m.

Young Pyro is so good man.

January 16, 2017 6:25 p.m.

Eiyros says... #17

Please excuse my awkward sentences I'm typing from a phone

January 16, 2017 7:23 p.m.

knudthedude says... #18

Hi YamishiTheWickedOne, hi Eiyros,

You guys convinced me to go with a one of young pyro. I made some further changes including a mainboard Dispel.

Can't wait to playtest the deck.

January 19, 2017 2:51 a.m.

Eiyros says... #19

I like the changes! I would still add a fourth thought scour and at least a second young pyromancer, clique seeems better in the sb for disrupting combo decks, in certain matchups he is just a 3 mana 3/1 flyer.

January 19, 2017 9:52 a.m.

As of now, feels kind of slow and unfocused, maybe because I'm not used to running Delver. I feel you need at least 1 more Steam Vents, probably Watery Grave too. Or just some more fast lands.

January 19, 2017 10:05 a.m.

knudthedude says... #21

Hi Eiyros,

Wow, thank you. I took out a Thought Scour for one lili but forgot to put it back in again. That will be changed. Damn space is so tight!

Vendilion Clique or Young Pyromancer is always is tough question. Playing/ deck testing will answer this. Maybe you are correct but I will keep clique in for now.

Cheers Knud

January 19, 2017 10:05 a.m.

Yeah, I'd sideboard clique maybe, try a second mainboard young pyro. I also feel the need to strongly recommend Monastery Swiftspear. Even with no Probe she remains one of the best creatures in modern easily.

January 19, 2017 10:07 a.m.

Important question: do you have the budget for 3 Dark Confidant? That card is god tier. No honestly that card is Bolas tier. Bolas if he ate Emrakul tier.

An Idea I've been very curious about for a while is playing Grixis Delver as a softcore human tribal and abusing Cavern of Souls. Think about it, Delver of Secrets  Flip, Young Pyromancer, Monastery Swiftspear, Tasigur, the Golden Fang, Dark Confidant, Stormchaser Mage, Grim Lavamancer, Snapcaster Mage, Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip are ALL humans.

January 19, 2017 10:13 a.m.

knudthedude says... #24

Hi YamishiTheWickedOne,

it feels terrible hearing that the deck seems unfocused. Both: Young Pyromancer and Vendilion Clique are just slight additions. Swiftspear is not a current option for me but as always thank you for that recommendation.

I will keep you guys updated how the decks works out...

January 19, 2017 10:17 a.m.

Don't take my words to harshly, remember I'm not that experienced using control decks. I just prepare to fight them on occasion. Let me take a look at recent lists and I'll get back to you.

January 19, 2017 10:18 a.m.

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