The Fly and The Fish - Grixis Delver

Modern knudthedude


knudthedude says... #1

Hi Teddyjunior11,

thank you for your advice. Suggestions are always welcome!I admire Kevin Jones lists and playstyle. I am only playing at our local fnm, no tournaments yet at all. I just love this deck. Form time to time I get different decks handed (Junk, Affinity, Infect) but they all seem slightly boring (hope to not offend anyone).

I recently got my first copy of Surgical Extraction which will be added for that Blood Moon. I even played two moons in my sideboard but playing around them is difficult and with four hastelands it is even harder.

Ancestral Vision worked very well for my grindy matchups and of course do you always have to navigate your way through difficult choices. That is what makes that deck so spicy. I like the idea of having the Desolate Lighthouse and a copy of Painful Truths instead. I will give both options a try and see whats best for my meta.

Vampiric Link is an awsome card and my personal favorite against burn but I will think of replacing it with that sideboard Collective Brutality.

Anger of the Gods is probably liek many other cards dicussable. Boardwipes are good and anger fullfills that roll well. I do indeed need another sideboard slot for my thrid Fulminator Mage. Further suggestions?

Please try to collect your ideas, suggestions and remarks into one comment. That helps people keeping the overview.



February 2, 2017 1:22 p.m.

Parkerfear says... #3

Hi thereYou commented on my list a while ago, I really like your list, the sideboard is where I see some things I haven't seen much. I mostly question the ancestral vision and lack of anger. Anger is so good against a large portion of the meta, such as dredge, fish, elves, etc. So I mostly wonder what kind of results you've seen with ancestral?

March 5, 2017 5:40 p.m.

Teddyjunior11 says... #4

I prefer Engineered over anger simply for the reason that dredge shares 8 2dropsMerfolk is the dame with 2 drops and less color intensive

March 5, 2017 8:19 p.m.

Seppuku_Fox says... #5

I wanna start off with congratulations on how far your deck has been upgraded. You commented on my deck awhile ago and I play several decks all at the same time. I have moved away from Modern since dredge became too popular at my LGS but since the banning I have started to get back into Modern semi-competitively.

Depending on your meta....1 Terminate is too few against more powerful decks like Abzan midrange/control, Tron, and Bant Eldrazi. 1 deck in particular is Eldrazi Bant is 60%/40% against you because of its pure value build. Offsetting that is cards like Ceremonious Rejection and Terminate. I do not know your meta and I have already spoken about my believe on spell snare but those two cards I feel will be good additions to your deck. More Terminates and fewer Fatal Pushes. In Terms of Ancestral Vision as a card draw advantage versus control decks. I would recommend the newly printed Glimmer of Genius but scry 2 and draw 2 at instant speed is so much value for a midrange/tempo deck.

In terms of other sideboard choices. Fulmigatpr + Surgical Extraction vs decks that rely heavily on lands such as Tron is much better in an aggro format (Naya Zoo, Affinity, Death Shadow) vs. Blood Moon and Surgical Extraction/Extirpate in a (Nahiri and Jeskai/Azoirous) control format. I believe at the moment that Grixis Delver is better positioned than Grixis Control against most decks. Good Luck and Have Fun. Cheers!

March 20, 2017 10:48 p.m.

knudthedude says... #6

Dear all,

thank you for giving feedback!

Dear Parkerfear I do agree with Teddyjunior11 that in general Engineered Explosives is better than Anger of the Gods. Furthermore is my sideboardspace currentnly too crowded for anger.

Dear Seppuku_Fox thank you for all the suggentions. Maybe you are correct that I should play two terminates. I did just remove the Dreadbore for one more Terminate. I do not have the feeling that the Dreadbore is actually meta relevant.

I thought about Ceremonious Rejection and I do like it. I will try to get my hands on a copy to try it out. It would probably also come in very handy vs affinity.

Glimmer of Genius could be tried out but I do think that it is too costy with cmc of 4. Always also thinking about Painful Truths. I might switch cards around soon and try Painful Truths and Desolate Lighthouse both as one of in my sideboard leaving me with another slot for something different.

Fulminator Mage will soon be given to my brothers Junk sideboard leaving me with two copies of Crumble to Dust vs tron and -shift decks.

BTW just went second at the local fnm only loosing vs Jund.

Let me know whats up and cheers guys.

March 21, 2017 11:30 a.m.

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