I LOVE the "evil" cards from the now complete Innistrad block, and I feel that with the release of Avacyn Restored, a deck that features an army straight outta hell can come to fruition. The main beater is Demonlord of Ashmouth. He is a SICK 5/4 flier for 4 mana, with freaking undying! His drawback basically isn't a factor in this deck, because...
I run 4x Gravecrawlers, Reassembling Skeletons, and Geralf's Messengers. They are all perfect sacrificial targets for both the demon and Altar's Reap.
I also have 3x Skirsdag High Priest in here for funsies. Why wouldn't I considering I have Altar's Reap, Demonlord of Ashmouth, and Grimgrin, Corpse-Born all mainboard plus freaking Reassembling Skeletons?! I make demons like crazy if he goes unanswered.
Cavern of Souls is a big DUH here. With the Cavern out, Delver decks can kiss my ass. As if the 4 Tragic Slips I have mainboard wouldn't already piss them off. I have 3 Despises in the Side for that pesky Geist of Saint Traft. That cavern will also eliminate ANY chance the UB control decks have of winning. God, I've never seen such a format-changing card released before!
Griselbrand, Olivia Voldaren, Grimgrin, Corpse-Born, and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed are all the legendary "evil" creatures from the block, and are the merciless leaders of my legions. They are all 1 of's, 'cause lord knows it would be a slaughter if I ever forced an opponent to see two of those fatties.
I got removal up the wazoo in case my opponent tries to out-pace me. Go for the Throat, Doom Blade, Tragic Slip, Life's Finale, and Blasphemous Act seems sufficient, does it not? Plus I got some Ratchet Bombs and Black Sun's Zenithes in the SB if some general board wipes are what I need instead. Try this puppy out with proxies or online servers and tell me you don't love playing it!