The Forces of the Temur Frontier

Standard* LMCDaSniper


Bubbleberry says... #1

There's no actual.... monsters...

July 24, 2014 3:46 p.m.

LMCDaSniper says... #2

Tell me then what do you consider a "Monster"?

July 24, 2014 4:47 p.m.

Bubbleberry says... #3

Shipbreaker Kraken , Stormbreath Dragon , Polukranos, World Eater , Arbor Colossus ... etc, etc,

It's where the entire term for the deck came from.

July 24, 2014 5:26 p.m.

LMCDaSniper says... #4

So your saying Soul of Zendikar Soul of New Phyrexia Scuttling Doom Engine or even Genesis Hydra aren't freaking monsters!

July 24, 2014 10:48 p.m.

Bubbleberry says... #5

It's like saying you're running infect without creatures with infect, or running cascade with no spells that have cascade.

July 25, 2014 4:41 p.m.

BlatantLizard says... #6

A monster is any creature that has the monstrosity ability. And right now the only monsters i see are both in your sideboard Love the deck idea though! But why no Stormbreath Dragon or Polukranos, World Eater ?

July 25, 2014 5:38 p.m.

LMCDaSniper says... #7

Reason why is that I'm wanting to build the bigger creatures and abuse the Generator Servant and Polukranos comes already on turn three and The Dragon has haste.

July 25, 2014 6:50 p.m.

looks mean, what about the big

Sagu Mauler

September 7, 2014 2:13 p.m.

LMCDaSniper says... #9

I actually have been thinking about Sagu Mauler what would your recommend taking out for it though?

September 7, 2014 9:14 p.m.

bretters says... #10

Takenout oracles insight.

September 8, 2014 7:46 a.m.

BlatantLizard says... #11

September 8, 2014 5:06 p.m.

LMCDaSniper says... #12

Ok Temur Charm I actually don't like its abilities and I actually like Oracle's Insight as a one of as late in the game when you are out of cards and the board is stalled out just strap on to a mana dork and start the scry and draw train.

September 9, 2014 8:01 a.m.

Honestly that is a tough question lol

Prognostic Sphinx

Keranos, God of Storms

Scuttling Doom Engine

would be my three picks to possibly take out for a few Sagu Mauler

maybe swap out the doom's and give sagu some test runs?

September 9, 2014 11:42 a.m.

LMCDaSniper says... #14

I actually am thinking taking out the Scuttling Doom Engine and Polukranos, World Eater as the Savage Knuckleblade and the planeswalkers are my 4 drops.

September 9, 2014 5:35 p.m.

weisemanjohn says... #15

Temur Ascendancy over Generator Servant and Bident of Thassa See the Unwritten is nuts as you can yank huge creatures from 8 deep in your deck ( imagine yanking 1-2 Sagu Mauler onto the field for 6)

September 18, 2014 8:15 a.m.

matttyice1273 says... #16

I think you should replace your Generator Servant with 1 more Sylvan Caryatid , 1 more Rattleclaw Mystic ,and 2 more Courser of Kruphix

September 30, 2014 8:39 p.m.

LMCDaSniper says... #17

matttyice1273 I am actually trying to stay on a budget and the cards that are not from Khans I already have and I'm trying to save for them but I actually do like the Generator Servant as it just let me put large things really early but maybe the Rattleclaw Mystic I could do.

October 5, 2014 9:44 a.m.

HyperSloth says... #18

Why are you even running Generator Servant when you have Temur Ascendancy? You already have hasty board with ascendancy and with so many dorks and small amount of stompy stuff gen-servants don't seem to be very helpful.

December 10, 2014 6:30 p.m.

Unfathomable says... #19

February 8, 2015 11:29 a.m.

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