

I was never a fan of the Pioneer format,... until I discovered that I can rebuild a Gates Deck once again!

During the time when Return to Ravnica (RTR) block was in Standard, I recently returned to the game after a 5-year hiatus. I was looking for a budget friendly deck and a friend of mine quickly introduced me Maze's End. The deck runs all five (5) colors, but primarily BANT using Turbo Fog as the primary game play, and then stall long enough until all ten (10) Guild Gates are assembled.

I won a handful of games, but after rotation, I have no choice but to abandon the deck all together. I even attempted to bring it to Modern, but it was too slow, even with Amulet of Vigor and Blood Moon was a thing.

So fast-forward to 2023, and I heard of the Pioneer format. It was here that I discovered where the gates deck could hold on its own. With lots of new tools (and some new gates), I realized that Pioneer is where it could operate without having to worry about Modern's speed, or with Standard rotating it out. It isn't just a Maze's End deck anymore, since it has a variety of more win conditions that are better and reliable!


The original version of the deck during the RTR period barely have reliable creatures. Guilds of Ravnica (GRN) and Ravnica Allegiance (RNA) introduced some reliable beaters.

Gatebreaker Ram - the absolute powerhouse of the deck. It can easily overwhelm opponents due to it growing big so fast in the deck filled with gates for a manabase. This sheep monster even have Vigilance and Trample once you have two (2) gates out, which happens all the time. They are the primary wincons of the deck now, and I run all four (4).

Gate Colossus - another monster of the deck, but somewhat only plays second fiddle with the sheep. It arrives late in the game, but can be cast for free once you have eight (8) gates. It doesn't have trample or vigilance, but it can't be chomped blocked by little critters, and an eight power creature is nothing to be scoffed at. It is vulnerable to artifact hate, but it can easily return as long as you keep playing those gates. They may win games, but unlike the sheep, I only run two (2) of these.

Arboreal Grazer - the sole 1-drop of the deck (but almost always comes down by turn 2) that can help ramp in the early turns. It is a good early defense that can wall up some early aggro beats, and the Reach ability helps a lot against fliers. I run all four (4).

Gatecreeper Vine - the "old timer" and an OG member of the original RTR Standard gates deck. It used to help search for missing gate pieces in the old days, but now it acts more of a color fixer. Like Arboreal Grazer, it can serve as an early defense against aggro beats, although they die easily and they have trouble against fliers. They used to be a playset in the deck, but I currently run only two (2).


Crackling Perimeter - another OG from the old days of RTR standard, this enchantment can easily turn the tide in the mid to late game. It turns all gates into pingers. Victory is almost ensured once you land this when you are flooded with gates. It is one of the wincons of the deck, but running one (1) is sufficient, since multiple copies on the board do not stack their ability.

Guild Summit - the draw engine of the deck, and having multiples in the field stack their ability. It helps draw lot of cards, and most of the time digs deeper in the deck to provide answers to neutralize threats. I run three (3) currently.

Spelunking - the newest tool from the Lost Caverns of Ixalan (LCI) that draws us a card upon entry, ramps, and speeds up the deck by turning all our gates into OG duals! It costs 3 unlike Amulet of Vigor, and does not come down until turn 4, but when it does, the deck runs smoothly and quickly with all your gates on steroids! I run three (3) currently.


Unlike the RTR standard version of the deck that uses Fog spells and its variants to stall games, this deck mostly run draw spells, ramp, boardwipes, removals, and counter magic (post board).

Growth Spiral - draws a card and can ramp... both at instant speed! It can even be used to "pump" Gatebreaker Rams during combat. I run all four (4).

Joint Exploration - similar with Growth Spiral, except that we can Scry 2 first before drawing a card. The kicker cost needs to be paid though in order to ramp. I run all four (4).

Mythos of Nethroi - our sole spot removal spell in the main. Although it can't destroy lands, it is a catch-all answer against problematic permanents. This is actually a flex spot, and can be replaced with any removal spell of your liking. I run only one (1).

Escape to the Wilds - an expensive Light Up the Stage, that still help dig and ramp. There are times that some cards are exiled forever in a game, but more often it helps get answers and ramps (can play two lands from the pile it exiled). I run two (2).

Gates Ablaze - the ultimate boardwipe of the deck. It is pretty much busted with all the gates in the deck. Under normal circumstances, the Gatebreaker Rams will all survive this spell, leaving a huge opening for us. I run all four (4).

NOTE: It is still possible to build a Turbo Fog version to combat creature-heavy decks, but it can quickly lose to spell slingers and burn.


All OG Guild Gates - all ten (10) Guild gates return, with varying numbers. The deck's spells are mostly green, blue, and red, which means that gates with those color combinations has two (2) to three (3) copies. The rest of the unique gates has one (1) copy each. Previously, the deck can be hated out by mill strategies, whenever a sole copy of a unique gate gets milled. With Gatebreaker Ram and Gate Colossus as win-cons, it is hardly a problem now.

Gateway Plaza - gate number 11 of the deck. Unlike the others, it can tap for any color, but we need to pay 1 when it enters, otherwise it is sacrificed. I run only one (1) copy.

Plaza of Harmony - not a gate, but it heals us some life almost always whenever they enter. The color they produce depends on the gates you currently have in play. I run all four (4).

Maze's End - the one that started it all for this type of deck. Assemble ten (10) gates with different names, and win instantly. It used to be the primary win-con of the deck, and during the RTR standard days, opponents will just watch out for it and cast Pithing Needle to neutralize the deck entirely. However, it serves as a back-up win-con now, that can still win games out of nowhere when left unchecked. It used to be a 4-of, but I now only run two (2) copies.


This is highly meta dependent on your LGS. For now, I run the following (see listing), and they are all subject to change.


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95% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

7 - 2 Rares

21 - 9 Uncommons

28 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.85
Folders Pioneer
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