greenbannas says... #2
doesn't door of destinies only work with playing creatures? It says "when ever you play a spell of the chosen type..." so it wouldn't work with increasing devotion. Still, definitely a good addition.
April 2, 2015 5:23 p.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #3
Oh yes, my mistake greenbannas. I guess I was interpreting it as "Whenever a Human enters the battlefield" opposed to "Whenever you cast a human spell".
Thanks for pointing that out, probably would've played that wrong.
April 2, 2015 5:30 p.m.
That's why I like Coat of Arms, since the scaling with Increasing Devotion and other tokens is very good.
If you're worried about mana curves, you can stick one in and see how much it hurts/helps your deck. (I'm going to guess it'll help.)
April 2, 2015 5:36 p.m.
Yeah like they said, Door of Destinies won't work with Increasing Devotion, since you don't really "cast" the tokens it produces.While Door can pump your creatures bigger than the Obelisk, it still cost 4 mana. If you get stuck on too few lands, convoke can still get Obelisk on the field while Door needs that 4 mana and time to build up it's effect.
BTW, me as a G/W Human fan really like your deck (and that neat description too :D)!
April 2, 2015 5:37 p.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #6
Thanks a lot Duerten! :D
I'm going to stick with Door of Destinies for now. If I really feel like it's hurting my deck I'll switch it back out for Obelisk of Urd.
I think it will probably be okay though. Between Avacyn's Pilgrim and Scorned Villager Flip I usually have four or five sources of mana out by turn three.
April 2, 2015 5:46 p.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #7
InDirectX, I'll stick a one-off Coat of Arms in sometime and see how it works out!
April 2, 2015 5:48 p.m.
One last argument for Coat of Arms: (I read your comment made while I was posting, but it said "sometime", meaning I will attempt to emphasize one last time why this is such a good card)
- Angelic sub-theme: Entreat the Angels becomes stronger. Angelic Overseer and Avacyn, Angel of Hope are happier now with their fellow angels surrounding them.
- Werewolf/wolf sub-theme: Although we humans don't like making deals with them, Howlpack Alpha Flip's group members all scale off of each other now and are a strength to be reckoned with. Besides, Moonscarred Werewolf Flip doesn't like dying to Drown in Sorrow or Death Frenzy.
- Lore reasons. The same reason you put Crusade in justifies Coat of Arms. In these last days, we must all stay together, or we will die separately.
- Mikaeus, the Lunarch can give his all without having to die in the process.
- Champion of Lambholt, on your sideboard, becomes very strong indeed under the Coat of Arms.
- Gideon Jura gets pumped.
April 2, 2015 5:55 p.m.
Oh, and if you're curious, TreeCat and myself did figure out the dumb combo with Elderscale Wurm. It takes 17 green mana, but hey, you just made yourself unable to lose.
April 2, 2015 6 p.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #10
You know what InDirectX? I've take your argument into consideration. I'll Mainboard two Coat of Arms and see how I like them!
April 2, 2015 6:56 p.m.
greenbannas says... #11
Hey, if any of you want to see another use for Mayor of Avabruck Flip,check out my deck called hey, want a pack of... wolves?
April 2, 2015 8:04 p.m.
Thanks for putting the Coat of Arms in. Now if I can only get that number up to x4... :P
Joking, but thanks for being cool.
April 2, 2015 8:05 p.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #13
Welcome, you made some good points.
I might be underestimating the power of Coat of Arms. We'll see when I use it in action ;)
April 2, 2015 8:15 p.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #15
I've considered a few of the Leyline cards. Not sure what I'd sub them in for... maybe a sideboard addition in the place of my Windstorms?
April 5, 2015 10:23 p.m.
Hey, speaking of leylines, if you ever see burn becoming scary Leyline of Sanctity and Soul Warden are great sideboard for it!
April 5, 2015 10:55 p.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #17
Leyline of Sanctity is actually the other Leyline I was looking at.
I'm thinking I might buy some and keep them in my collection in case someone gets cheeky and decides to build a burn deck within my play group.
April 5, 2015 10:59 p.m.
I'd add a full set of Leyline of Sanctity to the Sideboard in exchange for Champion of Lambholt and Restoration Angel. I don't see what those cards do that the deck doesn't already do. Whereas Leyline of Sanctity protects you from burn, mill, and many other major threats. Leyline of the Meek is just added pump. Also, you can't run 5x Avacyn's Pilgrim, even if some of them are foils :P
April 6, 2015 1:50 a.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #19
The Restoration Angels are there to counter removal spells like Doom Blade and Go for the Throat.
I might remove Champion of Lambholt although she's done pretty good against other token and creature heavy decks... I suppose with Gideon Jura and Entreat the Angels she isn't as vitally important.
Oh, that was a mistake. Must have accidentally increased the number of them while on my mobile.
April 6, 2015 6:49 a.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #20
Yeah, never mind. My budget isn't big enough for four Leyline of Sanctitys.
Even though this deck is pricey I try and keep the uber expensive cards for win - cons.
April 6, 2015 7:03 a.m.
well, not as good, but still worth considering: Witchbane Orb
April 6, 2015 9:05 a.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #22
Witchbane Orb definitely in my price range.
Leyline of Sanctity is a better card but it would probably be long-term accusation.
I was lucky getting Avacyn, Angel of Hope for my birthday and trading Griselbrand and Polluted Delta for Doubling Season.
I'll look to add some Witchbane Orbs when burn becomes a problem. Luckily no one has made a burn deck that is too horrible on my play group.
April 6, 2015 9:56 a.m.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #24
That is true! I can combat my friend's annoying Mind Sculpts!
April 6, 2015 11:24 a.m.
Aegis of the Gods gives self hexproof and True Believer gives self shroud.
PierreThePlaneswalker says... #1
InDirectX, I've looked into Coat of Arms before. I have a few problems with it. The CMC is a bit high, I know I have some ramp but I don't want to slow my deck down too much. It also it affects the entire field, I know I'd probably be getting most the use out of it but I really don't like gambling with giving my opponent too much power.
As for Crusade, Adaptive Automaton, and Odric, Master Tactician:
I used to have Crusade in here but it turns out it's not legal in Modern.
I've seriously considered Adaptive Automaton before, however I decided on Mayor of Avabruck Flip over it. It's one mana cheaper and won't be affected by spells like Naturalize and Shatter. I know he has a draw back when he flips but I can flip him back with ease due to my low average CMC and even while in werewolf form he'll spit out tokens every turn. I like tokens :D
As for Odric, Master Tactician I'll be honest with you: I've added and removed him over and over. I think he'd make a good addition but I just can't find a place for him in here.
I think I will be replacing Obelisk of Urd for Door of Destinies in the end.
April 2, 2015 3:23 p.m.