I'm not confused on what the card does or how it works. Government decks in general tend to draw early hate, making your opponents want to kill you in multiplayer first. I cast Council's Judgment letting me choose a target. Then my 3-4 opponents talk out which permanent they can exile between them and vote for that one. This makes it a dead card a lot of the time.
Council's Judgment is a great card but it's not great for a deck that draws as much hate as government decks in multiplayer.
October 19, 2017 10:55 p.m.
jaket1022345 says... #3
Love Tim Hawkins. Great comedian. But an even better deck. +1 from me, man.
October 20, 2017 10:04 a.m.
I'm considering dropping both Bruna, the Fading Light and Gisela, the Broken Blade for 2 more Luminarch Ascension.
October 22, 2017 12:01 a.m.
As soon as I saw the title, I hoped it was a cryptic Tim Hawkins reference. I'm so glad I was right. I haven't heard this guys' stuff in ages.
October 31, 2017 11:43 p.m.
I have removed Bruna, the Fading Light, Gisela, the Broken Blade, Dovin Baan and replaced those with another Luminarch Ascension, Pendrell Mists and a Venser, the Sojourner.
November 5, 2017 9:58 a.m.
Have you considered running fetchlands and Brainstorm? Brainstorm is possibly the best card in Legacy due to its insane ability to filter your cards.
November 5, 2017 10:37 a.m.
I don't want to run too many non-basic lands because of Land Tax. They let me take a good portion of my lands out this deck. I keep the Land Tax in my deck as my "fetchlands". They also help provide synergy with Serra's Sanctum and Sphere of Safety.
Brainstorm is a great card but isn't as good for my concept of this deck. I want permanents for this deck instead of one use spells.
November 5, 2017 1:17 p.m.
I'll just play Wasteland and destroy the stuff you can't tax. Seems like a fitting metaphor.
November 11, 2017 1:08 p.m.
The_Potato_Judge says... #12
I am shocked, SHOCKED, to not see the presence of Droning Bureaucrats in this deck.
Also, I think you have 1 too many Pendrell Mists. There are a total of 5 in the main and sideboard.
November 13, 2017 3:42 p.m.
The_Potato_Judge- I have never seen Droning Bureaucrats before. I may have to see how that would fit in this deck. Thanks for mentioning the sideboard, I forgot to remove a Pendrell Mists from my sideboard when I added one to my main deck.
November 13, 2017 7 p.m.
Though if I'm being quite honest, I would prefer to add War Tax to the deck over the Droning Bureaucrats. War Tax is an enchantment and plays well with Sphere of Safety+Serra's Sanctum, is immune to Pendrell Mists and can be brought back from the grave via Sun Titan. Thank you for the excellent suggestion though.
November 13, 2017 7:10 p.m.
Wurmlover-Only because I don't currently own any Tundra and I don't have the money to drop on them. If people here have Tundra, then it should be replacing Hallowed Fountain.
November 16, 2017 7:52 p.m.
ok makes sense. Just making sure that I wasn't missing any secret synergy.
November 17, 2017 4:18 p.m.
Monomanamaniac says... #18
Think about adding a couple Azor's Elocutors as a win condition
November 27, 2017 2:34 p.m.
miracleHat says... #19
This deck would do better if you left Luminarch Ascension as your sole wincon. Eldrazi and titans are expensive. If they game has lasted long enough to get 6/10 mana you have already stabilized and are already winning. Ascension narrows the amount of time that it takes to win and forces your opponent to come up with an answer. On turn 6, instead of playing Sun Titan, you can (for example) create 3 4/4 flying angels to either provide defense of offense. This would also remove the need for clunky planeswalkers, the rest of your creatures, and Enchanted Evening for more removal (Path to Exile/Swords to Plowshares/Power Sink), better enchantments (Moat, Spreading Seas, and enchantments that draw cards), and mass removal (Wrath of God, Supreme Verdict).
The above suggestions are relatively easy to implement and will make this deck able to fight other strategies more quickly, clearly, and precisely.
November 30, 2017 8:11 p.m.
miracleHat- The only problem with that is I want to make the game long and painful for my opponents. This deck is government and I want to tax them as much as possible before finding my answers. I love watching my opponents face as they decide if they should spend mana to keep their creatures alive with Pendrell Mists out or use that mana to instead cast a more expensive spell via Grand Arbiter Augustin IV, Aura of Silence, Rhystic Study.
The very purpose I created this deck was to be the government. Slow, taxing and uncomfortable.
December 3, 2017 12:23 p.m.
You should add more removal and permission. Swords to Plowshares, force of will, counsel's judgment, counterspell, flusterstorm are all good. Streamlining the deck to be less enchantment ramp to enchantment tool box will help to, zur the enchanter would be ideal (and extra copies can be pitched to force of will), this will let you grab detention spheres, banishing lights, phyrexian arena, back to basics.
You need to lower your average card cmc. If it costs more than 3 mana and won't automatically swing the game, don't run it.
Your mana base needs work, using duel lands and fetches will let you comfortably run 3 colors and grab basics of your going to slam a back to basics. Some man-lands (Max 2) will grind your opponent out when needed.
Beyond all that, if nothing else, you need cantrips. Brainstorm is an amazing card with fetch lands (or anything that shuffles), ponder is always good, and preordain can stand in for brainstorm if you choose not to run fetches.
Hope this helps!
December 3, 2017 7:03 p.m.
ThePixelKings says... #22
I love how blue/ white (Azorius) is basically the government in Ravnica.The government can!
December 24, 2017 10:07 a.m.
elfwarrior123 says... #23
you may want to play some source of permission like Force of Will or Counterspell
January 5, 2018 2:12 p.m.
ReticleMouse says... #24
this deck is hilarious when paired with the song haha, great work its really fun to play
May 6, 2018 8:24 p.m.
ReticleMouse- Thanks, I'm really glad you enjoy it. The song inspired the deck.
NerdPounder says... #1
thecakeisalie42 Yeah I'm aware it does, which is why I recommended it to him. He seems to think it can target your own permanents though. Or something. His response just made no sense with what the card actually does.
October 19, 2017 7:22 p.m.