stoopkidpzpz says... #2
I just switched from midrange to control, actually :) It is a completely different ball game, that's for sure. In my opinion, Esper Control and American Control are the best (and most fun) control decks right now. Esper is B/U/W. You want to make sure your deck has a solid amount of control.. TONS of control... and a pretty solid win condition, such as Entreat the Angels for American Control and spirits/Sorin, Lord of Innistrad for Esper. The possibilities are endless, really.. Just control, control, control and then hit them with something big :P
February 19, 2013 8:48 p.m.
this is my stupid little home-brew I'm tinkering with, I think these two decks would have some epic match ups.
February 19, 2013 8:55 p.m.
stoopkidpzpz says... #4
That deck looks amazing :o Friday Night Magic winner right there
February 19, 2013 9:02 p.m.
rickthebrave says... #7
ever consider adding Blasphemous Act ? with Boros Reckoner out u can deal 13 to the face of your opponent
February 19, 2013 9:55 p.m.
stoopkidpzpz says... #8
I was considering sideboarding it and running it in place of Entreat the Angels as a fun secondary win condition :D
February 19, 2013 9:56 p.m.
rickthebrave says... #9
lol, its pretty good. and does running only 2 Dissipate s with no other counter spells seem to work well for you?
February 19, 2013 9:59 p.m.
stoopkidpzpz says... #10
It actually does.. because of the board wipe and Aurelia's Fury :P
February 19, 2013 10:07 p.m.
rickthebrave says... #11
well then why even run counters when u can just have more board wipe :P id -2 the Dissipate s and add 2 Blasphemous Act s. seems cruel, but whatever!
February 19, 2013 10:10 p.m.
im still not used to blue players not playing counterspells anymore... this is a crazy new world we're in right now folks.
February 19, 2013 10:17 p.m.
rickthebrave says... #13
but why counter when u can spot or board remove so easily?
February 19, 2013 10:21 p.m.
i's just blue used to be all about counterspells, people ran like 6 to 12 counters in a control deck. Just different nowadays.
February 19, 2013 10:24 p.m.
stoopkidpzpz says... #15
I have the Dissipates in there just in case someone plays an enchantment, artifact, or spell that will completely ruin my day XD
February 19, 2013 10:27 p.m.
stoopkidpzpz says... #17
Nevermore can hurt pretty bad, so can Aurelia's Fury... and counterspells.
February 19, 2013 10:31 p.m.
rickthebrave says... #19
my grixis midrange deck would have some interesting matches against this.
February 20, 2013 9:37 p.m.
WaveAmbassador says... #23
Boros Charm (Giving Indestructible) + Azorius Charm (Giving Lifelink) + Boros Reckoner + Any Damage = Infinite Life
February 22, 2013 12:02 p.m.
stoopkidpzpz says... #24
Yeah, I was reading about the Nearheath Pilgrim + Boros Reckoner + Boros Charm + Any Damage = Infinite Life combination last night. I just don't want to be that guy though... Haha
Spazik008 says... #1
Seems solid, not much of an expert on control decks but the reckoner is definitely nice. I am a fan of Entreat decks even though I usually play midrange. Do you have any advice maybe for an aggro/mid-range player who has no idea how to build a control deck? It seems like a completely different ball-game.
February 19, 2013 8:35 p.m.