The Great Red Menace ***Retired***
Commander / EDH
Ender666666 says... #2
Guerte You deck looks quite similar. Nice. I'd love to discuss.
June 26, 2015 11:16 p.m.
Alright, so I noticed no fetches. Is this for budget reasons? I think they're good to have as the help reset your deck for use with SDT, recurrable with Crucible, and copyable with Rings.
I prefer Hammer of Purphoros over Anger as it isn't graveyard reliant to gain haste, and it's recurrable.
Not a big fan of Trash for Treasure. Daretti does it, and does it better.
I feel like there needs to be more card draw. Faithless Looting and Tormenting Voice are both cheap and efficient card drawing spells, but also help with pitching to the 'yard.
Mind's Eye has also been wonderful for card draw, and gives you something to do with any extra mana you have available.
I can give you more input on cards I feel like aren't necessary if you'd like. These are all my own opinions of course tho.
June 27, 2015 1:54 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #4
Well I did have the fetches in but pulled them because I didn't really see a point to them and the life loss can add up, but I also see your point. I just have not been completely sold on them.
Hammer does have benefits and can produce blockers to protect Daretti, so I approve of that.
What else?
June 27, 2015 2:39 p.m.
DeepFriedwater says... #5
Winter Orb? Gamble? both are in my deck and do tremendous work.
June 29, 2015 8:24 a.m.
Gamble is definitely a necessity. Red doesn't very many tutors, if any at all besides Gamble.
Winter Orb is ok; I used to run it. However, I like Static Orb/Clock of Omens much better. It lets you get out of not untapping, unlike Winter Orb.
How has Blinkmoth Urn worked out for you?
Since you are running Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and a couple other dragons (both of which I have tried out and am not a big fan of), Haven of the Spirit Dragon is really good. I only run Ugin in mine, but with Crucible, it's hard to get rid of him, outside of exiling.
Recoup has also been very nice. I'm really happy with it. No longer am I worried about something getting countered, or discarding it to Daretti.
If you're running Snow lands, why no Scrying Sheets?
June 29, 2015 9:38 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #7
Thanks guys for the suggestions.
Winter Orb was once in here, but it's just oppressive and generally not fun to play with or against. Plus, cards like Prophet of Kruphix are pretty prevalent in my meta and only make the WOrb work against me.
I want to get Gamble in here, even have a copy, but can't decide what to cut.
I really like Blinkmoth Urn in here so far. Most opponents aren't hugely benefited by it, and I can often tap it on my turn with Clock of Omens or by animating it with Karn, Silver Golem and attacking, thus preventing them from getting use out of it.
Haven of the Spirit Dragon makes sense and will likely get added.
Snow lands are a bit of a throwback to when I was running Extraplanar Lens, which I cut because it was a juicy target in a deck with minimal lands to begin with. I'm not sure that Scrying Sheets would really be worth the slot or mana to use. What I do want to add in is a personal favourite card, Glacial Crevasses... It's a great way to protect Planeswalkers.
June 29, 2015 10:30 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #8
BTW Guerte and DeepFriedwater, if you like this and if guys don't mind, I'd appreciate the +1's
June 29, 2015 11:56 a.m.
Sure thing, if you don't mind +1 mine as well.
Also, Spine of Ish Sah is much better than Lux Cannon.
June 29, 2015 12:01 p.m.
Alhammarret's Archive should be an auto-include upon release as well.
June 29, 2015 6:18 p.m.
DinosaurSheriff says... #12
Love your deck. It looks very similar to mine. That's one powerful ashtray . Question. How much do you use Karn Silver Golem? I keep on cutting him cuz if i get him out he doesn't really do much.
July 3, 2015 11:32 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #13
Good question.. Although I don't always use him, Karn, Silver Golem is very useful when I do use him. He adds another way to shut off Blinkmoth Urn by animating it and attacking. He let's me block with almost anything which helps keep my Planeswalkers alive, or go in for an alpha strike. Karn also let's me animate and kill 0 CMC artifacts, and Artifact Lands in a mirror match. All-in-all, I like him.
July 4, 2015 8:36 a.m.
Hopefully you've noticed the Karn, Silver Golem + Mycosynth Lattice combo where you can blow up lands for a piece.
Good deck, Daretti is awesome.
July 4, 2015 11:33 a.m.
DinosaurSheriff says... #16
oh god that is so mean. I love how mean Daretti can be, and the best part is, at least in my playgroup, people don't take him seriously. They just see an easily destroyed planeswaalker and leave me alone to do my durdling, and before you know it, I'm comboing out or wrecking everyone's board state. it's beautiful.
July 4, 2015 5:11 p.m.
DinosaurSheriff says... #18
Do you find having only 32 lands end up with you getting slowed down in the early game? I know you got them mana rocks, but you still need them lands early game.
July 4, 2015 7:12 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #19
You'd think it would cause problems, but it honestly has yet to be an issue. It usually manages to ramp pretty quickly. Because I'm almost always looting with Daretti, you get through your cards quickly and can dig to whichever mana rocks you need.
July 4, 2015 8:10 p.m.
TheFoilAjani says... #20
Oh hey Ender, long time no see! As always, +1 from me, the Fate Unraveler
July 6, 2015 12:04 a.m.
no Bosh, Iron Golem? I found him to be one of the primary ways I won with my daretti deck your death will be an (arti)fact, before I converted it to muzzio. Against tokens and other swarm decks, bosh is great for going over the top and utilizing all those overcosted artifacts, plus he has great synergy with kurkesh . Especially in decks with as much colorless as ours, I find the switch from Daretti, Scrap Savant to Muzzio, Visionary Architect to be very easy and profitable, though I do lament the loss of goblin welder; perhaps you should give it a try. Muzzio provides an extremely enjoyable sense of unpredictability that I just don't think is possible with Daretti, all while being just about as powerful, if not more. in my opinion, the student truly surpasses the master. While I did spend some extra money to enhance my muzzio deck, it was only spent on things that should have been in my daretti deck in the first place, but were not; most of the important cards were already in my daretti deck. If you would like to take a look at that list, and perhaps consider joining team muzzio, here is the link: i have a vision (of me winning). Please leave any suggestions you have.
July 7, 2015 6:56 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #22
Hey Mastertoa, Thanks for the comment and suggestions. A plus +1 is always appreciated as well.
Regarding Bosh, Iron Golem, I like him a lot, and hav even used him as commander in the past, but just didn't feel that he fit the theme of this deck. Personal preference I suppose, but he's just not doing it for me this time.
Regarding Muzzio, Visionary Architect, I just can't... I can't go Blue... It would hurt my heart. I've always had a love for Red and the fact that it is underrated as a colour in EDH especially really resonates with me. Much like how our boy Daretti, Scrap Savant was ridiculed and outcast, so too is Red mocked as a singular colour.... What can I say? I have a soft spot for the under dog.... and fire.. lol
July 7, 2015 10:07 p.m.
your desire to remain red is understandable; I myself only went blue when daretti stopped providing the element of chance i so enjoy (which is a very red thing to love, ironically). Even then, i had to promise myself to never run counterspells or...god forbid...Cyclonic Rift in a monoblue EDH deck... EVER. Regarding the decision not to include do you win? When i ran daretti, i always found myself struggling to push damage through, as Steel Hellkite and Thopter Assembly were my only flyers, and i would not always hit an Akroma's Memorial. Maybe that is just the way my deck was tuned. Do you have an account? i would love to pit our decks against each other.
July 7, 2015 11:37 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #25
I haven't set up and account, but I might give it a shot some time. Sorry, I don't get your reference/joke about having a game and a shadow.
Guerte says... #1
Mind checking out my Daretti deck?
Pope Goblin Daretti
Then maybe we can discuss each other's different takes on him?
June 26, 2015 7:54 a.m.