The Great Time War

Commander / EDH CanadianShinobi


teslamon says... #1

Lim-Dul's Vault could be useful

June 29, 2014 3:02 a.m.

tessi9311 says... #2

Geronimo! Allons-y!

June 29, 2014 12:51 p.m.

Scytec says... #3

June 29, 2014 4:11 p.m.

pskinn01 says... #4

I have not played commander for very long, but here are a few suggested cards that I use in my deck: Need A Life? I have plenty...... My deck is not control focused, but you may find some of these useful in a more control environment if you can find space for them.

Serra Ascendant - a 6/6 flying lifelink for W is just a Bomb
Ajani's Pridemate - can be an early threat that gets bigger
Baleful Strix makes a great blocker, and you get to draw a card
Divinity of Pride - an 8/8 flying lifelink creature most of the time
Meddling Mage - can stop them from playing their commander, or any other annoying cards you know they play
Mirror-Sigil Sergeant - great card in a blue white build
Serra Avatar - a big blocker, it gets chumped blocked so many
Wall of Reverence - great blocker, life gainer
Cyclonic Rift - self-explanatory
Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond for an instant win combo, if you want one
Toxic Deluge - for a board wipe against indestructible creatures
Survival Cache - for life gain and card draw
Temporal Mastery - for extra turn
Swiftfoot Boots - to make your commander hexproof
Sun Droplet - for lifegain triggers
Crawlspace - to slow attacks against you, and this commander gets targeted
Greed - for card draw
Darksteel Mutation - for getting rid of their commander (even if temporary) or other annoying creature
Arrest - for commanders with abilities, or other annoying creature
Cradle of Vitality - to make your creatures bigger
Sol Ring - belongs in almost every commander deck

June 29, 2014 5:27 p.m.

@ pskinn01 I actually will never cast my Commander. His job is to simply exist. There are some great suggestions that I've taken into consideration. Lifegain is my theme, but it isn't the end all be all, so I reject some. Now, any idea how I could fit some of these suggestions in the deck?

June 29, 2014 5:50 p.m.

pskinn01 says... #6

this commander in a control deck is better when he is in play for his draw ability, which can't be activated from the command zone.

suggested updates from maybe list:
Cyclonic Rift for Akroma's Vengeance - a one sided wipe is sometimes better, but the cycle needs to be taken into consideration
Meddling Mage for Phyrexian Arena - especially if you actually play your commander, you can draw an extra card a turn for 1 mana..
Mirror-Sigil Sergeant for Baleful Force - I think baleful if overcosted for his ability, and you have card draw in plenty with this deck/commander
Serra Ascendant for Angel's Tomb - angels tomb is good only for flavor
Survival Cache for one of the other card draws maybe
Toxic Deluge for Dismember - maybe....
Sol Ring for Dreamstone Hedron as dreamstone is good for card draw late game, but is worthless in early game especially in a control deck.

another suggestion is Volrath's Stronghold so you can bring back key creatures after a board wipe

June 29, 2014 6:26 p.m.

-Fulcrum says... #7

Necropotence and Solitary Confinement may be powerful here. Especially together.

June 29, 2014 7:12 p.m.

@ Fulcrum can you explain the power of Necropotence to me. At first glance it appears to be underwhelming.

June 29, 2014 7:36 p.m.

pskinn01 says... #9

necropotence lets you draw more cards....especially with oorlo, you gain two life, and can draw 2 or more cards at end of is quite a broken much is is banned in legacy and resricted in vintage.

June 29, 2014 8:55 p.m.

-Fulcrum says... #10

@CanadianShinobi: I had the exact same thought at first. Basically, Necropotence allows you to always have a full 7 card hand. Oloro provides you with the lifegain necessary so that you don't have to worry about the pay 1 life part.

June 30, 2014 12:26 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #11

Oloro gets targeted hardcore because of the absolutely massive amounts of life and card advantage he generates. In a multiplayer game, you're going to be targeted very early with much hate, much like Kaalia of the Vast and Zur the Enchanter . As such, you need to protect yourself.

Crawlspace has been mentioned, and it's cheap and effective. Propaganda and Ghostly Prison also are great for some pillow forting. Toxic Deluge should be able to kill basically anything with the amount of life you generate. Serra Avatar gets completely enormous. Tamiyo, the Moon Sage gives you pseudo-removal, card draw, and repeatable anything. Rhystic Study is another great draw spell, especially in multiplayer. Necropotence is completely amazing for all the reasons other people have specified. Hoofprints of the Stag might be decent with all the card draw you're doing. Damnation is great too, just expensive; alternatively Day of Judgment and Planar Cleansing are also good boardwipes.

For future reference, the new In Garruk's Wake may be better than Plague Wind .

June 30, 2014 12:34 p.m.

FancyTuesday says... #12

Welcome to EDH!

You're going to want to play your general. Card advantage is the name of the game in EDH and that's what Oloro gives you. It's why Necropotence is such a beating and why Yawgmoth's Bargain and Griselbrand are banned in the format. Even with tutors you need to dig into that deck for answers, when your opponent drops Avacyn, Angel of Hope you're going to be glad to have a full hand and Duplicant ready to go.

To that end, cards like Decree of Pain and Overwhelming Forces have a big advantage over Plague Wind . And the way this deck is set up I'd run Sphinx's Revelation over Promise of Power .

With such a top heavy deck playing a long game don't skimp on the ramp. Thran Dynamo and Coalition Relic can both get a lot of work done in EDH, and Darksteel Ingot is a staple in the format just for being a consistent little workhorse.

Finally I'd run Karn Liberated over Ethersworn Adjudicator . I know Adjudicator seems like a beating on paper, but in practice he doesn't have haste or evasion so he rarely gets anything done. In a format where recursion is so prevalent you really can't emphasize what a big deal it is to exile something rather than just destroying it, not to mention the utility of being able to hit any permanent including other Planeswalkers. As a Planeswalker himself Karn dodges 90% of wraths and spot removal that plague Ethersworn and he fires the moment he hits the field.

That's enough to start with. Just keep efficiency in mind and ask yourself what you're getting out of every slot. Good luck commanding!

July 1, 2014 12:38 a.m.

@ FancyTuesday thank you. And sadly I don't have the money to spend on Karn right now. Your other suggestions I might be able to work in. I especially like Decree of Pain

July 1, 2014 1:27 a.m.

EpicureanHorn says... #14

I like the idea of having lots of "whenever you gain life" in Oloro. You've got the best ones covered with Drogskol Reaver and Well of Lost Dreams, but I would also maybe consider Archangel of Thune or Vizkopa Guildmage.

July 1, 2014 3:04 p.m.

Ulvhedner says... #15

First of all, is your deck suppos to win by making player conceed? Your deck just seem to draw cards and gain life and that's about it. You need more win cons.

Sanguine Bond is pretty decent card in your deck, combos well with Exquisite Blood , but people will not like you if you do.

There are a few WB cards that should be staple to any deck who has WB like High Priest of Penance , Mortify , Vindicate , Souls of the Faultless

I'd recommend changing Pilgrim's Eye with a Burnished Hart , Wayfarer's Bauble or Expedition Map . Pilgrim's Eye doesn't accelerate your mana which is a big thing in EDH.

As for Punish Ignorance , while it fits the commander pretty well 4 Mana is too costly for a counter spell, especially when you have other counterspells like Hinder .

Would recommend replacing Barter in Blood since you have few but powerful creatures, most of the time you'll lose more than the opponent. A Decree of Pain would be better even just for the cycling effect

Austere Command and Cryptic Command are both good cards in Commander. Same goes for most charms in your colors.

Be glad you're not playing against my Mongis deck

July 2, 2014 8:50 a.m.

@ Ulvhedner while I am grateful for your over abundance of suggestions I am not as pleased with your tone of superiority. I am not new to Magic, just to Commander. The deck building mechanics are something I've yet to adapt to since they vary wildly from any other deck building. Bringing 100 cards into focus is a greater challenge, than say bringing 15 cards which you have multiples of into focus.

Secondly, I am well aware Cryptic Command is a good card, but I'm not going to be dropping the money on it, the same goes for Vindicate .

July 2, 2014 12:39 p.m.

Ulvhedner says... #17

@ CanadianShinobi, if my comment came off as offensive to you I have to excuse myself, it was not in my intention to do so. I wrote a hasty reply that could apparently have been worded better.

Whenever I make an EDH deck I have a few personal guidelines for choosing card. This is of course not the only process to pick cards, but it is what work for me.

-Is it always a good draw?-Will my opponent have to disrupt their rhythm to get rid of the card I'm casting?-If my opponents uses it against me, will it make me lose?-Will it attract everyone's attention to me?-Does it have any interaction with my commander?-Card advantage matters.

There is also of course several card you could consider for your deck. They are all cards that has little to do with lifegain and doesn't really fit the theme of your deck but they're all cards that are at home in EDH

Stolen Goods - At worst you'll get rid of a spell you don't want to be cast, if you're lucky you'll hit gold and ruin one of the combos in your opponents deck. Using your opponent deck against them is extremely effective in this format since most people have plenty of bombs to play or card that easily combos.

Spelltwine - Not the best card but it allows you to recast a few spells from graveyard making this card versatile and almost always have a desired effect.

Phyrexian Arena - Staple for most black EDH decks

Lazav, Dimir Mastermind - Situational but hard to get rid of which is a big pluss.

Dimir Doppelganger - Many decks has graveyard interactions, it allows you to exile creatures from graveyard. You'd be surprised how many green decks use Eternal Witness for comboing off.

Chromatic Lantern - Personally the first 3CMC mana producing artifact I would put into an EDH deck.

Rune-Scarred Demon - A 6/6 flying tutor, a perfect target to reanimate with Sheoldred

July 2, 2014 6:51 p.m.

@ Ulvhedner I like the idea of Dimir Doppelganger and Stolen Goods (though I'm also considering Bribery ) I am also trying to work in Sorin Markov for his -3 ability which put immense pressure on an opponent. Any idea what to cut to incorporate these cards?

July 3, 2014 4:54 a.m.

Ulvhedner says... #19

@CanadianShinobi IF you're throwing in Sorin Markov for his -3 you could consider Magister Sphinx who does the same. Keep in mind that using these two cards is looked down on in certain playgroups.

Bribery is a better option to Stolen Goods as you have more control over what you get. The only reason I'm not using it is because I've completely forgotten that I needed it.

The only real tip I can give you for what to remove is that you have to play with your deck. Once you play it you'll see where it fall short much easier but, I do at least have some suggestions.I'd switch Spinal Embrace for a Bribery . It does the same except you get to keep the creature afterwards instead of removing it and getting life.Blind Obedience since you don't rely on extort. You already got Ghostly Prison and Propaganda to keep them from attacking you, and most of the time artifacts won't outright kill you unless you play against Sharuum or other silly artifact EDH decks.Ponder , Plea for Power and Preordain Could be replaced but it requires some playtesting first. If you find yourself not having to use one of these cards you can consider taking them out.For Fact or Fiction , doesn't it lose some of its actual value if you don't have much interaction with your graveyard?

July 3, 2014 6:33 a.m.

FancyTuesday says... #20

Souls of the Faultless would be at the top of my chopping block. It's never going to gain you life or hurt anyone, it'll just stop them from swinging at you with creatures it could block until someone wraths the board. As a deterrent from attacking you I'd give the slot up to No Mercy or Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts .

I'm dubious about Enigma Sphinx here. A lot of great targets are at or above CMC7, you have a lot of counterspells that'd just fizzle out the cascade, and other effects that it'd simply waste (Wraths you might not want, Cyclonic Rift, Debt to the Deathless, Exsanguinate). If you want a big flying beater with card advantage there's always Sphinx of Uthuun .

Cards like Brainstorm, Ponder, and Preordain only really find a home in hyper-competitive decks that dedicate every slot that isn't a combo piece to finding combo pieces. Preordain has a slight edge since you can tuck fatties early and lands later, but the others are a slot for a one shot Sensei's Divining Top . Esper Charm is underwhelming for a slot, and Dromar's Charm is pretty much just a counterspell. I'd recommend EDH-y counterspells like Desertion or bombs like Curse of the Swine in these slots.

You've played the deck so you know better than I, but it looks like you have a lot of mana fixing in your lands so if you can I'd run Beseech the Queen over Fabricate.

I think Bident of Thassa would go great in this deck. It's card advantage, another target for Sharuum, and the activated ability will force some hands if you have any sort of deterrent on the field.

July 3, 2014 5 p.m.

Ulvhedner says... #21

FancyTuesday has many good suggestions here, especially Sensei's Divining Top .

A possible replacement for souls of the faultless could also be Windborn Muse , Norn's Annex or Lightmine Field if you want to do more pillow forting.

Another incredibly powerful and silly card would be Opposition . Probably not the best card for your deck since there aren't enough creatures in your deck to make it effective.

Athreos, God of Passage is also always welcome, hard to get rid of and a decent blocker once he has enough devotion. Your opponents will be a bit more careful with the boardwipes with him out as it could result in them losing a lot of life.

Sharding Sphinx since you already have a bunch of the sphinxes. (You have made me want to make a Sphinx tribal Edh now)

Brilliant Ultimatum , not the best card but hey it has your colors.

July 3, 2014 5:52 p.m.

Ulvhedner says... #22

Oh right, I forgot to mention. Include Blightsteel Colossus if you ever feel like playing Arch Enemy in EDH

July 3, 2014 5:56 p.m.

Norford says... #23

nice one (+1). how many rounds do you play with this in a tournament? a half one :)I think I would forfeit if you would come along with this against me.

Nevertheless. I am not super familiar with EDH. So please do not mention if my advises are nonsense.First of all there are only 99 cards currently. Shouldn't it be 100?

so you could add Platinum Angel or Lich's Mirror . They have the right annoying factor for more prolonging the game.

I think you'll also like Crypt Incursion for even getting more life.

July 3, 2014 7:34 p.m.

Ulvhedner says... #24

@Norford The reason it's at 99 card is because Tapped out doesn't include your general in your deck unless you list him in your mainboard.

July 4, 2014 5:21 a.m.

Norford says... #25

that's what I mend with I am not so familiar ;) Sorry for that.

July 4, 2014 6:01 a.m.

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