

Grixis Midrange

Basically it's the new Grixis control that's centered around Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   and has a tap-out playstyle as opposed to the typical draw-go playstyle you see in control.

Picking up about half this deck to start, then will continue to build over time.

In case you don't know, the general gameplan is to outvalue opponents with cheap (And sometimes early) delve threats and 2-for-1's like Kolaghan's Command. There's also an insane amount of recursion with creatures and spells.

Inquisition of Kozilek Pretty standard discard that works well. Just as good as a counter in this deck and acts as lifegain vs burn. Can be flashed back later if needed. Currently toying with 4 of these in addition to the one Thoughtseize or if Thoughtseize should be moved to sideboard altogether and just have 4 of these.

Thoughtseize a stronger version of above that hits everything. Not sure it this is maindeck material in this meta.

Lightning Bolt no explanation needed here.

Terminate best removal in these colors, hits almost everything.

Dreadbore can hit planewalkers as well as any creature. The deck plays at sorcery speed alot so we don't care that this is sorcery.

Murderous Cut basically Terminate/ Dreadbore #4, but this one can hit Master of Waves and come out cheaper than those can.

Alot of these also disrupt and attempt to bury the opponent under advantage.

Rise/Fall An interesting card that can serve as Hymn to Tourach or Unsummon + Disentomb .. I can also bounce my own creatures to reuse ETB effects like Snapcaster Mage.

Kolaghan's Command The real deal. All modes are relevant and also gives maindeck affinity hate. Returning a creature is something we want to do often, while killing a creature or burning opponent. Can also force a discard during upkeep if opponent only has one card. Prime flashback target.

Cryptic Command Is widely viewed as one of the most powerful blue spells. And for a good reason. The mana cost is rough and that's why I'm only playing one in this deck. Holding up 4 mana isn't ideal but it can be useful to counter and get a large advantage off another mode. Although, any of the non-counter modes can be used effectively on my own turn. It's just too versatile and powerful not to play, I think.

Countersquall Basically Negate + Shock. Not technically a two-for-one but it'll doesn't fit any other category. We have enough creature removal and flashback, that all I really care about is noncreature spells.

Thought Scour Basically a draw 3 for 1 mana in this deck. Almost everything in the graveyard is accessible, except lands and with a lower land density, hopefully we won't throw those away often.

Serum Visions 'Best of the Rest,'' with Ponder and Brainstorm not legal. Still a great card.

Cryptic Command can cantrip if needed.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   deserves a mention here, as he can be tapped to loot and usually flips on that turn.

Gurmag Angler comes out cheap and can tangle with your average Tarmogoyf. He's usually bigger also.

Tasigur, the Golden Fang in this deck, he's black Tarmogoyf. He can come out on turn 2 under the right conditions, he's Abrupt Decay-proof and Inquisition of Kozilek-proof. And he can generate card advantage.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   Loots to draw cards and the ones that get thrown away can later be flashed back by him or Snapcaster Mage as well as creatures coming back with Kolaghan's Command. When he flips, one of his loyalty abilities can be used that turn to shrink a threat or flashback a spell. Can also repeatedly flashback things if not dealt with.

Snapcaster Mage represents every single card in the grave at any given time. Really great, but second to jace because jace can do multiple flashbacks and does other functions.

Pia and Kiran Nalaar Referred to as red's Lingering Souls. Provides alot of reach if you need to finish off your opponent, next turn you can swing 4 and burn for 4. Or you can shock 2 creatures. Very versatile and at worst, you're left with 2 flying blockers.

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet Something new from Oath. He's the first lifelink creature that's modern playable in these colors that doesn't die to bolt, like Vampire Nighthawk. I feel like that alone makes him maindeckable in a deck with few sources of lifegain. He's so-so in alot of matches but in certain matches where his other abilities come in, he's pretty great. in that respect, I see him as a black Scavenging Ooze.

Creeping Tar Pit Swings 3 unblockable, dodge board wipes, sign me up.

Anger of the Gods for affinity, zoo, and any other aggro deck. Exiling is relevant against abzan coco.

Crumble to Dust obligatory hate for tron and our new overlords, eldrazi.

Flashfreeze hard counter that comes in vs almost any deck running red or green, or both. Seems limited but it has more targets than Dispel or Spell Snare in these matchups and that's where I want extra counters.

Engineered Explosives my second cheap wipe of choice. Great against aggro and really puts a beating on merfolk, set to 2 to kill most lords and Spreading Seas, has a similar affect on hexproof auras.

Izzet Staticaster Mostly useful against tokens, like in Lingering Souls decks, eldrazi scions, and any other deck that has x/1 creatures.

Keranos, God of Storms my grindy finisher of choice. Really hard for control decks to deal with, outside of Crytpic command and almost impossible for jund and abzan to deal with.

Languish a little extra stopping power, comes in against aggro and midrange.

Molten Rain More obligatory tron hate, comes in against greedy mana decks like jeskai control, jund, abzan, etc. Preferred to Fulminator Mage because it's easier to recur. Currently wondering if Spreading Seas could be better, as it's cheaper and cantrips.

Olivia Voldaren great in midrange where she can take over, and some players like her in matchups like naya zoo. Considering Bitterblossom in this slot, not for the midrange matchups as much (Abrupt Decay), but for control matchups.

Spell Snare Counters a very large amount of spells that we care about in a large variety of matchups.

Vampiric Link our burn hate. Put it on Eidolon of the Great Revel and laugh. Or put on angler or another beater for a nice lifelinker.

Vandalblast My affinity hate card of choice. Easier on the mana than Shatterstorm or Shattering Spree. Kolaghan's Command helps me get there to overload.

Really wanting feedback on the maybeboard, if you're not sure about the uses for them, feel free to comment.


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Cleaning up comments and I think the maindeck is about complete, just need to test a couple things.

Really would like opinions on sideboard for a mostly aggro meta. There is a bit of midrange and control and that's why I have some hate for those. Really want opinions on some of the maybe board cards that might be better than some of the sideboard cards.

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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 2 Mythic Rares

29 - 3 Rares

12 - 8 Uncommons

3 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.06
Tokens Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Zombie 2/2 B
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