
Enchantment (2)

Artifact (1)

Sorcery (3)


as languish proofed as can be by removing raptors, but coursers are too valuable to dump


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Round 1 vs madcap jund, 2-1 He took game 1, I took games 2 and 3, I really only lost game 1 with some bad draws, games 2 and 3 I barely sideboarded and ran away with easily.

Round 2 vs mono blue 2-0 No tidebinders for my opponent, just some Omenspeakers, Spectres, and Thassa, both games Domri let my monsters clear his board before he could ever get much devotion going, and game 2 the Mistcutters in sideboard did work.

Round 3 vs mono black 2-1 Played a good friend who is a very good mono black player, I took game 1 on the go, he took game 2 with t1 Thoughtseize, T2 pack rat and all in on pack rats till they were 7/7 or so, game 3 he didn't hit the t2 pack rat and my creatures quickly grew much bigger than his demons and Domri ordered they fight, mine won.

Round 4 vs Esper control 2-0 Demolition, game 1 turn 5 win before verdict even hit, game 2 verdict hits but I land Xenagod directly after while hes tapped out and start flinging hasted threats at him, no d sphere for Xenagod in time.

Round 5 vs Gruul 0-0-1 Intentional Draw. We both took a look at each others decks and they were extremely similar, we know each other well, we both know the win would likely come down to who won the roll to go first, so we drew since there was a large prize pool to split and nobody else was 4-0 so it was gauranteed 1/2.

Finish 4-0-1 and tied for 1st, split of first and 2nd was a split of 50 + 25, so just under $40 in winnings. Traded Mutavault for Chord of Calling + Xenagos planeswalker, picked up a few pieces for a Xenagod EDH deck I'm working on like Akroma, Angel of fury. Got in some modern games and my hate weenies and merfolk decks tore through some Kiki pod, much harder time with Jund with all its removal, bolts, decays, maelstrom pulses, gotta work on how I'm gonna sideboard against all that, the 2 Kira's I ran weren't showing up. Fun night!


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #87 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 2 Mythic Rares

25 - 2 Rares

0 - 7 Uncommons

6 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.08
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Morph 2/2 C, Satyr 2/2 GR
Folders Test it, Devotion Deck Ideas, Green/Red, Ideas, decks, favourite ideas, GR standard(not budget), Standard, Standard Born OF The Gods, Want
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