The Green Machine EDH

Commander / EDH LittleBlueHero


Mewgle says... #1

Nice deck, +1

Instead of oneshot Fight effects like Prey Upon in the maybeboard, you should try fitting in Ulvenwald Tracker .

And a good Aura for Omnath to have is Canopy Cover .

May 10, 2013 3:34 p.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions and I have no idea how I forgot about the tracker. I will swap him in tonight and see how it works out.

Canopy Cover is definitely a great suggestion I may drop that in the sideboard for teh time being.

May 13, 2013 10:45 a.m.

Why the Ancient Ziggurat ?

May 15, 2013 11:52 p.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #4

Lol i think that was just a mistake, as far as I know I am not actually running the card.I will have to go back and check. My guess is I meant to type something else and for whatever reason thats what popped out.

Thanks for catching that!

May 16, 2013 1:22 p.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #5

Really want to fit in Reach of Branches into the deck. I am running plenty of Forests so i feel as though it will be incredibly useful to me. Having trouble deciding what to pull. Any thoughts?

June 20, 2013 4:58 p.m.

GreenForLife says... #6

I've been playing EDH for a while now, but Omnath has been my first EDH that I put a lot of time into. So, that being said, I'm not amazing at EDH, but I'm going to give you some advice on what experiences I've had and I hope that it helps!

First off, I LOVE Patron of the Orochi in an Omnath deck. Because when you tap it to use it's ability, it also untaps itself. So once you've tapped yourself out, you can use it on your turn, then you can also use it on EVERY other opponents turn to. Needless to say, Omnath gets huge very quickly.

Next, Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is another favorite card in my EDH. It doubles all of your forests, and opponents get tapped out and will stay tapped out. Mana Reflection also doubles mana produced by anything, not just lands. I also like Vernal Bloom a great deal. It once again doubles mana produced by forests, and it's two less than Mana Reflection to cast. Probably the most amazing mana "doubler" I have found is Doubling Cube . It works perfectly in Omnath. Say you have 15 floating mana on omnath, pay three and double it.

In my deck, one of my main focuses is to make Omnath stick. I'm not sure if you'd like to go this route entirely, but maybe throw a few of these in there, just to be safe. A few are Swiftfoot Boots , Lightning Greaves , Aspect of Mongoose , Alpha Authority (attach this and give Omnath trample for the win), Canopy Cover , and probably my favorite, Whispersilk Cloak . Why not just make Omnath unblockable?

Another addition I've added to my deck is a couple more win conditions than just Omnath. While he can easily win games by himself, I like having other options, just in case. Helix Pinnacle works very well in an Omnath deck, especially using it with the Doubling Cube mentioned earlier. It can win the game for you very quickly. Another one is Genesis Wave . This is probably my favorite card in the entire deck. Cast it for 20 or 30 and just play every huge creature you have and swing.

Finally, if you would like some advice on what cards to cut, I can try to help. While I really like Sword of Feast and Famine , I don't really think the other two swords do much for your deck, other than maybe giving stuff protection, but I don't think that justifies them a spot. Also, Veteran Explorer is a very nice addition, but play it early and it gives every other opponent the mana fixings that they need.

Hope this helps!

July 2, 2013 8:37 p.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #7

Hey man thanks for taking the time to comment!

A lot of the cards you mentioned I have actually had in the deck at one point or another through out the decks lifespan. Patron of the Orochi and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger were two of the harder cuts I had made.

I didn't want to overfill the deck with mana doubling. It does work great with Omnath but the problem I was running into was having a lot of mana with no answers to anything and very few other permanents.

Genesis Wave is a great card but the deck would need to be tweaked a lot to make it effective at the moment I am running a lot of non permanents so it would falter in its ability to end the game.

All of those auras and equipments are also wonderful cards, my focus isn't on winning with Omnath most of the time though. Rather I use omnath as a means to an end, giving me the mana to pump out big threats and having mana back for answers like predator flagship and activating costs on permanents like druidic satchel etc. However, If I will take a look at putting more of them in if I notice omnath getting hated on too much thanks!

I do love the idea of Helix Pinnacle as an alt win con. I will have to see if I can snag one. Thanks again for the well thought out comment I will take all the info into consideration!

July 5, 2013 3:33 p.m.

jpgcoleman says... #8

I like good old Rancor its cheap, hard to get rid of and pushes through the omnath damage.

January 14, 2014 1:55 p.m.

jpgcoleman says... #9

I also prefer Sword of Vengeance to the Loxodon warhammer with omnath decks if you have to choose between the two. It also is insane with wurmcoil engine or any creature with deathtouch for that matter.

January 14, 2014 1:59 p.m.

Thanks for the comments!

I agree with the Sword of Vengeance over Loxodon Warhammer here.

As for Rancor , Its a card I will definitely have to try out. To be honest General Damage is rarely my means of victory. However Rancor is still a highly effective card in almost any situation on most of my larger creatures.

January 28, 2014 5:09 p.m.

This deck looks fun. I'm gonna play test against this.+1

February 3, 2014 10:50 a.m.

Awesome Enlightened_Jedi! Please let me know how things go... My group only plays once a week so any testing is welcome and appreciated!

February 3, 2014 11:04 a.m.

Norbis says... #13

Could u make a budget version and show it to me please?

June 27, 2014 8:53 p.m.

Jeggard says... #14

Craterhoof Behemoth its just to powerful not to have is a mono green deck.

November 18, 2014 10 a.m.

Jeggard I agree Craterhoof Behemoth is crazy good and I did run him in a previous build. However, I noticed I rarely had more than one or two large creatures out at a time, his pumping and giving them trample was nice but unless I was 1v1 swinging would just leave me wide open. As creature heavy as the deck is its multiplayer around me mostly and I have a hard time keeping things in play :)

I am building a new mono green as well with Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury that is more small creature and token centric that it will for sure be in.

Speaking of new builds Norbis I JUST NOW saw your request, so sorry about that. i would be happy to try my hand at a budget build if you are still interested! Just let me know what your Target Budget is and I will see what I can do!

November 18, 2014 4:07 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #16

Thanks for your comment on my deck!

Have you tried Kamahl, Fist of Krosa? Sadly, he doesn't quite fit the bill in my deck, but here it could do some work. When someone wraths the board, you can use your spare mana to turn some lands into creatures. Also, you seem to run enough tokens to make his Overrun ability worthwile.

Why Arashi, the Sky Asunder and not Silklash Spider? The Spider hits every flier for just one more mana and can still block another one.

How happy are you with Archetype of Endurance? I never tried it, but personally, the CMC puts me off.

Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary is banned.

February 2, 2015 1:50 p.m.

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