I like it. I've used Canopy Cover in the past and often found it lackluster but I was using a 2 color build. Manabase wise, I agree with main boarding a Dryad Arbor . I'd also add a second Pendelhaven and 4th Inkmoth Nexus . Sideboard, definitely look at Spellskite and Heroic Intervention can be a nice surprise to survive a board wipe. I think a lot of the mainboard changes I would make would be personal. I've always had better luck with vines of groundswell but again its what works for you. I would bump Ichorclaw Myr up one and Necropede down one. With 4 Rancor , on Ichorclaw Myr it can make people more hesitant to block.
February 4, 2019 4:06 p.m.
StoryArcher says... #3
Thank you both for your input. I'm updating the deck to include some of your suggestions immediately.
What do you think about going with 19 lands in order to add a single Become Immense or Revenge of the Hunted ?
February 4, 2019 4:21 p.m.
Hashep Oasis I think may be something to try. You probably lose 2-3 life per game from it but the fact it can double as a spell latter may be enough when you get into top deck mode.
February 4, 2019 5:55 p.m.
Canopy Cover
seems sweet!
I'd personally run Vines of Vastwood over Groundswell , or as a split at least. With only 19 lands and no fetches we are just not going to trigger it for 4 that often. And I LOVE Vines vs. Hardened Affinity, Bogles, and random decks with Vehicles or Equipment since we can target our opponent's creatures to fizzle Modular, Auras, Equip, and Crew.
Also, with Bolt back in the meta in a big way, I like Wild Defiance in the side more and more lately. And I generally prefer Scavenging Ooze over Relic for gravehate.
Draw well!
February 5, 2019 9:35 a.m.
ReaperGeko says... #6
Id consider going down 2 forest for 1 more pemdelhaven as well as 1 nkre become immense. Id also pull the necros due to you unlikely caring about the removal aspect g1 or likely all 3 games. Mamba regen is nice but i think the myr is a fair toss up. I think the incentive to block the myr is almost a bad thing. But it also kills opp creatures. I think either one as even a 1 1 split with them being one of the easier cuts for sb cards. I like the above mentioned idea of a split with vines and groundswell. But ypu have added a lot of fetches since that comment. Even as a 1/3 might be worth considering. You dont have to go all 4 on everything. Personally i try to stick to 3 ofs as a max outside of super key cards to add flexability to the deck. A lot of the ideas are micro personal options but your biggest ones are the mono hreen and that canopy cover tech. Gl with the deck!
February 6, 2019 8:20 a.m.
ReaperGeko says... #7
I misread a part of the deck i see you have 4 myr and 2 necro now. So going off what i said earlier. Id condiser 2 mambas over the necros
February 6, 2019 8:23 a.m.
StoryArcher says... #8
As always, thanks for your input!
I, too, generally prefer Scavenging Ooze over Relic for dealing with graveyard effects, but the whole point of an Infect deck is speed. I don't want to be burning a multiple green mana every turn, I just need to buy myself a round or two. For that, Relic seems much more ideally suited.
The original deck features six fetch lands, so I don't usually have trouble triggering Groundswell . It's probably just local meta but I NEVER see Bogles or Affinity - but that doesn't mean that I'm not keeping Vines in the forefront of my mind when it comes to tinkering. Fact is that if I'm usually worried about using it to target my opponent's creatures, I've probably already lost the game.
Wild Defiance is definitely on my radar as an option - Spellskite protects my creatures from a wider array of effects but gets wasted once Canopy Cover hits the table whereas Defiance gives me both an offensive AND a defensive benefit. I'm currently weighing them both to see who gets two of my sideboard slots.
Thanks again for popping in!
February 6, 2019 2:45 p.m.
ArchonBlue says... #9
Spider Umbra seems strictly worse than Vines of Vastwood . I'd also drop 1-2 Rancor (bad against Control) for 1-2 more Become Immense . Your mana base is a little weird too. I'd run 8 fetches and 4 Inkmoth Nexus . Not sure if the current mana base reflects budgetary concerns. And drop 3 Forest for the three additional lands I mentioned.
February 6, 2019 6 p.m.
Sorry to be 'that guy' and not even notice the Fetches! :-D
February 6, 2019 6:23 p.m.
StoryArcher says... #11
ArchonBlue, in a vacuum I would say that Spider Umbra IS strictly worse than Vines of Vastwood , but that's not the case in a Bogle deck, for instance, and in this case Spider Umbra has the benefit of being backed up by Canopy Cover while also providing an ongoing benefit (rather than a momentary one), protecting the creature from a host of board-sweeping threats (which nothing else in the deck does) and offering a buff that can be cast before it is needed, potentially freeing up mana in the next crucial round. I will continue to tweak the deck of course, but that's the reasoning behind some of the decisions.
As far as mana-base, I could add two more fetches, certainly, but I've found that since I'm going with 19 lands and with such a strong dependence on green mana, a couple of Inkmoth's in my hand can make me fatally slow. Dropping one for a Forest seemed to smooth those issues out.
February 7, 2019 11:14 a.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #12
Something tells me protection isn't really what you're needing for this strategy; I'd remove Snakeskin Veil, as it doesn't provide nearly enough of a buff to aid your ASAP strategy. Replacement options could be anything from Groundswell to Prey's Vengeance to Viridescent Wisps for some card draw.
_Delta_ says... #1
I would add Dryad Arbor to here. Because I could see Liliana of the Veil giving you trouble.
Also, add possibly a Spellskite somewhere's in here.
2x Carrion Call could be useful for your sideboard too.
February 4, 2019 2:16 p.m. Edited.