The Guardians of Thune *Angels in Pioneer Primer*
Tournament Preparations —Dec. 6, 2019
In this update, I have replaced Once Upon a Time (due to the card's banning) and added a sideboard.
I would suggest Oketra's Monument ! This will make casting your angels much easier! I know that you hav Paradise Druid and Llanowar Elves but Oketra's Monument will be of use as well!
November 24, 2019 3:24 p.m.
I would also get rid of red mana because your only card in your deck that isn't sideboard that has red mana is Scorching Dragonfire .
November 24, 2019 3:28 p.m.
Hexaflexagon says... #5
Hey there ExtraEasy,
Thanks for your comment and compliment. I'm getting pulled to red due to the good boardwipes ( Deafening Clarion ) I might have in my sideboard, as well as a good 4-drop Angel. I am considering dropping Red, but it'll come down to how useful it is in the sideboard.
Thanks again,
Hey there 9-lives,
Thanks for your comment. I considered Oketra's Monument when the deck was originally just Red-White. However, I decided to add Green for Dromoka's Command , more effective ramp, and Once Upon a Time . I don't think that Oketra's Monument is objectively better than my current ramp choices, as it costs one more, and without T1 Llanowar, then I'm forced to use T3 playing a ramp card instead of playing a Resplendent Angel or Angel of Vitality .
Thanks again,
November 28, 2019 12:28 p.m.
CrowValentine says... #6
Could I suggest Sylvan Caryatid instead of Paradise Druid ?
Also, a good addition would be Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx .
December 2, 2019 3:44 p.m.
Hexaflexagon says... #7
Hey CrowValentine,
Thanks for your comment. I like Paradise Druid in favour of Sylvan Caryatid because Paradise Druid can attack, while the Caryatid can't. This makes it a better topdeck, which is why I have it in.
I don't think that Nykthos will be good in this deck, as I don't have any White manasinks and a lot of my cards cost two white, and Nykthos only creates colourless without its devotion power.
Thanks again,
ExtraEasy says... #1
3 colour seems a little greedy to me. What's pulling you to red? The aurelia and the removal? You've got the 10 red sources but that puts your untapped t1 green sources at 11. I'm more keen on gw with 16ish green sources untapped if youre serious about consistently ramping.
I'd consider healers hawks, a selfless spirit and lone riders too.
I'd want a few brave the elements in the side for mono black.
Looks like fun!
November 23, 2019 7:57 p.m.