The Guardians of Thune *Angels in Pioneer Primer*

Pioneer Hexaflexagon


Angel of Vitality —Jan. 25, 2020

After a few tournaments, I found that Angel of Vitality was either a crap card or a win-more card, so I decided to take it out for something that would slow aggro decks down a bit or make them waste a burn spell which could've gone to my face.

I have also made a Green-White version of this deck, which probably will be the next iteration of this deck if playtesting goes well. The link to it is down below. It is a rough first draft, I'm still not sure about my removal options combined with Board the Weatherlight and whether I should have artifact-based removal such as Glass Casket in the Sideboard.

Esbilon says... #1

Thanks for posting this deck! I was trying to make angels work with devotion and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , but only having 4 copies of the card needed to make the deck work was really hurting me I think, plus sometimes the early drops don't provide enough devotion to really ramp me anyway. So, inspired by you, I'm branching out to include Green in Angels Ramp.

For your deck, I think playing red is greedy, particularly now that OUaT is banned. You play 14 white sources and an important WW card in Bishop of Wings - that does not seem feasible.

Regarding your deck, I would suggest playing Game Trail and Fortified Village  over Rootbound Crag and Sunpetal Grove as they come down untapped on turn 1 more often which is important for that early ramp.

I get what you're saying about using Paradise Druid to attack over Sylvan Caryatid , but tbh I feel that it's more important to have the blocker against early aggro starts instead. Once we get to the late game, we want to throw down beefy angels, not mess around with 2/1's on the ground.

Regarding boardwipes outside of red, I really like the idea of Single Combat as our big angels are often a lot better than pretty much anything on the opposing side, particularly if we use it to clear out all the blockers and can hit a big planeswalker they may have left. I haven't had occasion to test it much in practice, though.

December 6, 2019 7:42 a.m.

CrowValentine says... #2


What was trying to say is what Esbilon said. I don't think there is much difference in the topdeck between a 2/1 or a 0/3.

Sylvan Caryatid has a better body (0/3) and always has hexproof.

I think you can put cards like Prey Upon , Ancient Animus , Mutant's Prey or Savage Punch instead of add to your deck.

December 6, 2019 9:39 a.m.

Esbilon says... #3

For fight/bite effects, I think the best options are Dromoka's Command and Thrash / Threat . Even if you cut red, you may be able to cast the Threat half off of your 2 mana dork.

December 7, 2019 8:07 a.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #4

Hey there Esbilon,

Thanks for your upvote, comment and compliment. I honestly think the best idea about deck-building sites like Tapped Out is the ability to share ideas on decks you wouldn't have otherwise discovered, and gain priceless feedback from other players.

While I agree that Red can be too greedy at times, I think it adds a lot to the deck. I personally think that Red is to invaluable to drop, with cards such as Deafening Clarion and Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice , not to mention the two three-mana Domris.

I agree with you on Game Trail and Fortified Village , if only I had remembered about them when I ordered the cards I needed for this deck. I'll see if I can get them from my LGS.

I'm still on the fence between Paradise Druid and Sylvan Caryatid . I really need to playtest this deck more before I make a decision.

I like your idea of Single Combat . The only problem is, against aggro, I'll most likely want to have Deafening Clarion as it costs 2 less and gives my remaining guys lifelink.

Regarding your suggestions on fight/bite effects, do you still think that Scorching Dragonfire is still a good choice mainboard vs decks like Phoenix and Dredgeless Dredge, or should I replace it with Thrash / Threat ?

Thanks for your help and continued input,


Hey CrowValentine,

Thanks for your continued support and help, I really appreciate it.

As I said before, I'm still on the fence on Paradise Druid and Sylvan Caryatid .

I think Red provides more than fight/bite effects, so I won't be taking it out.

Thanks again,


December 10, 2019 3:06 p.m.

Esbilon says... #5

I went 3-1 with my version (shameless plug: Angels Ramp) yesterday at Pioneer Tuesday at my LGS, so this deck definitely has some game!

Regarding the red splash, I think you just need to try it out. Maybe cut the Bishop of Wings , they're great if you get them down early, but pretty poor topdecks if your hand doesn't have some backup angels in it, and with as few white sources as you have, that will be the case from time to time.

Authority of the Consuls has been excellent for me out of the sideboard, it's lifegain and slows down the fast, low-to-the-ground strategies that have a good chance of running us over from below. I've been very happy with Single Combat and am considering adding a second copy, but that's up in the air. Unlike Deafening Clarion it does great work against Superfriends decks, so maybe add one regardless of playing red?

If you're playing red, I think Scorching Dragonfire is the superior card (though not by much). The point of Thrash / Threat is that you can play it in GW.

December 11, 2019 11:56 a.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #6

Hey there Esbilon,

Thanks for your comment and continued help, I really appreciate it. Sorry for not getting back to you quickly, I just finished school for the year and was caught up in end-of-year things.

I need to do more playtesting on this, but I think you're right in cutting the Bishop of Wings in favour of the red splash. I don't really want to be casting Bishop on any turn but turn 2.

You're right in saying that I need to try Single Combat because of planeswalkers. To be honest, I could try replacing some of the Bishops with Deafening Clarion s, then use the SB slots for Single Combat or Authority of the Consuls . I'll see.

Thanks again for your continued help and advice, I'll try to comment on your deck in return,


December 16, 2019 8:24 p.m.

Esbilon says... #7

One major vulnerability of this deck is its vulnerability to sweepers (most notably Supreme Verdict ) and I'm pondering how best to combat that.

Obviously, we have a perfect answer in Archangel Avacyn  Flip, but she's pretty expensive, and not something you want to run 3 of in the side. I'm considering Heroic Intervention and Rootborn Defenses , the former wins on being cheaper and also offering hexproof, the latter by quite often netting you an angel token and being in all white (which remains the deck's main color despite splashes). I see you're using Unbreakable Formation in pretty much that slot, why did you pick it over the alternatives?

December 19, 2019 5:43 a.m.

Esbilon says... #8

Selfless Spirit also works as protection from sweepers. Not sure how it compares to the other options.

December 19, 2019 5:47 a.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #9

I think that I chose Unbreakable Formation because I already had some and it can give my creatures that extra boost when attacking.

December 26, 2019 2:08 p.m.