The Heroic Auras

Standard Emberflux


TheEmgee says... #1

Nice, I like the deck name but what will you do against Celestial Flare or enchantment removal? Do you feel that 2 counters is enough to deal with that threat?

September 25, 2013 6:37 p.m.

Emberflux says... #2

Against Celestial Flares I would just have to play smart. If I see my opponent with 2 white mana open then I won't have my creature attack alone or I wouldn't attack until he has no mana open. Agaisnt enchantment hate I have simic charms as described under the description.

September 25, 2013 7:05 p.m.

Mythimine says... #3

I like the basis around Heroic but I think that Fleecemane Lion could find a good home here. The format is going to slow down a bit so getting that monstrous shouldn't be too hard. Personally I'd drop Battlewise Hoplite for him.

September 25, 2013 7:13 p.m.

Emberflux says... #4

You have no idea how hard I tried to make Fleecemane Lion to work in my deck. I even added Elvish Mystic to make him monstrous quicker; however, I quickly began to realize he's too SLOW. Besides, Heroic is just too GOOD to pass up. Not only that but Battlewise Hoplite lets me scry 1 (WHICH HELPS A LOT!). Also I have my enchantments set up specifically for Heroic. Think about if I had Fleecemane Lion , Aqueous Form , and Alpha Authority in my hand. Fleecemane Lion wouldn't benefit as much as Battlewise Hoplite from those enchantments.

September 25, 2013 7:29 p.m.

epic_eeyore says... #5

It looks good +1.

I would try to mainboard Ordeal of Thassa it's got lots of synergy with this deck. I've been impressed with this card.

September 25, 2013 9:32 p.m.

Emberflux says... #6

Yeah Ordeal of Thassa is tricky good just like the rest of the cycle. I've been against mainboarding it mainly because I'd have to replace one of the enchantments I already have mainboarded and each one of them serves a vital purpose.

September 25, 2013 9:43 p.m.

Emberflux says... #7

and thank you! =]

September 25, 2013 9:44 p.m.

the5ervant says... #8

I LOVE lightning fast pump decks. There's just something about a T3 or T4 obliteration that makes this game what it is. Check out my modern version, Poison Pump.

September 25, 2013 10:27 p.m.

Cadmeus says... #9

Liking this a lot. Ethereal Armor finally getting some attention thanks to Theros! +1

Could you find a place for Common Bond , Burst of Strength , and/or Phalanx Leader ? Those could do some good in this deck.

September 25, 2013 10:43 p.m.

Emberflux says... #10

@the5ervantHaha sounds like you enjoy leaving your opponents speechless! This deck will be right for the job! Nice deck btw!!

@CadmeusThanks and I wouldn't say finally! It was a core card in pre-Theros Bant hexproof afterall. :)As far as Common Bond , it would be good in certain situations vs. Unflinching Courage but then it'd be weakening Ethereal Armor and the lifelink and trample are too good to pass up.

Burst of Strength is unnecessary when you have enchantments that give your static effects.

Phalanx Leader is actually an amazing card in the right deck. I concluded a while ago that it wouldn't fit in my deck because with my deck you're trying to maximize damage with ONE creature by enchanting the crap out of it. I merely don't run enough creatures to maximize its potential.

September 25, 2013 11:06 p.m.

Mugetsu63 says... #11

I like turn four wins, but how does the deck do in the late game? The one problem I have with Scry lands is it might potentially hinder an aggro deck. I would probably substitute them with basic lands and I would reduce the number of lands. I know you posted in your description you like Agoraphobia but wouldn't Detention Sphere be better. I would potentially add Silence in the sideboard to remove the threat of Celestial Flare . It's hard to say what would have to be removed. However, with the few lands removed from the mainboard it might add some space for a card in the sideboard, Simic Charm . Sylvan Caryatid what's it doing?

+1 for the list.

September 25, 2013 11:38 p.m.

Emberflux says... #12


Assuming you played you cards right, you'll have a monstrous creature ready to decimate your opponent. In the rounds I've been playing so far I don't really get to that late game because I have aqueous form, ajani and gods willing as finishers. yeah the Scry lands were a risky addition but I decided it's well worth it if you have it in your opening hand and don't have anything else to play on turn 1. Besides it fixes some mana problems I had without it.

Detention Sphere is definitely more versatile but it's hard to say if it's strictly better. Silence is really an interesting card and I'm glad you brought it up. You make a good point on using it against celestial flares. I'll play around more with the sideboard tomorrow.

Sylvan Caryatid is mainly against aggro decks - my fnm meta is really aggro - but it also serves other purposes such as mana fixing (i can shell out more enchantments quickly) and it's overall difficult to get off from the field.

September 25, 2013 11:53 p.m.

dxl026 says... #13

Get out of here I will beat this deck any day thoughtsieze n duress owns you

September 26, 2013 3:07 p.m.

Emberflux says... #14


I can't do anything about 1st turn thoughtseize or duress but that's why I have swan song in my sideboard

September 26, 2013 3:15 p.m.

Aturos says... #15

Really nice deck!

The first good heroic bant I saw so far!

Have you ever considered Triton Fortune Hunter ? I'm not sure if he'll work in your deck but he seems pretty good for card advantage :)

September 26, 2013 7:10 p.m.

Emberflux says... #16


Thanks man =] Sadly Triton offers nothing for aggression. With this deck I'm trying to win early by getting +1/+1 counters from heroic!

September 26, 2013 8:05 p.m.

Xelgion says... #17

Triton Tactics is a really good card to trigger heroic and it can help against red aggro/burn decks.

September 26, 2013 8:23 p.m.

Sniper83 says... #18

Looking at your creatures... I think Brave the Elements might be better than Gods Willing ?

September 27, 2013 5:19 a.m.

Emberflux says... #19


I agree that Triton Tactics is a GREAT card to trigger heroic and against burn; however, Gods Willing offers more versatility and protection against Doom Blade or Chained to the Rocks . Not only that but Gods Willing activates heroic and I scry 1!


In any other deck I would agree that Brave the Elements would be better; however, my deck tries to maximize damage with ONE creature by enchanting the hell out of it. That being said, Gods Willing is more favorable because it "targets" my creature thus activating heroic and letting me Scry 1.

September 27, 2013 5:44 a.m.

Pyroshade says... #20

one idea is the synergy between Favored Hoplite and the ordeal of's

As lets say you:
T1 land Favored Hoplite
T2 Land Ordeal of Nylea attack, you auto have 2 counters on him meaning you attack on T3 and he'll have a third for the sack and getting 2 lands, or if you put another one on him and then attacked, he'd have 5 counters, and you'd sack both,
I've found it a great way to ramp mana/life/card advantage very early gave, and works very very well vs control!
It's just some food for thought, as assuming you have 2 Ordeal of Nylea s in hand by turn 4 you'll have 8 use-able lands for say a fleece mane + monstrous etc

September 27, 2013 5:48 a.m.

Emberflux says... #21

@ Pyroshade

There is no doubt that the Ordeals are really strong on heroic creatures; however, I only have one 2CMC enchantment slot and that's being occupied by Alpha Authority . Alpha Authority is too crucial to remove because it gives me that essential hexproof against my opponent.

I could see adding Ordeal of Thassa or Ordeal of Heliod in place of Alpha Authority versus certain decks but Ordeal of Nylea offers nothing in terms of drawing my creatures/enchantments or surviability which I prioritize over land any day.

Fleecemane Lion wouldn't work in my deck because half of my enchantments don't give a real power curve on a creature without heroic.

All that being said, this deck tries to win the game really early by maximizing damage with ONE creature through enchantments and heroic.

September 27, 2013 7:03 a.m.

BlackOctopus says... #22

Try Hidden Strings . You can cipher it on a creture with Aqueous Form and each attack you will be able to untap you creatures triggering heroic.

September 27, 2013 10:27 a.m.

Emberflux says... #23


Unfortunately, I'd have to take out Gods Willing to put in Hidden Strings . That would leave my already vulnerable creatures even more vulnerable! I wouldn't want that :(

September 27, 2013 10:49 a.m.

Mugetsu63 says... #24

The mana base you are running does make it easier to cast Gods Willing however I think running Ranger's Guile in its place may be better.

September 28, 2013 2:25 a.m.

daybreakz says... #25

I really like the look of this deck, I wanted to make Heroic work so bad and this deck seems to use its potential with near perfection. I was wondering if I could use it in my FNMs. Anyways great deck +1!

September 28, 2013 7:25 p.m.

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