The Heroic Auras

Standard Emberflux


Emberflux says... #1


Unfortunately I do not run red or else I would :(


Why thank you! I completely understand and left a comment on your deck list!!


Generally against boardwipe I don't have much trouble because I don't usually have more than 2 guys on the field and one of em is likely to be buffed up.

October 11, 2013 5:11 a.m.

Lobos says... #2

I really like your deck and it inspired me a lot in the building of my own. Mine doesn't have green cause I wanna keep it budget. With no Alpha Authority mine instead protects itself via Mizzium Skin and Triton Tactics . Since you have fewer creatures with actual power Triton Tactics might not be so good in your deck. But if you add for example Fencing Ace over Sylvan Caryatid I assure you it's worth having in the sideboard. It's a devastating combat trick vs other aggro decks, it can often trigger heroic twice, it saves you from an early Gods Anger and all other kinds of burn.

I surprised everyone at my FNM in Gothenburg by showing up with a heroic deck and going 4-1 vs some strong decks. Feel free to check out my build, any advice would be nice! :)

U/W Heroic Auras (4-1 FNM 12th Oct)

October 12, 2013 9:58 p.m.

Lobos says... #3

I meant Anger of the Gods ofcourse!

October 12, 2013 9:59 p.m.

MsBrokate says... #4

Really enjoyed this deck, enjoyed it so much that I built the whole deck. I have kept Fiendslayer Paladin in over Pacifism , I found that Paladin dealt with more things then pacifying them did. I took this deck to my last FNM and went 3-1 losing to an Esper Deck in my last match. Still surprised many players with this somewhat rogue deck. Unfortunately, when I lose it sticks with me and I kept thinking about it. I have not been able to test it yet but possibly Mending Touch is a better answer against wrath effects rather than Rootborn Defenses , as the goal in this deck is to only have one creature and it is for 2cmc less. I also ran 4 Temple of Mystery but I think cutting two for Azorius Guildgate is definitely a more suitable option. Overall, I love this deck and will continue to work on it on my own and constantly update you as well! +1 for sure.

October 13, 2013 3:18 a.m.

Have you considered selesnya charm I could see it be pretty powerful against any sort of sacrificing spell, devour flesh celestial flare etc. Also its a creature that you could use to enchant if your blown out, it won't be a dead draw like sylvan Caryatid when your looking for additional threats to put up in front of your opponent. It can also pump your double strikers or it can remove large creatures. A card that you mentioned before unflinching courage would help you more than gift of orzhov in terms of mana intensitiy as well as when you board in your swan songs (you could trample over the birds :P).

October 14, 2013 4:05 a.m.

Pyroshade says... #6

Have you considered a card such as Prey Upon or Time to Feed ? it can be very good against aggros decks, and with life link on a creature it'll double the life-gain that turn, also it'll put a +1/+1 counter on your creatures which in Favored Hoplite s case means he won't take any damage anyway, just some food for thought :)

October 14, 2013 1:43 p.m.

beakedbard says... #7

I like it you've really thought this one through its given me a few ideas for my U/W heroic I've been constant switching stuff around. I'm still stuck between having Ordeal of Heliod and Gift of Orzhova and certain other additions. Hows this been faring so far in games?

Also +1~

October 15, 2013 6:24 a.m.

ronolulu says... #8

I dont understand your decision in your decriptions section 3 against esper control. Why do you take out an Alpha Authority . Ain't this one the most important card against esper control?

October 15, 2013 6:39 p.m.

ronolulu says... #9

...and I got myself 4x Hallowed Fountain now but another 4x Breeding Pool and another 4x Temple Garden are too expensive. How would you rebuild the manabase with only 2x Breeding Pool and 2x Temple Garden ? Thanks

October 15, 2013 6:46 p.m.

cjsnavy says... #10

First off deff a +1 for me. I just built the deck and it runs great. I made some changes. I like Unflinching Courage instead of Gift of Orzhova . Also i think Fabled Hero is a good card for heroic. However the double strike effect can be used with Ajani, Caller of the Pride . I think 4x Fiendslayer Paladin would work better.

I also this deck is very weak against esper control. What sort of fixes do you think you could work in? I thought instead of Pacifism , Spell Rupture has worked for me pretty well against esper.

November 2, 2013 4:16 a.m.

Araganor says... #11

Aura aggro has always been scary for me. It's high risk, high reward. I like that you had the foresight to bring some auras that give hexproof to keep Doom Blade at bay. Bant auras has become very interesting with this new heroic mechanic.

Have a +1

PS: If you want to give me feedback on my Blightcaster Control deck, that would be awesome!

November 2, 2013 6:08 p.m.

devious3144 says... #12

I know from running many aura decks in the past how important a good first draw is. I feel that running 3 colours you are losing a lot of points in consistancy. Have you tried removing green and adding Hopeful Eidolon and Mizzium Skin . You lose maybe a couple of +1/+1 bonuses with your Ethereal Armor from the lost of authority (nb, but you do gain some from Eidolon---which can also carry your enchantments if you have to sack), but I feel that sometimes this deck could over do it by having too many auras on it (I mean overextending). Also what is your view on Chosen by Heliod ? You get heroic triggers, you get added defense and you get Ethereal Armor boosts plus you get to draw a card.. could be handy if you are scrying all the time.

In my version I copied everything exactly except.... -4 Sylvan Caryatid , - 4Alpha Authority , +3 Hopeful Eidolon , + 4Chosen by Heliod , +2 Mizzium Skin , -1 Gift of Orzhova

The reduction in the gift isn't a major factor as lifelink and flying doesn't stack.

Just my thoughts :).... nice deck!

November 4, 2013 11:57 a.m.

juicytoot says... #13

This is quite an excellent deck, although a bit too pricy for me too consider running. In my version, ive axed the green completely and have gone with just the blue and white. I can get the same effects, but easier on my wallet. I just had to subtract out the Sylvan Caryatid and the Alpha Authority . Mizzium Skin replaces Alpha Authority very well and saves me better with multiple creatures out. Replaced the Sylvan Caryatid with Daxos of Meletis and have had some interesting results. While stronger with green, a more budget-friendly alternative is in fact possible with simple deck changes.

November 4, 2013 6:15 p.m.

I like this deck a lot and have been running pretty much exactly this deck at FNM. I was wondering what you though about Council of the Absolute in the sideboard against Esper Control. Although it's a little higher than preferable, since ester tends to drag the game out, I don't think it'll be a problem to get out. You could easily take out some of their more annoying spells out for the rest of the game, namely Supreme Verdict , Hero's Downfall , and Far / Away . Also, if I were to throw in Hidden Strings , what should I take out? And do you think there's a way to incorporate the Hidden Strings and Nivmagus Elemental (for there combo to potentially get 4 +1/+1 counters with one attack? Thanks and +1

November 19, 2013 7:14 p.m.

AustinDavis1 says... #15

check this out

Absolute Domination Combo:

Cards that should be in hand

1x Blind Obedience

3x Plains

1x Favored Hoplite

1x Ethereal Armor

1x Gift of Orzhova

Turn 1:(hopefully you have second turn so you can draw dont need it though)

Turn 1: Plains, Favored Hoplite 1/2

Turn 2: Plains, Ethereal Armor , trigger Favored Hoplite +1/+1 ,3/4 first strike

Turn 3: Plains, Etheral Armor ,triggers FH, Blind Obedience, triggers Ethereal Armor , 9/10 first strike

Turn 4: Nykthos, Tap Nkythos, Divine Favor Triggers Ethereal Armor twice, triggers Favored Hoplite , Gift of Orzhova +1/+1 flying, lifelink, Triggers Ethereal Armor , and Favored Hoplite , in tern you have a 16/20 First Strike, Flying, Lifelink. TURN FOUR

December 22, 2013 12:10 p.m.

Zeneph says... #16

Why no Sphere of Safety ?

March 24, 2014 2:06 p.m.

Rynotar says... #17

Can u list a budget version for me please. +1

July 7, 2014 2:40 p.m.

Emberflux says... #19

Deck list updated! :-) Still some work to be done for the description though.


For a budget version of this deck you would only need to run green/white. Be aware that by removing blue, you will limit your selection in terms of utility spells (counters & Simic Charm ) needed against board wipes and creature/enchantment removal. Don't let that shy you away from G/W Heroic Auras though; it packs the same punch!

August 2, 2014 6:35 a.m.

regnitteo says... #20

Wow, now that's what I call a deck description! :-o

+1 from me for the great job of creating and explaining this deck.

Maybe you find a minute to check out my - somewhat similar - new deck idea. It doesn't contain any RTR cards, but it's meant for competetive T2 as well. Perhaps you can borrow some ideas or share some of your experience. Would be greatly appreciated!

Boros Post-Theros Playtest

Standard* regnitteo


August 5, 2014 1:11 a.m.

Great deck. Always loved the heroic auras. I had a very similar deck. Although mine was casual, I ran 4 Daybreak Coronet and it primarily was U/W. +1

August 5, 2014 1:13 a.m.

Emberflux says... #22


Thanks, man! As requested, I will leave feedback on your deck.


Heroic Auras ftw! What I would give for a card like Daybreak Coronet in Standard ;P.

August 5, 2014 4:01 a.m.

JexInfinite says... #23

Nyx-Fleece Ram is a killer against aggressive decks.

August 7, 2014 7:13 a.m.

Emberflux says... #24


Hmm, I actually never considered him over Oppressive Rays but I can see why he's so strong. I will playtest him against aggro. Thank you for the suggestion.

August 7, 2014 7:25 a.m.

Pelzwick says... #25

+1 nice deck. I run something a little similar and have found Hubris is handy to protect my creatures and make sure I don't lose all the auras I put on my voltron. It really shines when you have one beefed up Hero of Iroas and a couple Lagonna-Band Trailblazer that aren't being threats yet, and you can just return those juicy 1-drop auras and reapply them as needed.

August 7, 2014 8:42 p.m.

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