The Hungriest Aetherborn: Yahenni EDH

Commander / EDH Daedalus19876

SCORE: 182 | 164 COMMENTS | 26680 VIEWS | IN 67 FOLDERS

Daedalus19876 I understand not wanting to include a card that has art you don't like. I use that criteria to make decisions regularly. That being said, I have had huge success with Overseer of the Damned. Also, like I said, Harvester of Souls draws you cards when your opponents' creatures die too, which they certainly will be against this deck; that being said, I play Dark Prophecy in almost every deck I can. You really need Blood Artist to balance it out though. And besides Damnation and Decree of Pain, I would say Languish is the best board wipe you can go for in mono-black for the reasons I said before. I would cut Nevinyrral's Disk or Swiftfoot Boots just because I never play either of those cards. Languish doesn't suffer from being advertised liked the disk does, and the boots are just too shitty compared to Lightning Greaves. But by all means, build the deck according to how you best enjoy playing. I'm sure we both have an abundance of experience that feeds into all the judgements and card selections we make.

January 8, 2017 2:53 p.m.

Triton says... #2

Snuff Out is free removal in this deck. Fleshbag Marauder, Anowon, the Ruin Sage and Merciless Executioner would suit this deck pretty well, along with Blood Artist and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet if you have the budget. I'm guessing you've already gotten Triskelion as a suggestion for this deck, but you could also include Mephidross Vampire to machine gun down your opponents with Trike.

January 9, 2017 6:40 p.m.

I like the original name more. Also, Triton, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is expressly bad for this deck as Yahenni needs your opponents' creatures to die to get big.

January 9, 2017 7:55 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #4

pet_snake: Yeah, I hear you. The only good mono-black artifact removal is Gate to Phyrexia...which is already in here and has pulled its weight already.

EternalBrewmaster: The other name might have been pithier, but I needed to get this deck to fit my normal naming scheme :(

Triton: He's right that Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet doesn't play well with my commander here. I'm definitely considering Merciless Executioner and friends, but I'm having trouble finding slots for them.

I also just don't want to play Triskelion. Not only do I find it to be a useless card without the two possible combo pieces, I just find it to be a very boring way to win. Every mono-black deck ever uses them. It's just repetitive.

Blood Artist used to be in here, but I cut it for Skirsdag High Priest. I might switch that back, not sure. Thoughts?

And Snuff Out is interesting! I'm always in favor of a free kill spell, hehe.

TheRedGoat: This is actually my most "battlecruiser" deck at the moment - I tend to control the board, then win either by attrition or commander damage or Rise of the Dark Realmsing to kill them. It's not a playstyle I've tried before, but I'm enjoying exploring it. I'll also look at Sadistic Hypnotist...

TheWallinator74: I'll definitely look at these!

Thank you all! :)

January 9, 2017 9:07 p.m.

neolights2363 says... #5

I know I said this before but Ghoulcaller Gisa would a massive token multiplier here. Esp with skirsdag high priest.

January 9, 2017 9:57 p.m.

Steaditup says... #6

Whenever you announce a spell that targets an opponent or something they control, you must call them "darling"

January 10, 2017 12:27 a.m.

SomeDipshit says... #7

Gate to Phyrexia is pure garbage. Even in Shirei stax it is garbage. You're like, "oh wow thats pretty cool", but really, you have to wait a whole turn! And its only one! And its upkeep only! And you sac!

Just use Oblivion Stone

January 10, 2017 3:42 a.m.

he has a point you know. The sacing is fine but all the other reasons are legit. O-stone all the way.

January 10, 2017 9:55 a.m.

SomeDipshit says... #9

Plus you have an indestructible commander!

January 10, 2017 3:07 p.m.

SomeDipshit says... #10

Should probably add Pithing Needle and / or Phyrexian Revoker -- always need to shut down one card or another. Sometimes, that card is Lethal Vapors (ayy lmao)

Could do some heinous shit with Nim Deathmantle, and Beacon of Unrest could be valuable with limited artifact recursion options available (ehem... Buried Ruin)

January 10, 2017 3:17 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #11

neolights2363: I'll look into her, thanks.

Steaditup: But of course...darling!

illumfolly: Although Oblivion Stone is a great card (for which I should find a space) I disagree that Gate to Phyrexia is garbage. Its repeatable nature, and cheaper mana cost, and zero "activation" cost makes it a consistent source of slow value if you can drop it in the early game. I've found it to be quite helpful most of the times I draw it, TBH.

Definitely Pithing Needle over Phyrexian Revoker. I'll try and find a spot for it :) and Buried Ruin is actually a very good suggestion here.

January 11, 2017 12:27 a.m.

Errast says... #12

First off, I love the changes to the deck, and I hope you continue to change it as we go.

Next, I got some more card suggestions, and since I'm feeling a bit lazy, I'll throw them into a list, with some short descriptions.

So if you need more single target removal for whatever reason, these guys are here for you. Reliable token producers make the Stronghold Assassin into a powerful removal engine. Royal Assassin is good depending on meta. After all, if no one is tapping creatures, then he's not going to be too useful, but if creature combat's rampant, he'll put in the work to help feed Yahenni.

I've recommended this guy before, but I never really got into why I liked him so much. First, having (technically) a second Massacre Wurm is never a bad thing in my mind. Second, I really enjoy his ability to steal creatures from the graveyard. Once you've gotten 4 energy (a fairly simple task since he generates energy for any creature dying), you can start lifting creatures from your opponent's graveyards directly onto your board.

So without a whole bunch of sac effects, or one-sided board wipes Kalitas has a pretty hard time getting the ball rolling by himself. His stats aren't high enough to really kill anything himself, and he has no way to dodge Damnation and the like. Although if you can get an engine going with him, Kalitas can take you all the way to victory by himself.

January 11, 2017 9:03 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #13

Errast: I was actually thinking about Avatar of Woe for single-target removal. Graveyards fill faster than you'd think when I'm wiping the board repeatedly, and "T: Murder" is pretty sweet, no? :)

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet does not fit here, because he prevents "dies" triggers and thus prevents Yahenni from gaining counters. Plus, I generally avoid paying $20 for marginal cards - marginal in this deck, that is. He's an awesome creature in general.

Demon of Dark Schemes is pretty sweet, not gonna lie. I just don't like including energy effects in general (if he dies, there's no payoff), and I really dislike his art :( I'll consider adding him, though, because a 6-drop creature that reanimates is pretty damn good here.

I'm currently in the process of acquiring cards IRL for this deck, but I'll get back to tuning it when I can find some time :) Thanks for your comment!

January 17, 2017 1:09 p.m.

SomeDipshit says... #14

Could probably do pretty well with Coffin Queen here.

You'll have plenty of targets and plenty of sac outlets.

January 17, 2017 1:39 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #15

illumfolly: Oh, I like that! I even have one sitting around. I'll test it, thank you!

January 17, 2017 3 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #16

Grind: You said you'd comment? :)

January 18, 2017 2:25 p.m.

Grind says... #17

cool deck! saw it on the commander thread, here are some quick suggestions.
some of these might just be good stuff suggestions.
Demonic Tutor and Vampiric Tutor are good;
Whip of Erebos is great.
if you want a token generator, Myr Turbine is good but im not sure if it is what you want.
you're running Necropotence so you could consider Reliquary Tower and Zombie Infestation to make tokens.
Overseer of the Damned is good. also Phyrexian Reclamation is one of my favorite black cards, really good recursion.
other than those short ideas, really nice deck. you could maybe run a little more ramp like Burnished Hart or Myriad Landscape.
hope this helps have fun!!

January 18, 2017 3:08 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #18

Grind: Thanks for your comment! If you like the deck, you're welcome to +1 it ;)

With regards to your suggestions, I'm actually playing a slightly different version of this deck IRL right now. I'm using Vampiric Tutor and liking it. I don't currently have a Demonic Tutor (actually, I don't own one at all) and I should fix that.

Whip of Erebos IS great and I'm trying to find a slot for it.

Myr Turbine is too expensive for its effect, IMO. (Outside of Arcum EDH, where it's a vital combo piece of course.)

Overseer of the Damned is something I'm trying to find space for.

I don't generally like Myriad Landscape (absorbs too many resources to get those two lands), and I used to play Burnished Hart here but I replaced it with Solemn Simulacrum because the latter fit into my curve better. Thanks again for the suggestions! :)

January 18, 2017 3:25 p.m.

PlattBonnay says... #19

As we all know, mono black struggles to answer artifacts and enchantments. Because of this I think its worth considering at least one answer, in Karn Liberated, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, Scour from Existence, or possibly Gonti, Lord of Luxury.

January 19, 2017 2:35 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #20

PlattBonnay: I agree that black does have a glaring problem when trying to answer artifacts and enchantments. However, several of these have problems...

Scour from Existence is too expensive for the deck, I think, even considering the universality of it. I already have too many things at extremely high mana costs in this deck.

Gonti, Lord of Luxury is too hit-or-miss obviously if you're trying to use him as removal.

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon's -X doesn't play nice with indestructible (ie I can't have X>2 if I want to keep my commander) and can't wipe artifacts. His +2 and ult are very nice, though...

Karn Liberated's -3 is utterly unconditional, but I've always found him to be...a little disappointing otherwise. I've tried him in decks before, and I just don't enjoy playing him. He's the best choice of the options you pointed out, though, and I'll consider him :) Thanks!

January 19, 2017 6:31 p.m.

Decisive says... #21

You could try Curse of the Cabal instead.Oubliette, Tawno's Coffin, or Undercity Plague are also options.

January 21, 2017 10:04 p.m.

Abhorrent Overlord seems pretty good for you, spitting out a bunch of tokens you can feed to Yahenni (although TO's telling me you've already considered it, I'm leaving it in anyway cause it's good). Phyrexian Reclamation would be nice for getting back things you've sacrificed. I'm a firm believer in the power of Beacon of Unrest and Ever After as reusable reanimators as well.

January 28, 2017 5:11 a.m.

Jokester1393 says... #23

Have you thought of Aetherborn Marauder , Midnight Entourage , or Gifted Aetherborn for possible creature flavor. But I'm still new to building efficient EDH decks.

January 28, 2017 12:34 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #24

Krallion: Curse of the Cabal's suspend is bad outside of 1v1 (and even there it's marginal. Oubliette is a very bad Oblivion Ring and costs $20. Tawnos's Coffin costs $40 and doesn't do enough for its mana cost or activation cost. Undercity Plague is too much mana, I'd rather just play Smallpox and hit everyone.

PhotogenicParasympathetic: The issue with Abhorrent Overlord was that, although it does produce a lot of tokens, 1) it's high mana cost in a deck that already has a higher curve than I'd like and 2) having a lot of tokens makes my board wipes hurt me more. I generally prefer things that generate one of two tokens repeatably.

Phyrexian Reclamation was in here originally but I eventually swapped it for plain-old Reanimate. I'm not a fan of Beacon of Unrest here (I have almost no ways of placing good artifacts into opponents' GYs and I have few in my own deck good enough to justify the 5 mana), and although I like Ever After as a card I'd generally think it's overcosted? Have you had good experiences with it?

Jokester1393: This deck isn't really based around flavor, but I'd almost consider Aetherborn Marauder for that reason (best flavor text ever, and it plays halfway nice with Yahenni). I'll look into it, hehe.

Thanks you all for your comments! :)

January 28, 2017 12:46 p.m.

Well, the mana requirement is an issue, sure. I disagree on the situation with board wipes - I tend to think along the lines that if you've got a lot of tokens you're less likely to need a board wipe. That said, given your commander's indestructibility, it makes sense.

I have actually had great success with Ever After, although admittedly that's as part of an overly convoluted combo kill that no one sees coming because it's dumb and takes like 20 pieces. That said, it's still good value - 3 mana each for your Grave Titan and Massacre Wurm at the same time isn't a bad investment. It's no Reanimate, but it's certainly worth a try.

January 28, 2017 1:42 p.m.

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