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The Icy Enchanted Crab of Absolute Destruction

Standard Counterspell Flash Mill Mono-Blue


I put this evil mono blue-mill deck together by blowing through many wildcards on Arena just to see if I could do it with the new 0/2 killer of a miller Scrabbling Skullcrab. The deck focuses on the crab of course, but has other key pieces that keep you alive or allow for card draw and abilities to create copies of the beloved crab. I have discovered Mockingbird and Silent Hallcreeper to be the true MVPs in a lot of games. The bird is helpful for not only creating another crab for 2 mana, but allows you to copy most threats on the board to even the playing field. This has saved me countless times, I have played with 4 copies, 3 copies and it currently sits at 2 copies, I have found this number to work well for me but maybe change it up as you see fit. The Hallcreeper in addition to already being a 1/1 unblockable; lets you draw, get 2 +1/1 counters on it, or become a copy of another target creature you control. I usually draw the card first as my hand gets run through with the lower curve of the deck, I then go for pumping him up to 3/3 if I am not in a huge rush to copy a crab yet, then at last of course I copy a Scrabbling Skullcrab or a Mockingbird that has already copied a crab. The Mindskinner is another key part to the deck, but often distracts the opponent from the smaller creatures that manage to bring a lot of value to milling out your opponent. In other words if you drop it down and they dont get rid of it quickly, they probably will lose but you don't super need it alive to secure a win. Pumping up the Silent Hallcreeper is important before the The Mindskinner hits your board, as it allows you an extra 2 cards milled on an unblockable creature.

Biggest downside to this deck is sometimes your opponent is playing something you struggle to stay alive against, but this deck has a lot of favorable matchups as aggro has become significantly popular at least in the games I have played.

Please feel free to use and share the deck, feel free to cite this page as a resource as you see fit


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92% Competitive

Date added 5 months
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.45
Tokens Copy Clone, Manifest 2/2 C, Spirit X/X U
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