I realized that the fight ability can be totally abused by this deck, so I added 3 Prey Upon and a playset of Ulvenwald Tracker to the side board. I'm considering just adding the tracker's to the maindeck since they would give me a much needed 1 drop.
Also, Ulvenwald Tracker allows me the possibility of having an enchanted Stuffy Doll fight itself. According to the official wizard rulings, if a creature fights itself it deals damage to itself twice. Meaning a Stuffy Doll with Madcap Skills would deal 6 damage to itself and an opponent. Throw on an Inquisitor's Flail and this little trick could be doing 12 damage each turn.
I also added Predator Ooze. I can attack each turn with the ooze to keep pumping it up and leave other indestructibles back as blockers. The ooze also helps shore up some of my concerns about mana curve. And Prey Upon and Ulvenwald Tracker can cause it to fight and hopefully net some more +1/+1 s that way.
I ditched the Creepy Doll for Manor Gargoyle mainly to have an answer to flyers. I also added Plummet to the side board for this reason.
Madcap Skills was added to be a cheap pumpup aura but also to fight against weenie decks.
Finally, I moved Magmaquake to the side board. It didn't seem like I needed it, Blasphemous Act and Rolling Temblor all in the main board.