The Inquisition

Modern* ExisPsycho


GoofyFoot says... #1

Since you're not delving anything else, and your graveyard doesn't matter apart from the Raven's Crime, you should Tasigur's Cruelty or at least switch it for Wrench Mind. In a deck with fetches, I can cast Cruelty for 1 mana as early as turn 3, It's quite strong, and incredibly more relevant considering it's "each opponent" vs "target opponent" " (gets around leyline).

It's borderline impossible to beat certain matchups if your not willing to splash another color. I've found green works the best as a solo color, followed by white, then red. I currently run 3 colors in mine and its doing quite well for me. Check it out for inspiration! That Lovin' Feeling

April 7, 2015 5:28 a.m.

ExisPsycho says... #2

Man, only reason i didn't run Tasigur's Cruelty because I was convinced it wasn't legal in Modern. That's actually going to help a ton!

I would think about splashing Green for Life from the Loam+Raven's Crime combo, but I'm a bit intimidated by the idea of slowing my deck down. Leyline Hate is awesome, but what else can it promise? (Sorry for the potential ignorance)

April 7, 2015 5:42 a.m.

ExisPsycho says... #3

Looking at your deck, I can most certainly see the power white adds to the overall strategy and sideboarding variety. Hell, Burn and Azban have been my largest problems so far. Will think over the splashing concept a bit more.

April 7, 2015 5:55 a.m.

FrenchFryNinja says... #4

I love rack builds, they are my favorite to play. The preemptive denial is just too much fun. That said, I have a couple of small suggestions:

-2 Mainboard Surgical Extraction, +2 Swamp. The surgical extraction is really only most effective against combo decks. Otherwise I think there's more effective stuff to run. Also, in my experience 20 land was about the minimum that I wanted to play in my rack build, and that was only with 1 Dakmor Salvage.

That said Surgical Extraction is soooo good in the sideboard. I would drop 1 Pithing Needle, Uba Mask (I would disagree with keeping it. This actually gives your opponent cards, even if they aren't in hand which can really work against us in this kind of build), and -1 Vampire Nighthawk. Put 3x extraction in their places in the sideboard.

I would also consider dropping Waste Not. I really wanted that card to work. And I like it as a 1 or 2 of. Its actually better as the game drags on IMHO because it gives a potential advantage while your Necrogen Mists are keeping hands empty. But I could never get it to work because I wanted to be playing hand disruption turns 1,2, and 3 until I got them empty and could never really land it in time. That said, even if you like it and want to keep it I would consider siding it out against affinity.

For your affinity matchup some potential card choices: Drown in Sorrow, Pithing Needle is effective (name Cranial Plating before they land it), Chalice of the Void played with 0 counters can slow them down if you play first, otherwise leave it at home. Ratchet Bomb or Necroplasm can be helpful in that match up also.

And I agree, you should take another look at Wrench Mind. Side it out against affinity or tron for one of those above cards.

May 15, 2015 2:07 a.m.

ExisPsycho says... #5

Will say, Uba Mask was mainly a weird joke I had with a friend at FNM who said I should side it against Leyline's. It's control match up is amazing to!

The reason I'm not running 20+ lands however has a bit of reason to it. I have been the victim of ridiculous floods on just 20. Horrible Floods. 18 lands, while inconsistent, has been effective. If I were to get my hands on some Mutavaults I would definitely consider, but right now, I'm pretty comfortable.

Waste Not is also a thing I like, it's won me games by the mere presence that it presents. However, I'm cool with the idea of running 2 of.

Lastly, Surgical Extraction mainboard is primarily a decision I've thought over with friends. The idea would be to open with an Iok and if i see multiple, extract it for max profit.

Thank you man! You've offered some things I'll definitely consider~

May 15, 2015 2:30 a.m.

8-Rack says... #6

I would definitely say save for Liliana's as she is great in almost any circumstance. I like mono-black and think it's the way to stay. Since I dislike creatures, I'd personally take out pack rats and Nyxathids. For my sideboard, I like Dash Hopes, Hero's Downfall for planeswalkers and extra creature destruction, as well as Funeral Charm's and extra Necrogen Mists.

May 28, 2015 12:34 a.m.

ExisPsycho says... #7

Thanks for the response! Currently my budget is a bit iffy, but I do plan on saving up for at least 2 of her.

The thing about Pack Rat is that I use him as a form of insurance for people who kill my bridge. Too often have I had people at 3-5 life topdeck an Abrupt Decay or a Disenchant and swing for lethal. With the Rat, I have insured protection from 1/1 weenies slipping under the bridge and a way to protect myself.

What's your opinion on what to side in for the Burn matchup? (Boros has been a bit of a bastard.)

May 28, 2015 12:51 a.m.

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