This is an atypical Innistrad themed Mono-White "Lifegain Humans" build I've come up with named The Inquisition. "Lifegain Humans," as I like to call it, is a variant of Soul Sisters which is a fair and aggressive deck that deploys a lifegain strategy not only as a delay tactic, but even to power its win conditions. It is a fun and engaging deck that has beautiful synergy. This particular build loves attrition battles and can absolutely destroys the direct damage strategies of the enemy!
While still one of the premiere White decks in the Modern format, Soul Sisters really gets hammered by Combo and Control decks. However, being in White means having access to the best solutions to a lot of the most popular strategies in the format. I'm going to attempt to address that problem here. Let me know what you think!
Your key cards in the deck are The Sisters themselves; Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant and
Martyr of Sands
are the main engine powering the rest of the deck. The incremental lifegain achieved with Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant can get you through tough grinds and is detrimental to the strategy of most decks. It can even mean the difference between walking away from that battle or utter defeat...
Martyr of Sands
is a powerhouse, ideally you could be sitting pretty at 35 life and swinging out with a 6/6 Serra Ascendant with flying and lifelink on your second turn. Starting the game with that kind of an advantage is enough to make a any Red Sparkmage ragequit! While dealing with White magic you'll also have access to
Path to Exile
, the best removal in Modern, allowing you deal with serious threats swiftly and effectively.
The great thing about Soul Sisters is it's consistency and number of low-curve threats, eliminating a Control deck's grip over a match and greatly diminishing the chances of losing to any dimwitted Izzet Goblin wielding a staff if you can play your cards right.
My take on this classic seeks to solve the aforementioned problem by enlisting
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
into the regiment, essentially shutting down those pesky Combo decks. This particular Soul Sisters build has a heavy Human Tribal sub-theme with the very aggressive combination of
Champion of the Parish
Thalia's Lieutenant
; these great soldiers grow increasingly powerful as the battle progresses and easily outclass even Tarmogoyfs! The sole reason to summon only Humans is Cavern of Souls so my entire regiment can't be countered, effectively shutting down most Blue decks and making it possible to compete against a much broader range of decks possibly pushing this over the top into Tier 1 territory. Human Tribal finally got some much needed love and amazing creatures in Shadows over Innistrad. Now, you'll command an army that can withstand a threat and be ready to counterattack and with
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
leading the charge, this little army will bring on enough righteous beatdown to end wars!
I want this to be competitive, so suggestions are welcome.