The Dwarven Menace

Commander / EDH* Decisive


NV_1980 says... #1


As Bosh is so key to your strategy, I would expect some more protection for him like Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots and/or Darksteel Plate. Also, I think Feldon of the Third Path is made for a deck like this.

Happy gaming!


November 28, 2017 2:23 a.m.

soul22 says... #2

Wondering why Hellkite Tyrant is not there? Too much of a nonbo with Bosh?

December 3, 2017 11:40 a.m.

Shane.Allen says... #3

Very cool deck. Really fun commander, i like the synergies between the competitive is the current meta you are playing in?

December 3, 2017 3:41 p.m.

Decisive says... #4

Not too competitive, but not overly casual, about a 50/50 mix of casual and competitive. Bosh is ranked as a T4 commander, mostly because of how expensive he is to cast and how expensive his ability is to activate, so as such it won't do well in a competitive meta (With all those T1 decks), it will hold its own against T1.5-T2.5, and it'll mostly win against T3 and lower (for the most part).

I honestly think Bosh could be moved up the list, but that's not for me to decide :p

December 3, 2017 10:25 p.m.

Overall it looks like a really solid deck, and honestly, I don't really know quite enough about the vast number of artifacts to really give advice. Using red, you don't have any way to give your artifacts hexproof, and it doesn't seem like you have any way to pull artifacts back from the graveyard outside of Daretti, and that's pretty risky.

December 10, 2017 2:31 a.m.

Decisive says... #6

Scrap Mastery, Scarecrone (Kinda), Daretti, Goblin Welder, Elixir of Immortality, Kozilek (Like Elixir), Buried Ruin, Feldon of the Third Path (Also Kinda). I'll look into more options for recursion, thanks.

December 10, 2017 9:26 a.m. Edited.

Suns_Champion says... #7

Neheb, the Eternal will easily ramp you into the bigger spells

Mind Stone over Thought Vessel maybe?

Darksteel Plate in the maybe board is worth it

Metalwork Colossus cheap to cast and still has the high cmc you need to deal damage

Hellkite Tyrant alt win-con?

Mycosynth Golem again, cheap to cast and still has the high cmc

All Is Dust good board wipe

Hammer of Purphoros haste for all your big guys

December 17, 2017 12:26 p.m.

Decisive says... #8

Suns_Champion: I dont think Neheb has a spot in this deck, yes I can get a lot of mana from it, but I don't have enough mana sinks for the mana to be useful.

I don't think Darksteel Plate is good here either as this deck doesn't run enough creatures for it to be that useful. Same reasoning goes for hammer of purphoros.

I like Hellkite Tyrant, All is Dust, and Metalwork Colossus. I'm on the fence about Golem, his high CMC make him good with Bosh, but he himself is underwhelming due to the lack of enough artifact creatures, so I think the slot if better used on something else.

Anything you see that looks like it could be removed to make room for your suggestions (save for Mind Stone). Currently, I can think of removing Semblance Anvil, Mycosynth Wellspring, and Scroll rack, but if you have a better idea, I'd love to hear it! (I won't remove Scuttling Doom Engine, its a placeholder for Immortal Sun from RIX)

Thanks again!

December 17, 2017 1:41 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #9

Gotcha gotcha.

I may be very biased for Neheb, the Eternal, but I still thing he could have a place here. Attack, sack a huge artifact, get tons of mana, recur/pay for a new artifact, sack again. Additionally, Neheb is insane with Nim Deathmantle, allowing you to recur your entire board after sacking if you have enough mana. Also if you add some red card advantage like Commune with Lava he gets very good. Just my thoughts.

I'd cut Mycosynth Wellspring and Semblance Anvil first for sure. Wellspring doesn't do enough and the card disadvantage of the Anvil is not what you want in mono-red, which has problems with that as it is.

Also have you considered stuff like Illusionist's Bracers and damage doublers?

December 17, 2017 3:12 p.m.

Decisive says... #10

You suggested Nim, which I already run. I run Kurkesh over Illusionist's Bracers, as he works with any artifact activations.

Until I can find another 2 cards to remove, I'll keep Metalwork Colossus and Hellkite Tyrant out of the deck. I'll add Commune with Lava, All is Dust, and Neheb and remove Scrap Mastery (Never actually used it), Semblance Anvil, and Mycosynth Wellspring. If you see anything else that can be removed, I'd love to hear it

December 17, 2017 7:20 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #11

Byuante yup, I see the Deathmantle in there. I mentioned it to make the case for Neheb, who's very good with it. Thus making him more appealing. I'm glad you'll give him a try; let me know how it goes!

December 18, 2017 6:28 p.m.

Wolfrage76 says... #12

Not sure what to remove, but I think Mirage Mirror would be a great fit. It's so flexible. You have so many things that could use a twin. Losing 2 creatures? Copy your Nim Deathmantle. Want to vcopy an ability with your Rings of Brighthearth? Well, now you can double it. Voltaic Key, Caged Sun, Trading Post, Mind's Eye, etc - it's always nice to have a second one, especially when you can change Mirage Mirror multiple times in a turn.

Another decent fit would be Prototype Portal - especially when running artifact lands for free ramp (and again, mirage mirror would still be awesome with that).

December 26, 2017 2:13 p.m.

Decisive says... #13

Wolfrage76, well, technically you can, but you can't at the same time.

Once the Mirage Mirror copies something, it loses its original copy ability, though you can activate its ability in response to itself, though that would only give you those copies for as long as the next copy affect hasn't resolves

From the Gatherer:

Once Mirage Mirrors ability resolves, it no longer has that ability.

If you activate Mirage Mirrors ability multiple times in a turn in response to itself, then each time one of those abilities resolves, it will overwrite whatever Mirage Mirror is copying. Mirage Mirror will wind up as a copy of the permanent targeted by the last ability to resolve. When the turn ends, all instances of the ability will wear off at the same time.


Mirage Mirror seems like it could definitely fit in this deck, so it'll go to the maybeboard while I figure out a place for it

I'm not as big of a fan towards Prototype portal, it does work with artifact lands, but I only run three so odds are I won't imprint those, and it seems to expensive to cast and use for anything else, seems to underwhelming here.

January 1, 2018 9:39 p.m.

chubba says... #14

Nice build! i love mono red artifacts! i have a build with daretti. I'm not sure what to suggest here. Have you considered Gonti's Aether Heart taking extra turns in mono red is always fun. I also like setting up Final Fortune+Isochron Scepter+Sundial of the Infinite

April 4, 2018 5:45 p.m.

mintymustache says... #15

hey i like your flavor :) i made this for you Bosh, Iron Golem Avatar if you would like to use it put (asterix)A=13471(astrix) after the card name. cheers

April 9, 2018 4:53 p.m.

Loonmoon18 says... #16

You should add more creatures.. It didn't fair well against my Sliver EDH deck. While it lasted a long time, I think that's because my sliver deck is a passive version of one. Have a great day! :)

April 19, 2018 11:18 p.m.

Decisive says... #17

Loonmoon18: the amount of creatures you control shouldn't matter, bosh can end the game easily if you use his ability to target the opponent. You should play me a few times and we can see how well it fairs then :p

April 20, 2018 8:13 p.m.

Loonmoon18 says... #18

You have no enchantment Removal. That was the main problem. I used Spirit of Resistance, so it didn't even matter if you damaged me it is reduced to 0. That or Sliver Hivelord with Pariah stops it. If I didn't get those enchantments, I just needed to pull Necrotic Sliver with Sliver Overlord and you still would be shut down for a bit, and each time I put a sliver in and sacrificed it. All in all, when you build a deck, you need to be able to at least have something to destroy each card type. Yes, you have All Is Dust and Darksteel Forge but the odds are 1/99 of pulling it for either of them.

April 20, 2018 8:28 p.m.

lilgiantrobot says... #19

Spine and Steel Hellkite can also deal with enchantments, but Leyline of Punishment and Chaos Warp should be heavily considered. Warp is a general catch all, and Leyline just laughs at fogs or other pillowfort options. Hour of Devastation is a nice spell to take out most indestructible creatures, even if you have to stack it with something else. You can also cut down on the creatures even more, and go Burning Sands. Wipe thier board, make them sac their lands? Thats playing red! And speaking of lands, your list looks severely lacking in answers to them. Ruination/Blood Moon will play very well at any table with multi-color decks.

April 20, 2018 8:56 p.m.

Decisive says... #20

Any suggestion on what to remove lilgiantrobot to make room for those?

So far I have: Kuldotha Forgemaster, and Defense Grid on the chopping block for Chaos Warp and Blood Moon. If you've got any other ideas for things to cut for those suggestions, I'd love to hear.

April 21, 2018 1:47 p.m.

What do you think of Treasure Nabber from C18?

enter image description here

July 29, 2018 3:17 a.m.

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