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The Perfect Storm: Mizzix EDH |Primer|

Commander / EDH Burn Combo Infinite Combo UR (Izzet)




Welcome to my Mizzix EDH List! The place where you never, ever pay full price! This is is the first deck I built myself, and I've also included a cEDH Upgrade in the Sideboard. This deck functions under one simple principle: we never want to pay the full cost of our Instants and Sorceries. We use Mizzix’s ability to reduce costs to set up and execute a few powerful combos that aim to win the game in one turn. This is generally accomplished via infinite mana combos and X-spells, though this deck also features 3 alternative win cons. This is the deck that I play in my personal playgroup, and we all play on a semi-competitive level. We usually end up encountering a deck’s win con on turn 5 or 6, so our decks are pretty well tuned. I play most of the tutor cards in blue and red and run plenty of counter spells and removal.

The Custom Categories in this deck are as follows:

  1. Land: All of my land cards

  2. Combos: My win conditions

  3. Ramp: Mana acceleration

  4. Card Draw & Tutor: Includes pure card draw and tutor and modular spells.

  5. Removal and Counterspells: Board wipes, single target removal, counter magic, and thievery

  6. Recursion: Ways to give spells flashback or get them back to my hand

  7. Mizzix Support: All the cards that support Mizzix by keeping her on the field or that support our main strategy

  • Mizzix is a powerful commander, and she lends herself extremely well to casting lots of instants and sorceries. Her biggest strength is the ability to reduce the cost of these cards, allowing stronger cards to hit the board sooner than cards of the same cost my opponents play. This also enables combos to function where they would not have before. The deck also runs plenty of threat removal and counter spells, making it pretty easy to stall the board and keep your opponents from winning or disabling you. Card draw is rampant in blue, and this deck takes advantage of that. I run numerous cards that draw me cards, and one of my alternate win cons allows me to win by doing this. My hand is rarely ever empty, and I also run a decent tutor package. This deck also operates in a very subtle way. Often times, opponents don’t realize my deck is about to win until my turn starts, which is usually too late. Many of my win cons can be set up and executed in one turn, and I don’t field a huge board presence, which allows me to lay low for most of the game. Finally, this deck runs plenty of recursion, so cards in my graveyard rarely stay there if I need them to win. Sometimes my deck can win by filling up my graveyard with spells and recurring them all at once.
  • This deck fields very few creatures, so creature-based strategies like tribal and zoo can give this deck a bad time. Nine times out of ten, I’ve only got one or two creatures on the board, and I usually don’t want to block with them. This deck also doesn’t function well without its commander on the board, as Mizzix is enables most of the cards in my deck to function. Losing her can be a huge set back.

This deck’s main strategy is to win by pulling off one of a few combos. It utilizes tutors and card draw to quickly acquire the pieces of one of the combos and uses cost-reducing effects to assemble these combos in a quick and efficient manner. The main combo this deck strives for is an infinite mana infinite damage combo using Reiterate + Desperate Ritual + Lightning Bolt.

This deck needs its low-cost cards early on in the game. Generally, I mulligan hands that have cards with mana costs higher than three, and I always want at least 3 lands and/or 1 accelerant. I usually don’t go below 6, as I can draw plenty of cards without much issue

If things go sideways and the main combo is countered, Mizzix dies, or some other major setback occurs, the plan for this deck is to dig for one of the alternate win cons involving Guttersnipe or Thousand-Year Storm. It is usually best to keep Mizzix in the command zone if she gets destroyed for a turn or so, but getting her out before trying to combo off again is important. Any card draw or tutor spells I’ve used can usually be recurred, and that makes it less of a hassle to rebuild.

This deck includes a sideboard, which is actually a Sparseboard. These are the cards I would be adding to the deck in order to power it down in mid to low power pods. This deck is what I would call an 8 on the power scale, Sub cEDH but as optimized as a deck can get. The cuts and adds from the sparesboard knock it down to a 6, more of a mid level deck.

The cuts I'd make for this board are as follows:

Brain Freeze Underworld Breach Lightning Bolt Desperate Ritual Deflecting Swat Fierce Guardianship Flusterstorm Force of Will Mana Drain Swan Song Mana Crypt Mana Vault High Tide Chrome Mox Rhystic Study Mystic Remora Gamble Merchant Scroll Mystical Tutor Narset, Parter of Veils Spellskite Faithless Looting Sensei's Divining Top

The main win con combo is Reiterate + Desperate Ritual or Mana Geyser to generate infinite red mana, and then cast Lightning Bolt and copy it enough with Reiterate for each player to die. This combo has 4 main pieces. The first piece is making sure Mizzix is generating 3-4 mana discounts, as this allows the buyback cost of Reiterate to become free, and with 4 reiterate only costs 2 red mana. This means that once we have cast reiterate once we can use two of the red mana we’ve generated from Desperate Ritual to cast Reiterate again, making us 3 more red mana. We will still have 1 red left over from our last Desperate Ritual, so we can continue to copy the spell into infinity. Then, once we’ve made our 12,932,408 red mana, we can cast Lightning Bolt and use the same Reiterate loop to copy it infinite times, winning the game. This can also be achieved with Turnabout, giving us infinite untapped lands for mana.

There are a few other combos included in this list that either substitute for our main combo or help us reach it.

  • First, we have Brain Freeze, Underworld Breach, and Lotus Petal. This combo allows us to mill our own deck out enough to find our combo and cast it from grave, and with Lotus petal we can keep ourselves mana positive from the Brain Freezes by recurring it and sacking it for mana.

  • The second is a more convoluted loop involving Lore Drakkis, Snap, and Dockside Extortionist. This requires some set up. First, our opponents collectively need 5 enchantments and/or artifacts combined, or 4 with at least 1 experience counter. Second, we need Snap in our graveyard. We cast Dockside, gaining 5 treasure. We then use 2 treasure to mutate Lord Drakkis onto Dockside, returning Snap to our hand. We then use 2 more treasure to cast Snap, bouncing the mutate pile to our hand. We then use the untapped lands to cast dockside again, and we now have 6 treasure. We can continue this loop to gain infinite treasure, which gives us infinite colored mana. We can then use this with a Comet Storm, or use our Reiterate combo above.

  • If we don’t have Lightning Bolt for our main win con, we can use one of our alternate sources of infinite mana to do the same loop with Capsize, effectively locking out the rest of the players in the game.

  • Apex of Power is at the top of our curve, and for good reason. This card has won me many games in this deck, and it’s steep 10 mana cost is never fully paid due to Mizzix, which makes this a great card. The fact it gives you 10 mana on resolution is also a great way to ensure you can use the cards you exile.
  • Brainstorm is great in this deck, and it can be played on turn 1 or turn 10 without losing its effectiveness. It joins a slew of one drop spells that also serve the purpose of getting Experience counters early on for cheap. All around a great way to sift through your deck.
  • Dig Through Time is a panic draw button. I usually play it when I’m digging for combo pieces or trying to catch up to my opponents in cards. You are also likely to have plenty of targets for delve, but I usually opt to use as few instants and sorceries for this as possible since it is very easy to get them back in this deck. Mizzix discounts make this card even better - Drawn from Dreams is a cheaper version of Dig Through Time, and it should prove to be a great tool for deck thinning.
  • Fact or Fiction is a good card. It allows you to filter through your deck quicker and find your combo pieces. My only issue with this card is that your opponent chooses what goes in which pile. This can lead to a tough choice if you reveal a few of your more important combo cards. However, this card still does its job well, and it rarely betrays you.
  • Faithless Looting is a great card to get the ball rolling on our Experience counters, as well as fill up our yard for delving and recursion.
  • Finale of Revelation is my choice for Blue X Spell card draw. Even without the pay off of a graveyard shuffle, having an X draw spell with Mizzix's discounts is always a good idea. Now, I'm current testing this card as a substitute for Stroke of Genius because of the untapping lands pay off, and the reason it's in testing is because of the shuffling graveyard effect. One of my combos uses Underworld Breach, which obviously needs a graveyard, so this spell may not stick if it interferes with that combo too much.
  • Firemind's Foresight is probably the best tutor card in this deck. Now, on paper it seems pretty bad. Getting 6 mana worth of spells for a 7-mana card isn’t great value. However, not only does the cost go to a floor of two, but it also grabs all three of our infinite damage combo pieces! This means this card basically wins us the game if it resolves.
  • Frantic Search serves the same purpose as Fact or Fiction, which is to filter through you deck to find your combo pieces. It’s a great way to dig, but it does have its drawbacks. However, with all the recursion in the deck it isn't the worst thing in the world to toss two cards away, plus this spell is basically free, and with 1 or 2 exp counters it actually nets you more mana than you spend.
  • Gamble is a useful tutor in this deck because of how much recursion I run. Often times, pitching a card to the grave can be beneficial to my game plan, so the downside isn’t always a downside
  • Impulse is another link in the chain of cards intended to get us from 0-4 experience counters cheaply, and it’s also just good filtering.
  • Merchant Scroll is great because a large portion of our instants are either pure blue instants or red and blue instants. This card grabs any of them, including a lot of our threat answers, and it can even be slapped under Isochron Scepter.
  • Mystic Remora joined this deck when I transitioned it from mid power to fully optimized. It’s a great way to lock up other players opening turns by deterring them from casting cheap ramp, and it also draws me cards for those people who don’t want to pay.
  • Mystical Tutor is the quintessential tutor spell in this deck. Great way to grab any of our important cards
  • Narset, Parter of Veils, in addition to being a combo piece with our wheels, is also an Impulse on a stick, which can be great.
  • Ponder serves the same purpose as Brainstorm, but goes about it in a different way. A great card for shuffling away a bad top of the deck.
  • Preordain serves the same purpose as Brainstorm, filtering the top of the library.
  • Rhystic Study should be cast ASAP due to its massive ability to generate card draw.
  • Sensei's Divining Top is a great artifact for almost any deck. It’s main purpose in this deck is to make sure we don’t have as many dead draws.
  • Tezzeret's Gambit is wonderful in this deck as it allows experience counters to stack up for Mizzix. It also draws you cards and can be cast for life instead of mana with enough experience counters. Great card.
  • Wheel of Fortune can be used to refill our hands, but it really shines when in combination with Narset, Parter of Veils. This combo strips our opponents of a hand, which basically assures that if we are going to combo off no one will stop us
  • Windfall is situational. I usually only cast it when I’m stalling, low on cards, or have a hand full of non-synergistic cards. It is most useful early on, as it lets you fill your hand back up after a successful opener.

  • Blasphemous Act Is a great board wipe. It usually only costs 1 mana by the time you cast it and does enough damage to wipe all but the biggest creatures on the board. Only issue is it also hits your creatures, but if you’re at the point of casting it you’ll probably lose if you don’t. Great card
  • Capsize combos well with Mizzix, allowing you to possibly return an entire board to a player. Useful for dealing with threats big and small.
  • Comet Storm can be used as removal or as our back up damage spell for our win combo. It’s great at removing multiple threats at once and it benefits heavily from our experience counters
  • Counterspell. Auto include
  • Cyclonic Rift. Auto include
  • Deflecting Swat is a great way to protect Mizzix. We can redirect not only spells but abilities, which can save our ass out of the blue.
  • Fierce Guardianship. Free counter spells anyone? This card is a great way to ensure we keep Mizzix in play, and it doesn’t even cost mana!
  • Flusterstorm, like Dispel, keeps our opponents counter spells away.
  • Force of Will can almost always be cast without mana in this deck, making it 100% worth it. Additionally, this still counts as a 5 cmc spell for mizzix’s trigger.
  • Izzet Charm is the first modular spell in this list. Depending on the circumstance, this can be a counter spell, card draw, or creature removal, which makes it a great tool for the deck. Holding up mana for a counter but no one does anything worth countering? Just draw instead.
  • Mana Drain is a counter spell that ramps us next turn. Pricey, but worth every penny.
  • Prophetic Bolt is my pet card in this deck. It's not the biggest bang for its buck, but the art is beautiful, and the effect is good enough for me to keep it. Plus, it serves as a less ideal back up for our main combo line.
  • Reality Shift is a great creature removal answer, and this deck is notorious for being weak to creatures.
  • Shattering Pulse takes the place of Vandalblast in this deck for a few reasons. First, like my other buyback cards, Mizzix can make this spell as good as vandalblast. Second, vandalblast deals with all the artifacts on the board. One of my combos involves treasure gain from Dockside Extortionist, which needs 4+ artifacts on the board in my opponents control. So to ensure this combo is effective, I've decided to include targeted artifact hate instead of a board wipe.
  • Snap is a great way to remove threats while also keeping more answers in the wings. Additionally, in a pinch it can be a pseudo Turnabout with storm or copy spells in play.
  • Swan Song is a very cheap answer to many prominent threats in any given game.
  • Thassa's Intervention is a great modular card. We can hold mana up for to counter a spell, and if no worthy spell is cast we can simply spend the mana we held up at the end step before our turn to draw some cards.

  • Finale of Promise is a great new card to this deck with a lot of potentially game breaking recursion aspects. I'll update this more when I've had the chance to test the card.
  • Lore Drakkis is a part of one of our alternate combos, but it can also be used to recur important card draw spells or combo pieces that we lost to counterspells
  • Mizzix's Mastery is so good. You always want to overload this card, and it rarely ever lets you down.
  • Mystic Retrieval can grab back an important card. I usually grab tutors or card draw spells, but if I’ve been milled I go for combo pieces.
  • Past in Flames is basically a costlier Mizzix's Mastery. Good card, but it usually only gets you one or two cards back.

  • Bonus Round is just amazing in this deck, and its broken when combined with Thousand-Year Storm. This card really speeds up our deck and makes it easier for us to get to our win condition
  • Flux Channeler makes every spell we cast to get experience counters give an extra xp, and it even makes spells of lower cmc buff our discount way more.
  • Guttersnipe is a great way to whittle down life totals, and it can kill opponents as well when we go and storm off with Thousand-Year Storm
  • Lightning Greaves is great, but it can cause problems with other protection spells. Still, shroud is worth it in almost every case.
  • Spellskite is a great way to save Mizzix from removal, and it doesn’t even need mana.

Feedback is always appreciated! I am not perfect, and I am always up for some constructive C&C. Leave an upvote if you liked this deck!


Updates Add

Today marks the day that my Primer is officially up to date with the deck. I realized that my primer was WAY more out of date than I thought I was, so an update was well overdue.



94% Competitive

Top Ranked
Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 1 Mythic Rares

40 - 13 Rares

21 - 3 Uncommons

16 - 6 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.76
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Experience Token, Manifest 2/2 C, Treasure
Folders EDH, Izzet commander, mizzix, Try out, EDH Ideas from Others, EDH/Commander, Mizzix, mizzix, Interesting EDH decks (by othe, Izzet
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