
Superfriends with lots of board wipes. Planeswalkers are ones that I have had in my binder. Board wipes are creature specific, keeping planeswalkers safe. Lots of ramp to allow for multiple spells per turn- especially with higher cost walkers.

If you like it, please leave a thumbs up and/or a comment on how I could improve the deck

EDIT: Took out Tezzeret the Schemer and put in Samut, the Tested . Her ultimate ability does more of what I want. I would rather have the ability to tutor for up to 2 creatures or planeswalkers than have mana rocks that turn into 5 5 creatures

EDIT: Took out Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   and Contagion Clasp for Deepglow Skate and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Baby Jace requires me to self mill a few cards. And when he does flip, he does a fair bit of milling. Elesh Norn allows me to buff my tokens, while making opponents creatures weaker and the tokens are unblock able thanks to Sun Quan. Contagion Clasp, isn't as fast as Deepglow skate. Deepglow skate, while it is a one time thing, has more of an impact on loyalty counters

I finally did it! This is my first $1000 deck, with nothing proxied


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