The Kessig Township

Modern Vos_Is_Boss

SCORE: 145 | 680 COMMENTS | 35229 VIEWS | IN 70 FOLDERS Top 8: 03/15

ThEdUnCeCaP says... #1

"I have records below, some developed, some just records, but now with GATECRASH, and the full potential of this deck unlocked, i intend to keep play-by-play documentary on how it works"-- ok buddy

March 8, 2013 11:13 p.m.

DeathByDragons says... #2

What was the point of posting these quotes?

March 9, 2013 1:09 a.m.

oakenshild says... #3

dude if you don't have any thing constructive to say don't say any thing at all. not cool.

on a less ass-hole-ish note ever consider Feeling of Dread over Nightbird's Clutches ? i could see how the flash back could be useful, but that should be the last card played of the game, and as such i have a problem with it being at sorcery speed. Feeling of Dread doesn't have the flash back but that shouldn't matter, and if you play it on their turn it also stops attacks. but that's just my two cents.

March 9, 2013 1:24 a.m.

Trmiller1326 says... #4

Haters gotta Hate I guess...

March 9, 2013 7:49 a.m.

ThEdUnCeCaP says... #5

hey i dont think im hating - and mad respect on the deck its just that that intro turned me off a bit. dude obviously you know what your talking about. obviously youve tested it a lot. you dont need to say it. the deck speaks for itself. you have a fricken 3 turn win in standard! thats insane! t just started it off on a bad note when your saying its all yours and you entirely created it. idk just my opinion

March 9, 2013 4:10 p.m.

DeathByDragons says... #6

I'm just sayin' if I had created this deck I would be pretty proud and would want to let people know that I had worked really hard on honing and sculpting this deck to be the as amazing as it is.

March 9, 2013 9:37 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #7

Vos_Is_Boss has been nothing but helpful in providing advice to my decks. It's clear that Vos_Is_Boss puts a lot of thought into what they're doing here. When I put together a thread to discuss deadliest aggro decks in standard (Deadliest Aggro Deck in Standard?) this deck was one that I thought was worth discussion. You'll see that Vos_Is_Boss gave a fair evaluation of his deck. Frankly, it's a great deck and if he wants to show a little swagger, I think it's deserved.

Ok, that's my $0.02... now back to MTG discussion.

March 9, 2013 9:48 p.m.

jokersam9806 says... #8

Even with a terrible hand in playtesting, I dealt 0, 3, 8, then 24 damage (on each turn repectively)! Awesome deck dude. This is pretty much the definition of Human Aggro.

March 10, 2013 5:31 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #9

Thanks for the kind words everyone :) Please don't forget... I'm a she. ;D

As far as ThEdUnCeCaP's words, I don't really care what his opinions are on how I typed up my intro... Its just an intro. My ego is my own, and this deck is my baby. Take it or leave it.

I'll be posting my TCG Maxpoint results soon, I ended up starting out at 4-0, and then proceeded to lose the last 3 rounds. In the end, i wound up at 4-3. Kinda disappointing, I had a costly missplay against Black/White Zombies game two that i SHOULD HAVE won... but it started the domino effect, and i didnt move forward from there. GAH

March 11, 2013 10 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #10

My sideboard changed a little bit for the tournament, as well as changing a few cards in the main board. I took out Boros Reckoner and put in Frontline Medic to try and counter some combat trick kills. Something that proved to be a mistake. Frontline Medic is really good, and was a few games... but no where near as much of an impact as Boros Reckoner. I also took out Volcanic Strength, and put in Searing Spear. I had no removal, and the Searing Spears were freaking life-savers.

Pillar of Flame was added to combat other aggro decks, and zombies. They worked well, and it was nice to know i had them if i needed them. Bonds of Faith was actually very very helpful. I tried to use it to counter Boros Reckoner. So, when i did, for the win, the people sitting next to me were like... "WTF, WHY DID THAT WORK!?" Or throwing it on a Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, or any human to keep aggression high. It turned out to be pretty good.

I also threw in Pithing Needle to counter planeswalkers... Olivia Voldaren... Cartel Aristocrat... and it worked well. It is a really good sideboard card that should be used in most decks.

I feel these changes were pretty good, minus swapping out the Boros Reckoner. That made me sad, and could have been very very very useful against all the Bonfire of the Damned // Mizzium Mortars I had to deal with.

March 11, 2013 10:17 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #11

Well done Vos. Seems like a lot of good ideas are coming out of this.

March 11, 2013 10:23 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #12

I have considered Feeling of Dread, oakenshild. However... because the flashback needs blue I have not run it. Without using Farseek, i am a little wary on using 4 colors. Thats the ONLY reason. I can see using it as a finisher, and not worrying about the flashback cost... but I just opted out of it.

And, to be honest. I've rarely used Nightbird's Clutches. Its probably going to come out. I can out-race aggro decks easily, and when they swing out every turn like i do, them having blockers hasn't really been an issue. Against mid-range decks, I either win before they get started, or they destroy all my creatures, and attacking becomes difficult. It proved useful in the past, but to make this deck a lot more competitive, i need to fill that space with better things. Probably going to use Faith's Shield.

Another thing.

First strike and double strike are SO powerful... i need to think about Elite Inquisitor and Precinct Captain a little more to fit in this deck. It changes the game 100% when i am able to swing in, unafraid of who blocks. However, with little space left to change cards... I'm not sure how i am going to be able to do so.

March 11, 2013 10:32 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #13

I run this exact deck almost just with Elite Inquisitor and Precinct Captain instead of Lightning Mauler and Burning-Tree Emissary. It's very fast and can be extremely deadly. Although haste would be nice.

March 11, 2013 10:35 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #14

Lightning Mauler and Burning-Tree Emissary are THE MAIN things that this deck is about. Burning-Tree Emissary is so broken that people have shied away from boros aggro or rakdos aggro to play gruul aggro for a RDW deck.

March 11, 2013 10:53 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #15

Yeh there's nothing like Burning Tree in standard at the moment. My deck was built at the release of RtR so she wasnt out then which is therefore why she's not included. I don't play aggro so I just never bothered to update the deck but I would say that both elite inquisitor and precinct captain are real workhorses. Elite Inquisitor in particular because of vigilance means you can play heavy aggro AND still have a threatening blocker. Also protection from zombies and vampires is pretty relevent.

March 11, 2013 10:58 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #16

If i had to choose one of them, i would choose Elite Inquisitor every time.

March 11, 2013 11 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #17

I love double strike and my G/W deck Apoptosis Revamped G/W Aggro v2.1 tried to maximize on this effect. An earlier version didn't have the artifacts and used combat tricks like Giant Growth instead, but I liked the reusable nature of artifacts over one shot tricks. In this case Silverblade Paladin, Fencing Ace and Ajani, Caller of the Pride along with equipment that gives insane bonuses to double strikers could lay out huge amounts of damage (Silver-Inlaid Dagger in particular). But it doesn't have the speed that is built into the deck here. I think either you're all in for turn 3-4 kill, which requires the 8 card commitment to 4x Burning-Tree Emissary 4x Lightning Mauler, or you accept that your deck won't be able to hit a turn 3 kill (but by normal standards is still pretty fast). But yes... I agree that first strike or double strike is a highly desirable feature.

March 11, 2013 11:06 a.m.

awkwardraisin says... #18

An education in aggro, awesome deck! I'm still experimenting with Naya and Gruul at the moment having come through from B/R Vampires and Rakdos.

That said I'm not an FNM player, people at my local are DICKS. But I am encouraged to try, this is your signature deck, so I'm not going to brazenly copy it, but what would your tips be for someone looking to go to their first FNM? (Importantly I'd be looking to place high up ;) ) If you don't mind me asking?

March 12, 2013 11:21 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #19

Well, aggro decks are really easy to play. There are a lot of tricks and moments when you have to be smart... but generally, you just play as many creatures as you can, and you swing.

Now, that's being VERY general. You won't place well if that's all you do... unless you play Red Deck Wins. Then you will win without trying.

First you need to decide what kind of deck you'd like to play. Whether its one of 3 basic categories, i can help you decide what to play, and how to play it. So, do you want to try an Aggro deck? A mid-range, creature deck? Or a control-kill-your-shit-then-drop-bombs kind of deck?

March 12, 2013 11:49 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #20

I know you're not asking me but I want a Winter Orb Meekstone Kismet kind of control deck in standard.

sits down in the peanut gallery

March 12, 2013 12:22 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #21

Blind Obedience is as close as you're gonna get right now, Apoptosis, ahah

March 12, 2013 12:47 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #22

Apoptosis - there are blue enchantments that somewhat fill the role but are nowhere near as powerful - Encrust / Claustrophobia, also Pacifism and Arrest

March 12, 2013 2:04 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #23

Thanks ChiefBell for the info. Not to hijack the thread, but I guess what I really mean is that when I think of "control" I don't think of decks that have lots of fast responses to aggro followed by big bombs late game. When I think of "control", I think of decks that shut down your opponent's capability to function. Either combos that change the battlefield in a way to favor your strategies and hose them...

Meekstone + Kismet

Stasis + Kismet + Black Vise

Hymn to Tourach + The Rack + Bottomless Pit

Winter Orb + Black Vise

Nether Void

The Abyss, etc. maybe a more modern equivalent would be Stripmine Crucible of Worlds

... anything that made your opponent go "oh crap..."

...or archetypes that could respond easily to threat:

e.g. Counterspell + Control Magic + Time Elemental (i.e. counter it, steal it, or bounce it), which is why Blue was my favorite.

That sort of thing. Back in the day I loved to play decks that transformed the battlefield into an unfriendly environment that favored your deck and just shut down your opponent's. Whether that was white weenies sneaking under a Meekstone or Big blue, it didn't matter. The few legacy decks I've thrown together work on that principle (but would probably get hosed).

Anyway, that's the sort of control deck I would love to have in standard. The only cards that I've seen that comes close is Descent into Madness + Assemble the Legion. Ok, forget the ramblings of an old fart. Back to human aggro!!!

March 12, 2013 3:49 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #24

Sorry Apoptosis, i totally updated the thread before i saw you posted.

Here is your post again for easy reading.

Thanks ChiefBell for the info. Not to hijack the thread, but I guess what I really mean is that when I think of "control" I don't think of decks that have lots of fast responses to aggro followed by big bombs late game. When I think of "control", I think of decks that shut down your opponent's capability to function. Either combos that change the battlefield in a way to favor your strategies and hose them...

Meekstone + Kismet

Stasis + Kismet + Black Vise

Hymn to Tourach + The Rack + Bottomless Pit

Winter Orb + Black Vise

Nether Void

The Abyss , etc. maybe a more modern equivalent would be Stripmine Crucible of Worlds

... anything that made your opponent go "oh crap..."

...or archetypes that could respond easily to threat:

e.g. Counterspell + Control Magic + Time Elemental (i.e. counter it, steal it, or bounce it), which is why Blue was my favorite.

That sort of thing. Back in the day I loved to play decks that transformed the battlefield into an unfriendly environment that favored your deck and just shut down your opponent's. Whether that was white weenies sneaking under a Meekstone or Big blue, it didn't matter. The few legacy decks I've thrown together work on that principle (but would probably get hosed).

Anyway, that's the sort of control deck I would love to have in standard. The only cards that I've seen that comes close is Descent into Madness + Assemble the Legion . Ok, forget the ramblings of an old fart. Back to human aggro!!!

March 12, 2013 4 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #25

No worries Vos_Is_Boss... that's a bunch of ramblings that should be deleted. LOL!

March 12, 2013 4:02 p.m.

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