The Kessig Township

Modern Vos_Is_Boss

SCORE: 145 | 680 COMMENTS | 35228 VIEWS | IN 70 FOLDERS Top 8: 03/15

Snatcharelli says... #1

Voss, I come to you in the humblest regard. Could you give me suggestions on my new deck FARSEEK for a better tomorrow?

April 29, 2013 11:15 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #2

Only 1 's' in Vos ;D

Yeah sure, lemme take a look after i wake up. XO

April 30, 2013 9:24 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #3

There are a few new cards that i would consider a maybe to try out for this deck...

Armed / Dangerous

Gruul War Chant

Legion's Initiative

Renounce the Guilds

Rubblebelt Maaka + Slaughterhorn + Ghor-Clan Rampager

Unflinching Courage

Viashino Firstblade



Which ones do you boys like the most?

April 30, 2013 3:31 p.m.

actiontech says... #4

Personally I am often having trouble getting a turn 4 Hellrider out due to him not being human and being unable to get 2 non-cavern red sources out in time. I'd hate to exascerbate the problem by adding another non-human like Viashino Firstblade to the mix (and he doesn't pump your champ!)

I think you could definitely work up some kind of different deck though using Giant Growth , Rubblebelt Maaka , Slaughterhorn , Ghor-Clan Rampager , Armed / Dangerous but the changes would be so drastic it's not really the same deck anymore. I'm definitely going to be toying around with Legion's Initiative though. Being able to duck Supreme Verdict without holding a Boros Charm is going to be huge, and the +1/+1 is just cake.

April 30, 2013 4:09 p.m.

Trmiller1326 says... #5

Armed / Dangerous looks like the best bet.


Right now I really like Viashino Firstblade . It did great for me at one Pre-release. Especially when you bloodrush him!

Legion's Initiative looks nice, but you'll have to have the right combo. For now I think it's a must sideboard to counter any type of Esper Control.

Gruul War Chant and Unflinching Courage are good cards, but for what you want in this deck I don't think it would even make the first cut.

I don't see Renounce the Guilds be as popular as some think it will be. It's a nice removal, but it has a lot of answers to it at the moment.

April 30, 2013 4:11 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #6

Good starting conversations.

Here is what i think about my listings of those cards...

Armed / Dangerous - pumps +1/+1... gives double strike... and forces everyone to block on of your creatures. In the case of this deck, giving double strike at sorcery speed is risky. Combat tricks like bloodrush are so strong because they are unexpected... when a player KNOWS whats going to strike... they can react, and counter the play appropriately.

However... in cases where i have an army... and i need to get all of them through some blockers, the DANGEROUS side can force them all to block my smallest guy, and allow my bigger, paired dudes to swing in for maximum damage. Its almost unblockable for the rest of my army, -1 little guy.

ARMED, when a board is empty, can be a powerful finisher. Especially if i have several counters on my Champion of the Parish . With no Silverblade Paladin to play, i can still drop in for that damage... however, since a lot of my guys are 2/2's or 3/3's if i have a Mayor of Avabruck  Flip ... it might only offer 4 extra damage... in which case a Boros Charm or Searing Spear to their face would do the same.

For this split card... i only see a really strong use out of it's DANGEROUS side. In a deck with bigger creatures... like Thundermaw Hellkite ... ARMED would be devastating.

Gruul War Chant - An actually very powerful 4-drop. Its a minor version of Madcap Skills on ALL of my creatures. Its a Pyreheart Wolf that is not as easy to get rid of... and instead of playing that Pyreheart Wolf on turn 3, i can play 2 creatures, or one stronger one... then drop this enchantment bomb on turn 4 for the win. Hellrider essentially does the same thing... dealing out that extra +1 damage for every creature, plus himself... but it doesn't mediate blocking at all, and my plans can be thwarted a little more easily.

Legion's Initiative - +1/+1 to... absolutely nobody in my deck. Except for Boros Reckoner . I understand how the dodge-boardwipe works... however, turn 2 and 3, i'm dropping my cards for the win... not to prevent myself from losing. Against esper control... if they cannot top deck a Terminus , i might have them dead by turn 4 already. If i dont... i can save a Boros Charm in my hand for the wipe. The way i see it... in this deck with no multi-colored guys (boros multi-colored), i do not see the great benefit you'd see if you played a straight boros aggro deck, or mono red.

Renounce the Guilds - As i stated... i do not have many multi-colored creatures in this deck, save Burning-Tree Emissary . I can see this removal spell getting past a lot of trouble in other decks. It kills Boros Reckoner ... it kills Sorin, Lord of Innistrad , it kills Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip , it kills Lotleth Troll ... it actually kills a lot of strong cards, and i do not need to worry about my own things. It could be a viable sideboard card.

Rubblebelt Maaka + Slaughterhorn + Ghor-Clan Rampager - You are right in saying these belong in a different deck... but imagine the power! Oh man... gruul aggro is very strong right now.

Unflinching Courage - More of a filler card to start conversation than anything. Lifelink - Trample is powerful on any creature, throwing it on a Thragtusk would make people's head spin. Its a more viable card in Naya Midrange than Naya aggro. But i could see it being decent in the mirror. Taking one of my guys out of burn range, and gaining the life i need to survive while forcing them to chump their wieners.

Viashino Firstblade - Again... a good card... but for a different deck. Boros aggro has a lot more viable cards to play with... and this guy is one of them. Do not underestimate the Viashino.

April 30, 2013 4:28 p.m.

actiontech says... #7

Went 3-1 at FNM with this deck last night. Loss was to a Orzhov extort deck with a bunch of first strike guys and Fiend Hunter which kept taking out my Champs once they got bigger, then of course they come back sans counters and it totally kills the momentum of the deck. I could've killed him once when he was down to 4 life and I was holding a pair of Boros Charm s but could not get a non-cavern red source to play one. I've since substituted out the Slayers' Stronghold for a Rootbound Crag because getting enough red out is a consistent problem for me.

Have you looked at Voice of Resurgence as a sideboard card against control? I know the tokens aren't humans but it seems like a pretty decent card.

May 4, 2013 9:45 a.m.

have you ever thought about Skarrg Guildmage instead of Rancor ????

May 4, 2013 2:14 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #9


Thats probably a wise move. Usually the helper lands do not offer that much assistance. I've only ever been able to use it on occasion... It has never saved me or won be the game to be honest.

Bringing in that Rootbound Crag is a solid fix, and I hope it helps you.

May 6, 2013 11:21 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #10


Oh i've looked at him. Quite a lot... unfortunately, for the deck i am running, Sunhome Guildmage is a better fit. I get a lot of creatures out there, and the tample really doesnt have that much more punch. Trample on a Champion of the Parish with double strike is good... but the MAIN reason i have Rancor is the permanent +2/+0 buff it gives.

I think Skarrg Guildmage belongs in a deck with fat monsters with huge power that needs to be able to trample over the enemy's little dudes.

May 6, 2013 11:23 a.m.

Trmiller1326 says... #11

Just comparing some notes here.

Over the weekend I playtested Bacon! with both Gruul War Chant and Viashino Firstblade . I know the decks aren't the same but the style is quite similar. (I have to keep up with my local meta as well)

Gruul War Chant ran VERY well. It made an immediate double threat as long as I had a Champion of the Parish on the board. When Gruul War Chant hit the board either turns 4 or 5 it was enough to end the game, as my opponents just didn't have any blockers from the few few swings, or none at all.

Viashino Firstblade played as well as I thought. It was a quick attack for 4, but in the end it hurt Champion of the Parish for the next turn. And of course, Viashino Firstblade dropped back down to 2/2 and became a chump blocker.

May 6, 2013 11:39 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #12

:3 i really like the idea of Gruul War Chant

It is superb in limited... and because limited is just kind "play creatures and swing" it can compare to my deck as well. Good for one is usually good for the other.

I can't wait to playtest it. A majority of decks i play against usually drop the Lingering Souls to chump. Gruul War Chant effectively allows most of my guys through, while forcing them to chump 2 souls onto 1 guy.

May 6, 2013 11:59 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #13

Hi Vos_Is_Boss. What's your thoughts on Phytoburst . Yes, it's sorcery speed but if you've been bashing turns 1-3 and you have a soulbonded Silverblade Paladin out there, you can drop this for the win. At 2CMC Phytoburst leaves you 2 mana open on turn 4 to drop either Rancor or Searing Spear to clear a path, which makes the sorcery speed less of an issue.

Did Tajic, Blade of the Legion fail to make the cut because he doesn't have haste? My guess is he's more of a mid-range guy that starts as a chump blocker and becomes a monster later.

May 14, 2013 2:20 p.m.

DarkHero says... #14

might want to reconsider Assemble the Legion . I was not a fan at first, but if your opponent can't get rid of it fast enough, it is a ticking time bomb.

May 17, 2013 11:38 a.m.

mailman44 says... #15

hey love the deck man been playing it for a couple of weeks and was wondering what you side each thing out for based on the popular decks found at fnm.

May 20, 2013 11:55 p.m.

Hitaro says... #16

What cards were you thinking of changing to keep this deck standard after the rotation this summer?

June 2, 2013 7:57 p.m.

neumannj says... #17

This deck won't be possible after rotation.

June 20, 2013 3:42 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #18

jmallette1 22 land isn't enough to get Assemble the Legion out consistently when it's needed to help this deck.

June 26, 2013 10:45 p.m.

FrostyJams says... #19

Hey Vos_Is_Boss,

After taking a beating from your deck and a few others with my last deck ExalteD-Strike, I built The Exalted Life that has a consistent win record against these caliber decks. I wanted to see if you would give it a look and let me know what you think. Thanks

June 30, 2013 11:21 p.m.

Yo Vos_Is_Boss!

In your spare time would you mind taking a look at my new Shepards of Light deck is pretty solid i think but i always could use some advice from a superb deck builder thanks man.

July 17, 2013 7:04 p.m.

Homdoc says... #21

I can't understand why no use Lightning Bolt instead the other instant that has the same effect but cost 1 more.

August 14, 2014 11:47 a.m.

laccol says... #22

Pretty easy answer: This deck is from last Standard's season, and Lightning Bold being Standard legal is long ago :P

August 15, 2014 4:29 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #23

Oh man... I havn't even logged into Tapped Out in over a year.


October 1, 2014 12:43 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #24

I'm so sorry everyone who had questions... :( I've been away for too long.

October 1, 2014 12:44 p.m.

notKingCole says... #25

Dude, this is pretty friggin awesome. Only thing I can say is, if you're moving to modern, consider Rest in Peace or Grafdigger's Cage over Purify the Grave. Also, Legion's Initiative is nifty, especially with Thatcher Revolt. As far as finishers, you might consider Ajani, Caller of the Pride or Sarkhan Vol. Both can be tough to deal with without burn spells.

March 12, 2015 11:50 a.m.

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