The Kessig Township

Modern Vos_Is_Boss

SCORE: 145 | 680 COMMENTS | 35228 VIEWS | IN 70 FOLDERS Top 8: 03/15

jmoody0612 says... #1

I need to get my playset finished off.... maybe 2 playsets... I added it back into deck:rise-of-boros-gtc, what do you think?

January 28, 2013 5:49 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #2

I'm not sure if card:Aurelia's Fury is good for a deck with 22 land, or as bursty as this. Through playtesting... i might be able to tap 1 creature effectively? Otherwise, i want to tap out to play all my creatures to win that turn.

January 29, 2013 9:14 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #3

Just my $0.02 but card:Aurelia's Fury has a lot of possibilities. It can tap an imposing blocker, has great creature removal, can prevent the casting of combat tricks, and serves as a late way to end the game. I don't see how it can't fit into most decks running R/W.

January 29, 2013 9:41 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #4

I mean for this deck specifically, because i win on turn 3/4/5 90% of the time (have playtested against other decks in the meta currently)

I rarely get a chance to use it with my other cards. I tapped 2 creatures once for the win. But that was the only use i got out of it. I'm usually tapping out for the combat tricks to win.

January 29, 2013 9:51 a.m.

jmoody0612 says... #5

T1: Champion of the Parish

T2: Burning-Tree Emissary then another Burning-Tree Emissary followed by Madcap Skills on Champion of the Parish , who swings for basically unblockable 6 damage. Seems good.

Have you thought about Firefist Striker ? At the rate this deck can pump out the dudes and swing, it might not be a terrible idea. To me, it is a pretty good battalion, especially early on and coupled with a Madcap Skills . I may experiment with it some for fun.

January 29, 2013 1 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #6

Yeah, i was thinking about him a lot. With Burning-Tree Emissary , i wonder how relevant it would be to try and get more Gruul-ey.

I mean... i have all my duals now. But White doesn't bode well with Burning-Tree Emissary

January 29, 2013 1:09 p.m.

jmoody0612 says... #7

I have been thinking the same thing about Burning-Tree Emissary , but it is just such a good accelerant for Champion of the Parish in the sense of dropping another guy, like Lightning Mauler .

January 29, 2013 1:20 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #8

Oh its staying in. I'm still running naya, but some of the white spells might be more difficult (the non-creature ones, cuz i still have Cavern of Souls

January 29, 2013 2:01 p.m.

jmoody0612 says... #9

True that. I actually added in an extra Plains

January 29, 2013 2:04 p.m.

eilory says... #10

Ambitious for you to claim that you're changing the meta. May I suggest that this is not in fact game-changing, as you are not modifying how Magic is played, but rather you have constructed an aggro deck that is better than most-perhaps all- of the aggro decks out there already?

What is your thought process in playing a deck like this? Most of my friends say stuff like "Aggro is mindless, and requires no thought" But I believe that aggro really requires more strategy than a control deck, as unpopular an opinion as that might be. Interested to hear your thoughts.

January 29, 2013 2:17 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #11

First off, I have to change a lot of my text in the description. Haha, i understand that my deck will probably need to be played on a pro level, or by 'popular players' to even be recognized. (which is not my goal, because someone will just claim this deck as their own idea). By way of changing the meta, i just mean that human aggro is really unnoticed right now when everyone just sees the R/B zombie aggro, or Mono red and decides to run those aggro decks only.

By playing it, and showing people how it works, i hope to make it more popular. Granted, its not flawless, but i have tested this deck A FRIGGIN LOT against decks in the meta right now, and it can hold its own fairly often. However... if the right cards aren't played at the right time, or an enemy deck has all the right removal at the perfect time, this deck can struggle (like any aggro deck)

Most of your friends say that, probably because they lose to an aggro deck in 4 turns, and cry. My friends hate this deck, and hate to play against it, because they just lose. I say the same thing about control decks (when i lose), because the games last forever, and its not my style. It doesn't mean they are wrong, and that its not magic. Aggro may seem "mindless" because to the opponent, you're just playing your hand and swinging. (which is only half true, hehe) You need to play the right cards to dodge your opponent. Decide when to play a creature, or when to play a burn/removal, what to save for the final burst.

A deck like this, i don't have to play the mindless way, and play everything ASAP. I can save, maybe 3 cards in my hand, and drop them all at once for about 10 damage if an opponent is not ready. Or two for 8 (Lightning Mauler + Silverblade Paladin )

These are just my findings. I'm not a pro-player. I don't have a video-blog and talk magic in and out. I just play, and play often. From what i have seen, a deck like this (finally made more apparent because of Boros and Gruul in gatecrash) that is potentially more aggressive than any deck in the meta, should be noticed, and played more often, thus, changing the meta of aggro.

"Aggro is mindless"? You play to win. You play to get their life to 0, You play to mill their deck, you play to control the field, and swing in when you're satisfied.

Honestly... my own thoughts? If someone would come in here and tell me my deck sucks, and doesn't work, I'd tell them to look at my results, read a play-by-play that i have documented, and kindly go shove a roll of barbed wire up their own ass. This is my deck, and my style. If you can't offer decent criticism to help another person, then you should probably not be playing magic.

January 29, 2013 2:44 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #12

Well uh.. hmm. I'm done raging.

You can probably tell some people have talked down on me about my deck. People are too ignorant sometimes.

And, eilory, my goal is to change the meta of aggro, whether i do that or not, i cannot say. :)

January 29, 2013 2:46 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #13

I really appreciate everything that everyone is saying. You can't improve without criticism, and with everyone who has given pointers, pointed out flaws, or even said they think this deck simply looks cool, you've all helped me refine, and attempt to refine a simple magic the gathering deck.

January 29, 2013 2:48 p.m.

jmoody0612 says... #14

Vos_Is_Boss, I will be using a variant of this I am tinkering with come this FNM. Aggro needs a legitimate scary deck and I think this is either it, or like 1,000,000+ miles ahead of the other aggro decks out there currently. eilory, to quote you,"Ambitious for you to claim that you're changing the meta. May I suggest that this is not in fact game-changing, as you are not modifying how Magic is played, but rather you have constructed an aggro deck that is better than most-perhaps all- of the aggro decks out there already?" You negated your own statement. Changing the meta is exactly what this deck could do. It is what ANY good deck does. When a good deck arises, the meta has to either (1) shift to deal with it, or (2) get beat over and over and over until we see a meta dominated by the same deck (caw-blade anyone?)

January 29, 2013 2:56 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #15

Thanks, jmoody0612, I don't think this deck is "Caw-blade" status... but it most certainly could destroy it XD

January 29, 2013 2:59 p.m.

jmoody0612 says... #16

No problem, I was just giving it a reference because most everyone knows what it did to the standard meta. A good aggro deck is certainly meta changing, just like a good control deck is, or midrange. Right now, this is probably the fastest, most reliable aggro I have had the pleasure of using, that alone can change the meta

January 29, 2013 3:02 p.m.

Aturos says... #17

I don't think that deck will change the meta. so called "pro-players" are building their decks on their own and other players copy the grand-prix winner decks... I think that's how it usually works hahaha :D

but what Vos_Is_Boss did is to be one of the first players, that have noticed how POWERFUL naya aggro is and will be... I did it as well just because naya midrange seems to expensive so I played around with ideas and came up with a naya aggro as well ;)

I'll play naya aggro in the new meta as well asap.... (I need those damned shocklands ... hopefully they are in my box on friday ;) ) but to be honest The Kessig Township gave me a lot of inspirations and that's exactly what it does... inspiring people! There are enough aggro players out there, looking for a fast and strong aggro deck, that is able to hold against the upcomming meta...

so all we have to do is sit back and watch cards like Mayor of Avabruck  Flip getting expensive while we already got our playset ;)

and to all players that hate aggro.... go and build your mid range/control decks... challenge us... WE ARE PREPARED! >:D'nuff said!

ps:sorry for my bad english I'm still trying to get better by reading and posting a lot ... ;)

January 29, 2013 3:48 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #18

Your English is fine :3

January 29, 2013 3:56 p.m.

eilory says... #19

Well now.

I see what you did there -- "You can't improve without criticism, and with everyone who has given pointers, pointed out flaws, or even said they think this deck simply looks cool, you've all helped me refine, and attempt to refine a simple magic the gathering deck."

Frankly, I like you better in rage mode. If I get a full paragraph response with respect to the mind game of an aggro deck, as well as the spirit of what the game is, playstyle and all that, then you have proven yourself, ma'am, both a theorist and a visionary. To quote another genius -- Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

I do believe that to the utmost. Your humility is admirable- that said, I feel bad to see you concede to your critics if they don't really have a clue what they're talking about.

But less talking, more doing. Just kill the naysayers with your aggro humans deck. Then you can be as courteous and modest as you want :)

January 29, 2013 8:13 p.m.

jmoody0612 says... #20

Hey Vos_Is_Boss, I playtested against my wife's B/R Zombies that she won 2nd place at FNM last week with.

T1: Champion of the Parish

T2: Two Burning-Tree Emissary followed by Lightning Mauler , paired.

She was just like, "Wtf just happened!?"

To which I replied, "Eight damage." :)

I can't wait to see people's expression during FNM

January 30, 2013 11:12 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #21


January 30, 2013 11:13 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #22


Me neither! I'm going to try and put a play-by-play together. However, im not sure how my opponents will feel about me documenting each and every tear they shed

January 30, 2013 11:15 a.m.

jmoody0612 says... #23

I may bring an empty glass and set it on the table. When they ask what it is, I will reply, "I'm collecting your tears as documentation."

--on second thought, that kind of sounds creepy, like Hannibal Lecter creepy.

January 30, 2013 11:18 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #24

HAHA Excellent idea though!

January 30, 2013 11:19 a.m.

jmoody0612 says... #25

Btw, Boros Reckoner spiked up to $10 yesterday. He was at like $3 or $4. Should've kept that guy a secret :)

January 30, 2013 11:35 a.m.

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