The Kessig Township

Modern Vos_Is_Boss

SCORE: 145 | 680 COMMENTS | 35228 VIEWS | IN 70 FOLDERS Top 8: 03/15

Vos_Is_Boss says... #1

I like Domri Rade in a midrange deck. I know he is good... but it seems like i'd rather play something to try and win faster on turn 3. I'm not just not sure if he belongs in my deck.

Also... i hate the art for that card. He doesn't even fit in the frame like other planeswalkers. At least make him fighting a beast, or riding one. guuuuuuuuuuuuugh

January 31, 2013 11:09 a.m.

eilory says... #2

Domri? Cheap and he kills one of my creatures. YES YES and YES.

January 31, 2013 11:12 a.m.

jmoody0612 says... #3

How about Dangerous Wager after you have no or little hand? Not as good as the miracled Reforge the Soul , but could help bolster your hand.

January 31, 2013 11:23 a.m.

eilory says... #4

Wait ... you can't play Domri Rade on turn 5 instead ???

Okay fine, I see that he would be a turn 3, technically but ...

Say turn 5 ... Domri doesn't resolve because I negate it, wasting my counter, then you Boros charm for the win?

And I never thought I'd see someone else be picky about the artwork. It pains me to run Deathrite Shaman because I hate Steve Argyle with a passion.

January 31, 2013 11:24 a.m.

jmoody0612 says... #5

Or Wild Guess , but you have to have a card to get rid of with this one.

January 31, 2013 11:26 a.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #6

Wild Guess , Dangerous Wager , Faithless Looting , Reforge the Soul ... They are all ways to refill my attack... I just don't know if they are good enough. Will have to playtest the idea at a later date. This friday, i am opening with this version of The Kessig Township. But i am interested in how to refuel my hand, so i'll record that some other time.

January 31, 2013 11:36 a.m.

TheThanatosian says... #7

Is there a reason you're not running Kessig Wolf Run ? I don't see how running one or even two could mess up your mana base, and when aggro runs out of steam, it's a great mana sinker as long as you've got one creature.

January 31, 2013 12:11 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #8

Initially, i took it out because Cavern of Souls was getting in the way of casting my non-creature spells effectively. Especially when i was running Selesnya Charm , and now Boros Charm . Having colors early at the right time was essential. It led to more stress than it did benefit, so i just took it out.

I think i'll add one back in, because you are absolutely correct.

January 31, 2013 12:20 p.m.

Goalith says... #9

The lack of "decent" draw power in red standard is very noticible.

Reforge the Soul is the one of the few decent draw power for red. While it may help you out, it may also help/screw over your opponent hand. Worse case scenerio, he refill his hand and aquires more ammunition to kill off your creatures. Best case scenerio, you get rid of bunch of instants that could be used against you and he draws nothing to stop you

If you perfer a single person drawing, Faithless Looting is very nice although you gotta ditch 2 cards as a trade-off.

For the four mid-game aggro, here is my take for the top 2:

  • Hellrider is top (seriously $10!!! each) of the line for red aggro. If you manage to get 2 out, all hell breaks loose

  • Spark Trooper is more of a "target" for your opponent cause he's going to do BIG damage if you don't stop him. Plus a few combat tricks never seem to hurt looks at Silverblade Paladin and Boros Charm

  • Or my favorite combat trick with Spark Trooper is to equip him with card:Inquisitor's Flail and if no one decides to block him, grant him double strike right afterwards for 24 damage.

@Vos_Is_Boss Thanks for taking my suggestions, or at least considered them :)

January 31, 2013 2:05 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #10

@Goalith, im open to all suggestions. The magic community is all about working together to figure out their own decks. I'm trying to make the fastest deck in standard, and i did it. I want to share it with other people who are interested, and have them look it over and offer more input, (like yours).

However, i'm probably going to stick to tribal humans unless it doesn't work out perfectly. If cards like Spark Trooper and Boros Reckoner really do play out as nearly unstoppable, I might deviate a little. But i have a lot of studying and playtesting to do with this archetype of human aggro.

Please keep the suggestions coming.

January 31, 2013 2:46 p.m.

Aturos says... #11

you guys and girls are just talking about red card advantage.... what about Mentor of the Meek ? I know he is not a real aggro card.... but he has easy casting costs and gives you a CONSTANT card advantage... ;)

January 31, 2013 5:09 p.m.

jmoody0612 says... #12

Mentor of the Meek is a pretty good card, and it could be a viable option considering after you play him (T3),is when you want to be getting more cards. The only downside to him is he dies like every other creature and if you lose him, no card draw.

But on the + side, they got rid of a less important dude.

January 31, 2013 5:12 p.m.

Aturos says... #13

haha we should build a deck based on removal magnets like Silverblade Paladin , Thalia, Guardian of Thraben , Hellrider and Spark Trooper :D

One does not simply kill all those creatures! >:D

January 31, 2013 5:21 p.m.

jmoody0612 says... #14

Vos_Is_Boss, I am experimenting with Reforge the Soul instead of Rancor in Naya Tribe. It seems like it is great when playstesting, but I don't know how well it will really work in an actual game.

January 31, 2013 5:29 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #15

I'm going to try and side it in against control decks, or deck s with heavy removal.

January 31, 2013 5:47 p.m.

JSims says... #16

In the same vein, Boros Reckoner with card:Inquisitor's Flail is much more amusing because of the Reckoner's effect. ;) Muahahaha

January 31, 2013 5:52 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #17

AHHHH Boros Reckoner !!!!!!!! i better open like... 7 of them tomorrow. Getting 3 boxes at noon tomorrow. Omg... its going to be better than X-mas!!!

January 31, 2013 5:55 p.m.

JSims says... #18

I am cracking two boxes tomorrow. I'll keep any extras open for trade. :P

January 31, 2013 5:57 p.m.

Goalith says... #19

I'm getting 2 boxes too, hoping to get like 2. Anymore and I may either consider selling or putting more into my deck

January 31, 2013 9:28 p.m.

Araj says... #20

Hey there, I'd like to have a Naya humans chat with ya mate. I'm currently running a Naya humans deck, but I would like to update it to gatecrash.

Why do you only play 3 Rancor s? I understand that Madcap Skills is a powerful card in both its power boost and the blocking rule, but you loose it when you loose the creature its put on (and lets face it, if we're winning by turn 4, and spend 1 turn putting it on something wouldn't you like to be able to re-use it should they have removal?)

Also, why only 3 Silverblade Paladin s? I personally see this card as the most powerful thing out there right now for the humans after Champ of the Parish and perhaps now Burning-tree emissary because of its mad comboing abilities.

In my opinion card:Aurelia's Fury is a bit more of a midrange card than should be in an aggro deck, but I can see the power in spell cast prevention on turn 3 or 4 to set up the win.

A card that has caught my attention recently was Experiment One (I'll be honest, I did see it in a MTG Daily article on the wizards site), but I liked the idea of using it as the alternate 1 drop. It is a human (I actually didn't notice this when I first saw the card!) but it has a similar effect to champion of the parish. I have found it consistently becomes a 2/2 and rarely a 3/3, but I personally would prefer the 2/2 vs. the 3/3 that Boros Elite becomes when it attacks because the buff is permanent and you don't have to attack with any mayors you have out to trigger the batallion buff.

I'm almost done, I promise. Last point here, you have Thalia, Guardian of Thraben in your side board. It may just be the environment you play in (I encounter a lot of mid-range and control oriented decks vs. creature aggro's), but I think that Thalia is worth being in your main deck. She's a turn slow down for any control deck and is a huge target for removal (distract 'em from the champ?).

Anyway, there's some food for thought. Sorry for any grammar errors, as I am too lazy to proof this post -_-


January 31, 2013 11:26 p.m.

Araj says... #21

Btw, if you could check out my deck and provide feedback too I'd appreciate it! The Power of Burning Humans

January 31, 2013 11:28 p.m.

Reyalsfeihc says... #22

I decided to search up some hexproof creatures for you in order to not slow your board presence. Unfortunately I found only two in standard that are creatures: Elgaud Shieldmate and Oak Street Innkeeper . I feel that the elf, although not in your archetype, could really help since every turn you'll be swinging with your heavy hitters anyway.

February 1, 2013 1:35 a.m.

PTsmitty says... #23

I was curious, what is your take on card:Slayers' Stronghold over Kessig Wolf Run . I am thinking Kessig would be better because of the trample, but just wanted to get your input.

February 1, 2013 8:13 p.m.

oakenshild says... #24

sorry for another epic trilogy to read, but, its official, this deck is stupid!!

a turn three win? that is awesome! the one thing I have to complain about is your mana base. I find that it's too easy to not find that forest to get Burning-Tree Emissary out (the lone Plains is a bit redundant since all you'r land have white). I would say if you can, try to fit in two Stomping Ground and Rootbound Crag in place of two Sacred Foundry and Clifftop Retreat . But that being said, you have a lot of red spells so you might not kneed as many Temple Garden (especialy with all those caverns).

go 3x Temple Garden 3x Sacred Foundry and add 2x Stomping Ground and3x Sunpetal Grove 3x Clifftop Retreat and 2x Rootbound Crag

and Boros Reckoner is gona be a beast its even good with Madcap Skills , and if you don't like the way they block you can always give it first strike. if you can fit it in, DO IT!

congrats on making the fastest deck in the meta.

February 2, 2013 12:40 p.m.

Greyjoy67 says... #25

I was thinking bout splashing red into my G/W human deck when I stumbled upon this deck. I've been play testing it for about twenty minuets and it seems very fun, have you had an opportunity to test this deck at FNM yet?

February 4, 2013 12:38 a.m.

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