

He bids his minions rise from their graves to their knees.. .

The King

He also bids his minions abuse the shit out of annoying and powerful enter the battlefield abilities.

This deck aims to do just that.


Sedris the Traitor King. Although at a glance, it doesn't seem this commander's power level is through the roof, this deck has enough value, resilience, and attrition to grind out victories as well as win out of nowhere via explosive turns. I've had this deck for 5 years, and its been through many iterations and with each one I fall more and more in love with it. You too will love this deck if you like:

  • Huge creatures for cheap
  • Graveyard shenanigans
  • Creatures with value
  • Having answers for nearly any situation
At a glance, people might think Reanimation decks have one singular purpose; To hit hard with big dudes. This is not true. The reanimation route in EDH opens up all sorts of value for cheap and is so much more than hitting hard and fast. In fact, my take on Grixis Reanimator is quite the contrary. The basic philosophy of this deck is to have answers for everything our opponent's can throw at us, and first-and-foremost; generate value from our creatures by repeating/abusing our enter the battlefield triggers.

To out-value our opponents we must either dispatch or nullify our opponent's threats all while generating a threat of our own. Doing this will take a lot of foresight and prediction, but as you get more accustomed to this type of play, you will be able to think steps ahead as if it were second nature. This type of play is most akin to that of tempo decks. It is crucial to know all your deck's strengths and shortcomings in order to execute this to maximum effectiveness.

So, what does value mean?


Even if you've expended one of your answers to something that can cripple you, there are ways around things like this.

In a situation like this, you may feel a little flustered, but if you take time to assess the situation, you might think of a play something like.. Use Demonic Tutor to search yourself up a way to get some more value out of the now vanilla 2/2 Manic Vandal . You could search for Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker to get a token copy of the Vandal, blowing up that pesky Grafdigger's Cage and keep your ass out of the fire.

This simple play will have both nullified a threat ( Grafdigger's Cage ) and gave you a threat ( Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker ) leaving your opponent sweating what you plan to copy next with your new buddy Kiki.

This is one of many ways you can "Answer a threat with a threat"

This is how you should play this deck.

With all decks, colors, and playstyles there will be a certain set of strengths and weaknesses each possess. The goal is to minimize your deck's weak points and maximize the strength.. keeping power and synergy intact.

The strengths of this deck are as followed

  • A wide array of threats
  • A wide array of utility
  • A reanimating Commander on a beatstick
  • Great tutoring effects

With 29 creatures, this deck has a huge assortment of big bombs that can be thrown back onto the battlefield in a pinch to help you retain field dominance and keep pressure on your opponents.

Whether you choose to reanimate Thraximundar to selectively rid the battlefield of a single huge threat each turn, or you decide to remove it with a Duplicant , you're always going to have to keep things off the board and throw a big baddie back at your opponent.

You could choose to amass an army of your own with an early game Grave Titan , or whittle down the ranks of everyone else and use them against their owners with Sheoldred, Whispering One you're always going to have a big, annoying fatty on the board.

Utility comes in the form of Creatures as well.. after all, this is a Grixis toolbox!

There are so many answers in the form of little guys that even a lowly Baleful Strix or Mulldrifter can quickly turn into an allstar. It all depends on how you play them.

Blow up lands with Goblin Settler or Fulminator Mage , kill them off, and reanimate them again to decimate opponent's utility lands.

Use your opponent's own creatures against them with a well timed Nezumi Graverobber or Puppeteer Clique make them wince as their very own Aurelia, the Warleader comes flying in at them.

Set up for some late game stability with Nightscape Familiar or Solemn Simulacrum . Get them on the field early, and get to your bombs even earlier.

Search up just what you need, just at the right time with Imperial Recruiter or Rune-Scarred Demon .

The possibilities are nearly limitless and when used right, your creatures can be so much more than beaters.

A key element of this deck is using the Commander Sedris, the Traitor King to keep things flowing smoothly, but often Sedris himself if just looked at as an Unearth trigger or two.. Remember, a 5/5 body isn't something to scoff at and there is still a chance to hit for Commander damage.

The weaknesses of this deck include

  • Graveyard hate
  • Enchantments
  • Exiling

Let's face it... If you play a graveyard based deck, nothing hurts more than a well timed Bojuka Bog from a snickering asshole from across the board. Graveyard hate is always going to hurt your gameplan.. but the difference between hurting your gameplan and totally fucking your gameplan is how you approached it.

Play modestly.

Avoid the urge to throw every single threat in your deck into your grave. This will result in an easy target for a Bojuka Bog , Tormod's Crypt , etc. I mean, wouldn't you crack a Relic of Progenitus if someone just Buried Alive 'd Sheoldred, Whispering One , Thraximundar and a Grave Titan ?

Don't be greedy. Be smart. Play around graveyard hate.

Another weakness this deck possesses is a blaring and painfully obvious inability to deal with Enchantments. .. that can be a problem. Grixis unfortunately lacks the option of destroying or exiling Enchantments.. which with Doubling Season , Asceticism , Land Tax , Necropotence , and all other kinds of busted Enchantments running rampant in EDH can pose a problem. (Currently considering Karn Liberated )

Getting things outright exiled can be a thorn in the side when your aim is to reuse your creatures.. A Swords to Plowshares can often be a bigger inconvenience than a Wrath of God , but again, playing modestly and intelligently can make the difference between victory and defeat.

The heart of this deck.. the reason you wanted to play it in the first place.


You like getting Thraximundar turn 2 with Entomb turn one into a Animate Dead turn 2?

Do you enjoy the feeling when you Unearth a Sphinx of Uthuun and make your opponent's pull their hair out as they have to pick the next annoying thing they get to deal with?

How does +1ing Liliana of the Veil sound to you when you've got a Puppeteer Clique in hand?

Well these are just a few graveyard shenanigans you can accomplish and there are many more than you can imagine.

Fun combos and tricks

There are also a number of fun interactions and combos that you can pull off given the right timing and cards.

Keep your creatures longer by using Sedris' Unearth trigger and either activating Sundial of the Infinite , exiling them with Deadeye Navigator , or phase them out at the end of combat using Teferi's Veil .

All of these neat little tricks can keep your Unearthed creatures around, allowing even further abuse, or cheating them out for the simple cost of 2B.

Some fun combos (depending on your definition of fun) are:

Fleshbag Marauder + Sheoldred, Whispering One or Merciless Executioner This will help you keep the board clear every turn.

Deadeye Navigator + Rune-Scarred Demon For a powerful tutor effect. ( Deadeye Navigator plus any ETB ability really.. This card is nuts.)

Gilded Drake + Sedris, the Traitor King 's Unearth ability in order to permanently steal an opponent's creature, exiling Gilded Drake at end of turn, and keeping their creature.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + any creature with a good ETB ability.

Crucible of Worlds + Strip Mine or Wasteland to clear the field of troublesome lands or keep opponents off of key colors.

Crucible of Worlds + any fetch land to help perfect mana.

And if you feel like being a particularly big asshole

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts to go infinite.

This deck is very creature based as you can see, but there are a number of cards that aren't creatures that really help you smooth out the game and are undeniably good in grave based decks.

Keep your graveyard overflowing.

Dack Fayden , Fact or Fiction , Buried Alive , Entomb , Liliana of the Veil , Intuition , and Sneak Attack can help you stuff your graveyard and keep it full.

Removal without a stick

Sometimes, you've just got to have some real on the fly removal when things need to be dealt with immediately, or when the field is getting too scary. These come in the form of

Terminate , Liliana of the Veil 's -2, Toxic Deluge , Hero's Downfall , and Damnation .

Most threats can be dealt with in the form of my creatures, but these simple spells can help reset things and keep the odds in my favor.

Reanimation, utility, and ramp

Sometimes it isn't wise or efficient to cast your Commander. This can cripple choice decks, but not this one. Using a small reanimation suite, I can keep the game going, even when Sedris can't make an appearance.

Animate Dead , Reanimate , Necromancy , Whip of Erebos , and Yawgmoth's Will can keep my gameplan going without needing Sedris on the field.

Grixis has a hard time dealing with outright mana ramp, unlike Green that can use straight-forward spells like Kodama's Reach and Exploration .. So our ramp suite comes in the form of primarily mana rocks.

We use Mana Vault , Mana Crypt , Sol Ring , Coalition Relic , Chromatic Lantern , Commander's Sphere , and our buddy Solemn Simulacrum to get our colored and colorless mana to speed up our early game and get us to our big boys.

Utility cards that help me in a variety of ways:

Phyrexian Arena , Crucible of Worlds , Sensei's Divining Top , Mimic Vat , and Skullclamp .


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Revision 81 See all

(5 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #86 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.76
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Dack Fayden, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders EDH, Decks for Ideas, edh, Favorites of ALL TIME, COMMANDER, Fun EDH, deck ideas, EDH Grixis, Posible mazo EDH, coomander
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